Civilisation Britannique
The notion of objectivity is particularly important.
The Times has changed (size) because Britain is changing.
=>The Times before 2000 has financial difficulties to sale newspapers.
The honor or the Times first started to support commercial idea
+labour party has changed
==>so The Times tends to support labour party because it would win at the elections (Tony Blair).
Daily Telegraph => tipically conservative party
It's a kind of popular newspapers but not so popular equivalent as the Daily Mail.
==>tabloid slightly older
target females -->political/social opinions are more moderate.There is a certain moderation.
≠ The Sun= It is the most caracteristic of all the tabloids:
It is pro conservative / right wing ideas.
It is also the market leader, the best seller of Britans newspapers.
In 1980'sthere is the emergence of a new concept of newspaper, it would be usual, not only one political bias.
The papers depend on :
The Independant (1996) is the 1st quality newspaper which changed its sized.
Then it was adopted by all the other.
But for The Independant it's a fiasco.
The circulation of the Independant decreased, they stopped its publication until a relunch (kind of rebirth for it)
-->Includs now: pictures/ ideas changed/ eauropeans informations.
Tabloid have a such aggressive attitude in the life
==>British have a long tradition of press people.
Gouvernment tending to have an approach of the press of self regulation rather than authority «gentlemen agreement».
It took time to be adopted
≠ France always regulated (CSA).
1990's= they realised that the old gentlemen agreement was cracking.
British insist on the notion of democracy
==> British have an old tradition of secret (don't publicise too much because you lose efficience.).
Media strategy was used by politic and government to call communication strategies to spining originally.
To people= advise government.
«Spin Doctors»= «rendre quelque chose plus accessible».
Government communication's headquarter isn't in London because government communication has a London office nextdoor to the Prime Minister Headquater.
°Suspens of news=> way of testing opinion «How people react?»
ex: selon les rumeurs poussent les politiciens à confirmer ou non la nouvelle.
°Be record => unofficial speach.
But it's a game between media and politic.
Press is an essential component for the government about how the press is going to communicate their attentio,n (not about their popularity).
Political Institution: old ways and new option.
°gradualist an evolutionary
°adaptable and flexible
°the legacy of a pre-democratic age
==>Duality past/present.
°°°Constitution= how the government changes
=are essential to the democracy because it's a garanty. You should be aware about what is Britain.
But mainly parts of the Constitution are unwritten ==>STRANGE!!!
≠ France : I/II/III...Republic.
WHY??? ==>because decisions of writting or not.
Certain elements are written but they are never taken together in the same sheet.
Don't need to say it because enjoy it «we are free».
Moreover difficulties to make things evolve when they are fixed.
So they keep changing: life is about changing but not radical changes.
British believe in a world evolution ==>Darwin.
British Constitution is ambiguty.
Britain doesn't know what is a revolution ==>Notion of continuity.