A Symposium on
The Smart Grid and the Evolution of the Power System
ED 114, University of Regina
September 23, 2016
10:00am – 5:00 pm
Presented by
IEEE South Saskatchewan
University of Regina
University of Saskatchewan
Innovation Saskatchewan
Overview and Goals
This symposium hopes to develop bridges and lines of communication between the Research and University Community in Saskatchewan with the Industry partners that are shaping and developing the power systems and the smart grid of the future. We have invited a keynote speaker from University of Toronto to speak about Smart Grid and Cyber security, and then we are asking Saskatchewan researchers from the two Universities of the province to come together to speak about their research program. The researchers are being asked to try to answer the following questions in a short and focused presentation: (1) What is the major goal of their research program? (2) What are the major obstacles to their success? (3) Why is their work relevant to Industry? (4) What kinds of interactions are they having with Industry? & (5) What works and what needs more effort?
These presentations will be followed by a round table with students and industry which will provide grad students with an opportunity to speak about their projects, how they came about, and where they hope to go with their work.
Finally Sask-Power will provide the community with a presentation on the areas where they are facing challenges and looking for support and partnership with the Research community.
The fundamental goal of this event is to create a pan-provincial dialogue that will help the Industry, the Economy and the Research Community move forward in the critically important area of the Smart Grid and the Evolution of the Power System.
This is a free event and all are welcome!
Dr. David Cruise Malloy (Greeting / UofR)
Dr. David Cruise Malloy is the Vice President (Research) at the University of Regina, Canada. He is the Principal Investigator for the International Healthcare Ethics Research Team, the Foreign Director of the International Bioethics Research Institute of Shandong Province, China, and a Fellow of the American Philosophical Practitioners Association in Client Counselling & Organizational Consulting.
Mr. Andy Melnyk (Greetings / Innovation Saskatchewan)
Mr. Andy Melnyk is a Senior Strategist with Innovation Saskatchewan. His primary responsibilities include regional and international projects as well as Information and Communication Technology (ICT) strategy.
Dr. Esam Hussein (Greeting / UofR)
Dr. Esam Hussein is the Dean of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of Regina, Canada. His research interests include: Nuclear Methods for Nondestructive Testing & Imaging, Inverse Problems and Monte Carlo Methods. Prof. Hussein led a research program that focused on the industrial and medical uses of nuclear and atomic radiation for nondestructive testing and imaging and for the detection of explosives. Hussein is a recipient of the Canadian Nuclear Innovation Achievement Award in June 2003, and the Sylvia Fedoruk Award in 1999. He is currently a receiving editor of Applied Radiation and Isotopes.
Dr. Deepa Kundur (Keynote Speaker / UofT)
Dr. Deepa Kundur is a Professor and Director of the Centre for Power & Information in The Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at the University of Toronto and an author of 150 Journal and conference papers. She serves on advisory board of IEEE Spectrum and chairs ACM e-Energy 2016, Workshop on Cyber-Physical Smart Grid Security and Resilience at Globecom 2016, and Symposium on Signal and Information Processing for Smart Grid Infrastructures at GlobalSIP 2016.
Dr. Paul Laforge (Speaker / UofR)
Dr. Paul Laforge is an Associate Professor and serves as Program Chair of the Electronic Systems Engineering at the University of Regina. He has also published papers on microwave filter and multiplexer designs for communication system designs. His research interests include the electromagnetic interference of sensors and communication channels for smart grid applications.
Dr. Irfan Al- Anbagi (Speaker / UofR)
Dr. Irfan Al-Anbagi is an Assistant Professor in the Electronic Systems Engineering program at the University of Regina. Dr. Al-Anbagi published more than 40 articles in the area of smart grid communication and control. His current research interests include smart grid communication systems, the vehicle-to-grid systems and wireless sensor networks.
Dr C.Y. Chung (Speaker / UofS)
Dr C.Y. Chung is a Professor at the U of S and holds the NSERC/SaskPower Senior Industrial Research Chair in Smart Grid Technologies, and the SaskPower Chair in Power Systems Eng. His research interests are related to smart grid. He has also generated 3 US patents, 2 book chapters, 97 SCI journal papers, 107 international conference papers and three commercial software for power system analysis.
Dr. Rajesh Karki (Speaker / UofS)
Dr. Rajesh Karki is a professor in the Power System Research Group at University of Saskatchewan and is a Senior Member of IEEE. He specializes in the area of power system reliability and has been conducting reliability studies for Canadian and International Electric Utilities. He has about 90 technical papers, 3 books, 6 book chapters and 15 industry reports registered to his name in the same field.
Dr. Ramakrishna (Rama) Gokaraju (Speaker / UofS)
Dr. Ramakrishna Gokaraju is a professor at University of Saskatchewan (U of S) since 2003 and is currently working on Smart Grids, Out-of-Step Protection, Real Time Power Systems Simulations and Interrelated Phenomenon Related to Generator Protection & Control.
Dr. Elemer Demeter (Speaker /SaskPower)
Dr. Demeter is the Manager of the Protection and Control Department in SaskPower. His work involves engineering design for SaskPower’s protection, control, automation and SCADA facilities in stations. Has provided leadership for SaskPower’s adoption and implementation of IEC 61850-based automation systems. He is Adjunct Professor at University of Saskatchewan and University of Regina, creating and delivering graduate power engineer classes.
Dr. Raman Paranjape (Speaker / UofR)
Dr. Paranjape is a professor in Electronic Systems Engineering at the University of Regina. His research interests are in both physical systems and software systems. Within the area of software systems research focuses on applications of control and synchronization for power systems for Demand Response. Research in physical systems has focused on the development of sensor systems and new technologies in image and signal processing for real world applications in robotics and automated systems.
Industrial/Government Partners Attending Symposium
1. SaskPower
2. SaskTel
3. SunCountryHighway
4. SaskPolytechnic
6. Innovation Sask
7. Sask Advanced Ed
Event / Details / Time1 / Welcome / Dr. David Cruise Malloy / 10:00 AM – 10: 10 AM
2 / Welcome / Dr. Esam Hussein / 10:10 AM – 10:20 AM
3 / Welcome / Mr. Andy Melnyk / 10:20 AM – 10:30 AM
4 / Keynote / Dr. Deepa Kundur / 10:30 AM – 11: 15 AM
5 / Invited Talk / Dr. Tony Chung / 11:15 AM – 11:35 AM
6 / Invited Talk / Dr. Raman Paranjape / 11:35 AM – 11:55 AM
7 / Lunch / 12:00 PM – 01:00 PM
8 / Electric Cars Demo outside Kinesiology Building (U of R) / 01:00 PM – 02:00 PM
9 / Invited Talk / Dr. Irfan Al-Anbagi / 02:00 PM – 02:20 PM
10 / Invited Talk / Dr. Rama Gokaraju / 02:20 PM – 02: 40 PM
11 / Invited Talk / Dr. Paul Laforge / 02:50 PM – 03:10 PM
12 / Invited Talk / Dr. Rajesh Karki / 03:10 PM – 03:30 PM
13 / Student/Industry Round Table (Student and Industry Partners will be asked to give a 5 min summary of projects or problems/challenges) / 03:30 PM – 04:00 PM
14 / Sask Power Presentation –Dr. Elemer Demeter / 04:00 PM – 04:30 PM
15 / Concluding Remarks – Dr. Raman Paranjape / 04:30 PM – 04:45 PM
For more information please email:
See http://uregina.ca/~paranjar/smartgrid
Free parking is available at the Riddle Centre. Please indicate to the parking attendant that you are attending the Smart Grid Symposium.