/ LESSON PLAN / LP –EE 2253LP Rev. No: 00
Date: 02/01/2013
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Sub Code & Name: EE 2253 Control Systems
Unit: I Branch: EEE Semester: IV
Unit syllabus:
Basic elements in control systems – Open and closed loop systems – Electrical analogy of mechanical and thermal systems – Transfer function – Synchros – AC and DC servomotors – Block diagram reduction techniques – Signal flow graphs.
To introduce various definitions concerning control systems, identify open loop and closed loop control systems, represent various control systems transfer functions in the form of block diagrams and signal flow graphs and obtain a simplified transfer function.
SessionNo / Topics to be covered / Time Allocation
(min) / Books Referred / Teaching Method
1 / Introduction to the subject and a brief view of control systems in practice, various definitions / 50 / 1,3,5 / BB
2 / Difference between open loop and closed loop control systems / 50 / 1,3,5 / BB
3 / Electrical analogy of mechanical systems, rotational and linear systems / 50 / 1,3,5 / BB
4 / Problems - Electrical analogy of mechanical rotational systems / 50 / 1,3,5 / BB
5 / Problems - Electrical analogy of mechanical linear systems / 50 / 1,3,5 / BB
6 / Electrical analogy of thermal systems / 50 / 1,3,5 / BB
7 / Simple problems on obtaining transfer function for mechanical system / 50 / 1,3,5 / BB
8 / Simple problems on obtaining transfer function for thermal systems / 50 / 1,3,5 / BB
9 / Introduction to block diagram algebra, various rules to simplify block diagrams / 50 / 1,3,5 / BB
10,11 / Simple problems on block diagram algebra / 50 / 1,3,5 / BB
12 / Study of Synchros and DC servomotors / 50 / 1,3,5 / BB
13 / Study of AC servomotor and Transfer function of DC and AC servomotor / 50 / 1,3,5 / BB
14 / Introduction to Signal flow graphs (SFG) to compute transfer function / 50 / 1,3,5 / BB
15,16 / Simple problems on SFG / 50 / 1,3,5 / BB
/ LESSON PLAN / LP – EE 2253
LP Rev. No: 00
Date: 02/01/2013
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SubCode & Name: EE 2253 Control Systems
Unit: II Branch: EEE Semester: IV
Unit syllabus:
Time response – Time domain specifications – Types of test input – I and II order system response – Error coefficients – Generalized error series – Steady state error – P, PI, PID modes of feed back control.
To differentiate steady state and transient responses of control systems, understand the time domain specifications of various types of control systems and compute the steady state error of various control systems.
SessionNo / Topics to be covered / Time Allocation
(min) / Books Referred / Teaching Method
17 / Introduction to unit contents, various time response parameters, their significance, type and order of a system, various test signals / 50 / 1,2,5,6 / BB
18 / Time domain specifications of a proto type I order control systems, Simple problems / 50 / 1,2,5,6 / BB
19 / Time domain specifications of a proto type II order control systems, Simple problems / 50 / 1,2,5,6 / BB
20 / Error coefficients and generalised error series / 50 / 1,2,5,6 / BB
21 / Problems in Error coefficients and generalised error series / 50 / 1,2,5,6 / BB
22 / Steady state error computation / 50 / 1,2,5,6 / BB
23 / Problems in steady state error computation / 50 / 1,2,5,6 / BB
24 / P,PI and PID controllers and their performance / 50 / 1,2,5,6 / BB
25 / Problems in P,PI and PID controllers / 50 / 1,2,5,6 / BB
26 / Problems on performance characteristics / 50 / 1,2,5,6 / BB
/ LESSON PLAN / LP – EE 2253
LP Rev. No: 00
Date: 02/01/2013
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SubCode & Name: EE 2253 Control Systems
Unit: III Branch: EEE Semester: IV
Unit syllabus:
Frequency response – Bode plot – Polar plot – Determination of closed loop response from open loop response – Correlation between frequency domain and time domain specifications.
To understand the frequency response of various systems.
