State Representative, District 10, Position 12-year term

Norma Smith

(Prefers Republican Party)

Elected Experience: WA State Representative 10th District, 2008-Present; Member South Whidbey School Board 1991-1995; President, South Whidbey School Board 1994

Other Professional Experience: Awards, recognitions and endorsements by public safety groups, farming groups, employment for the disabled advocates, statewide and small business organizations, environmental stewardship advocates. Special Assistant to Congressman Jack Metcalf; Director of Operations-Global Seascapes; Director of Communications-CRISTA; Director of Programs-CRISTA Senior Community; Writer, Operations Manager-Lindsay Communications

Education: BA Theology, Puget Sound Christian College; Legislative Energy Horizon Institute Energy Policy Planning Program Graduate, 2013

Community Service: Military and Emergency Medical Services family; Church and Community Activities; Young Adult Mentor; Family Central

Statement: It is an honor to serve as your State Representative. Your stories inspire me to be a determined, effective advocate for you and the issues important to the 10th District. I believe we must treat one another respectfully, restore trust by budgeting wisely, encourage private sector job growth, provide essential services and hold government accountable to the people. I’ll continue to champion limited, effective government. Preparing our students to succeed with quality education, keeping our communities safe and caring for our most vulnerable are essential priorities. I remain committed to giving you my best. I ask for your vote.

Contact: (360) 341-5171; ;

Michael Scott

(Prefers Libertarian Party)

Elected Experience: none

Other Professional Experience: Dir/Producer “On the Record” TV show; Dir/Producer “The Rising Sun”; CIO Hollywood Choppers/Chopper House; SCUBA Instructor/Special Effects; Disability Advocate-CSUN.

Education: MS computer science studies, MBA studies; BA in Film, BA of TV production; AA College of Redwoods; ROP radio broadcast, TV production, audio engineering.

Community Service: Having been a member of many fine charitable organizations; American Legion, Eagles, Moose Lodge, Habitat for Humanity, Disability Advocate-CSUN, and several others! I believe in giving where we can throughout the year, be it, St. Jude Children’s Hospital, Relay for Life, or giving food to our local food bank and providing meals to those in need.

Statement: My motivation to get involved is my love for our country, state and district. I had always thought those elected to serve “We the People” did just that, serve the People. However, after hearing our community concerns I came to the realization that we are not being heard. Libertarian party believes strongly in preserving our rights and listening to the People. A big part of this is “not” to accept corporate funding in order to gain special interests. With your support, I will serve our district, make unbiased decisions and use logic for the betterment of our community.

Contact: (360) 631-3458; ;