Приложение № 1 (тексты для работы групп)
1.The Tower of London is an old castle with high walls, high towels, small windows and large gardens. Once it was a royal residence, a strong fortress and a state prison. Here many important people were imprisoned and beheaded.
Now it is a museum. You can see a lot of interesting things in the halls of the Tower. It has the finest collections from the British history.
William the Conqueror built it in the 11-th century. There are always 8 black ravens in the Tower of London. People look after the ravens as they believe that London will be rich while ravens live there.
These ravens are symbolic for London. The legend says that without them The Tower will fall.
They are not friendly. Once, one of them bit a German minister. One of the ravens has started to speak. He says “Come on then” and “Where is mine?”
The Tower is guarded by the Beefeaters. They wear dark blue uniforms. They show people around and tell stories about terrible things that have happened here.
castle - замок
A royal residence - королевскаярезиденция
fortress - крепость
prison - тюрьма
to imprison сажатьвтюрьму
To behead казнить
William the Conqueror _ ВильгельмЗавоеватель
Raven - ворон
Bit - укусил
to guard - охранять
Beefeater - бифитер, солдатохраныТауэра
to show around - водить (поТауэру)
2.One of the greatest English churches, St. Paul’s Cathedral, is not far from the Tower of London. The famous English architect Sir Cristopher Wren built it in the 17-th century after the Great Fire. It took him 35 years.
It is a beautiful building with many columns and towers. In one of its towers there is one of the largest bells in the world. The cathedral is a hundred and ten meters high and you can climb the 627 steps up to the dome. Inside the dome there is the Whispering Gallery. If you whisper close to the wall on one side of the dome, you can be heard on the other side. St. Paul’s gives a feeling of space and light to everyone who visits it.
St. Paul’sCathedral - собор Святого Павла
WilliamtheConqueror - Вильгельм Завоеватель
GreatFire - Великий лондонский пожар
bell - колокол
to climb up the steps - поднятьсяпоступенькам
dome - купол
Whispering Gallery - Галереяшёпота
to hear - слышать
a feeling of space and light - чувствопространстваисвета
3.If you go down Whitehall from Trafalgar Square you will come to Parliament Square. The square is very large. On the left you can see a long gкey building with towers which are the Houses of Parliament. It is the seat of the Britishgovernment. There are 1000 rooms there. The large clock on one of the towers is Big Ben. It is one of the famous clocks in the world. Big Ben is the name of the clock and the bell of the clock tower. You can hear the sound of Big Ben every hour in London. The clock and the bell got their names after Sir Benjamin Hall. He was in charge of the building works at Westminster. He was a tall man and his nickname was Big Ben. So people know the clock as Big. Ben.
The clock’s 4 white faces look north, south, east and west. The minute hands in each of the clocks faces are nearly 5 meters long.
The river Thames is behind the Houses of Parliament and there is a bridge across the river. It is called WestminsterBridge.
the Houses of Parliament - зданиепарламента
seat - местонахождение
government - правительство
bell - колокол
was in charge of the building works - руководилстроительнымиработами
nickname - прозвище
face - циферблат
minute hands - минутныестрелки
a bridge - мост
4.The center of London is Trafalgar Square. Some people say it is the most beautiful place in London. In the middle of the square stands a tall column. It is a monument to Admiral Nelson. He defeated the French at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. Four bronze lions look at the square from the monument.
There are two beautiful fountains in the square. They are in front of the National Gallery which is one of the best picture galleries in the world. It has a fine collection of European paintings.
Every day many tourists visit this fine building with tall columns.
Trafalgar Square is a good place for meetings, demonstrations and festivals.
Trafalgar Square - Трафальгарская площадь
defeated the French at the Battle of Trafalgar – одержалипобедунадфранцузамивбитвеподТрафальгаром
fountains - фонтаны
European paintings - европейскаяживопись
5.The Queen of England lives in BuckinghamPalace.
It is her London home. It is a wonderful building with a monument in front of it. It is the Queen Victoria Memorial. She was the first monarch to live in this beautiful building in the 18-th century.
When the flag is flying on the top the queen is at home. When the Union Jack is down she is out. Every day at 11.30 a.m. there is a ceremony of the Changing of the Guard at the gates of the Palace. The guardsmen wear a traditional uniform: a red coat and a black bearskin. This ceremony hasn’t changed since 1660.
BuckinghamPalace is enormous. There are 600 rooms, 78 bathrooms, a cinema, a swimming pool and even a post-office. There is also a beautiful park with a lake around the palace.
About 4500 servants work at the Palace.
When the Queen is on holiday the Palace opens to the public. You can visit the Grand Hall, the State Dining Room and the Music Room.
London is one of the few places in the world where you can see and meet a real queen and visit a royal palace.
BuckinghamPalace - Букингемскийдворец
monarch - монарх
flying on the top - развеваетсянакрыше
the Union Jack - флагБритании
a ceremony of the Changing of the Guard –
церемония смены караула
bearskin - кивер из медвежьей шкуры
enormous.- огромный
servants - слуги
royal - королевский
Приложение № 2 (тест)
1. Big Ben is …
- a palace
- a bell (clock)
- a square
- a church
2. The Queen lives in …
- Tower of London
- Buckingham Palace
- Westminster Abbey
3. Nowdays the Tower of London is…
- a fortress
- a prison
- a royal palace
- a museum
4. The country’s government seats at…
- Buckingham Palace
- Houses of Parliament
- Hyde Park
5. The royal church is…
- St. Paul’s Cathedral
- Henry VII Chapel
- Westminster Abbey
6. InTrafalgar Square there is a monument to…
- The Queen of England
- Sir Christopher Wren
- Admiral Nelson
7. Changing the Guard happens every day at…
- 11:30 a.m.
- 11:30 p.m.
- 10:35 a.m.