SessionNo / Topics to be covered / Time Allocation
(min) / Books Referred / Teaching Method
27 / Introduction to frequency response / 50 / 1,2,4,5 / BB
28 / Frequency response parameters and plots / 50 / 1,2,4,5 / BB
29 / Problems on frequency response
30 / Introduction to Polar plots / 50 / 1,2,4,5 / BB
31 / Problems in Polar plot / 50 / 1,2,4,5 / BB
32 / Introduction to Bode plots, various factors and their magnitude and phase plots / 50 / 1,2,4,5 / BB
33 / Problems on Bode plot / 50 / 1,2,4,5 / BB
34 / Determination of gain margin and phase margin / 50 / 1,2,4,5 / BB
35 / Correlation between frequency domain and time domain specifications / 50 / 1,2,4,5 / BB
36 / Determination of closed loop response from open loop response / 50 / 1,2,4,5 / BB
37 / Problems on determination of closed loop response from open loop response / 50 / 1,2,4,5 / BB
/ LESSON PLAN / LP – EE 2253
LP Rev. No: 00
Date: 02/01/2013
Page 4 of 5
SubCode & Name: EE 2253 Control Systems
Unit: IV Branch: EEE Semester: IV
Unit syllabus:
Characteristics equation – Location of roots in S plane for stability – Routh Hurwitz criterion – Root locus construction – Effect of pole, zero addition – Gain margin and phase margin – Nyquist stability criterion.
To understand the stability of control systems from the frequency response plot obtained.
SessionNo / Topics to be covered / Time Allocation
(min) / Books Referred / Teaching Method
38 / Introduction to unit contents, concept of poles and zeros / 50 / 1,2,4,5 / BB
39 / Characteristic equation, location of poles in S plane and stability / 50 / 1,2,4,5 / BB
40 / Determination of stability using Gain and Phase margin / 50 / 1,2,4,5 / BB
41 / Problems on stability / 50 / 1,2,4,5 / BB
42 / Routh Hurwitz criterion for computation of stability / 50 / 1,2,4,5 / BB
43 / Simple problems on Routh Hurwitz criterion / 50 / 1,2,4,5 / BB
44 / Introduction to root locus technique / 50 / 1,2,4,5 / BB
45 / Various rules for construction of root loci / 50 / 1,2,4,5 / BB
46 / Problems on root locus construction / 50 / 1,2,4,5 / BB
47 / Effect of pole and zero addition of transfer function / 50 / 1,2,4,5 / BB
48 / Introduction to Nyquist stability criterion, encirclement criteria / 50 / 1,2,4,5 / BB
49 / Problems on Nyquist stability criterion / 50 / 1,2,4,5 / BB
50 / CAT II
/ LESSON PLAN / LP – EE 2253
LP Rev. No: 00
Date: 02/01/2013
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SubCode & Name: EE 2253 Control Systems
Unit: V Branch: EEE Semester: IV
Unit syllabus:
Performance criteria – Lag, lead and lag-lead networks – Compensator design using bode plots.
To understand the various compensator networks and design techniques using Bode plot.
SessionNo / Topics to be covered / Time Allocation
(min) / Books Referred / Teaching Method
51 / Introduction to lag compensating networks and their transfer function / 50 / 1,2,4,5 / BB
52 / Introduction to lead compensating networks and their transfer function / 50 / 1,2,4,5 / BB
53 / Introduction to lag-lead compensating networks and their transfer function / 50 / 1,2,4,5 / BB
54 / Problems on compensator design using lag network and bode plot / 50 / 1,2,4,5 / BB
55 / Compensator design using lead network and bode plot - problems / 50 / 1,2,4,5 / BB
56 / Compensator design using lag- lead network and bode plot - problems / 50 / 1,2,4,5 / BB
57 / Problems on compensator design / 50 / 1,2,4,5 / BB
58 / Review on Bode plot / 50 / 1,2,4,5 / BB
59 / Review on Compensator design / 50 / 1,2,4,5 / BB
60 / CAT III
Course Delivery Plan:
Weeks / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16I II / I II / I II / I II / I II / I II / I II / I II / I II / I II / I II / I II / I
II / I
II / I
Units / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 4 / 4 / 4 / 4 / 4 / C
AT2 / 5 / 5 / 5 / 5 / 5 / 5 / C
1. I.J. Nagrath and M. Gopal, ‘Control Systems Engineering’, New Age International Publishers, 2003.
2. Benjamin C. Kuo, Automatic Control systems, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2003.
3. K. Ogata, ‘Modern Control Engineering’, 4th edition, PHI, New Delhi, 2002.
4. Norman S. Nise, Control Systems Engineering, 4th Edition, John Wiley, New Delhi, 2007.
5. Samarajit Ghosh, Control systems, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2004
6. M. Gopal, ‘Control Systems, Principles and Design’, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2002.
Prepared by / Approved bySignature / 1.
Name / 1.Ms.V.Sivagami
2.Ms.N.Shanmugavadivu / Dr. KR.Santha
Designation / ASST.PROF / HOD / EEE
Date / 02/01/2013 / 02/01/2013