Biology 218 – Human Anatomy

Course Overview / Session:
Days / Time: Instructor: / Fall 2014
M W 5:00 PM – 9:20 PM


Office: 2044

Lecture & Lab: 2041

Phone: 707 253 3190


Web Site: Page/Anatomy

Course Overview / Objectives / Rational

A practical and systematic study designed to provide the student with:

§  comprehensive identification and understanding of the structural, organization, gross function and integration of the human body and its divisions and systems

§  an appreciation for the levels of organization - cellular, tissue, organ and systems

§  the basic vocabulary common to life science and medical professionals

§  an initial understanding of “normal” conditions relative to variant, age, injury, disease and stress

§  a personal inspiration and basis for career selection to generalize or specialize in an area of life science, health care, allied health care and/or medical practice

§  a practice of cooperative and professional interaction with colleagues on gaining common career subject expertise

BIOL 105 or Petition for Equivalency / Requisite for:
Associate Degree in Nursing @ NVC
A.S. Degree in Respiratory Care @ NVC
A.P. Program for Licensed Vocational Nurses
BA / BS Degree in Life Sciences (some)

Texts, Materials and Resources

Textbooks: / Human Anatomy, 7th or 8th edition.
Frederic H. Martini,; Michael J. Timmons,; Robert B. Tallitsch,
Publisher: Benjamin Cummings
Copyright Year: 2012
Publishing Date: 2010
Formats….pick one that works for you
Hard Copy
9780321687944 Martini, Human Anatomy with Mastering A&P, 7th or 8th editions
Alternative / Loose Leaf - Std. 3 Hole Notebook Form ...ideal for inserting notes, drawings, test, quizzes, etc on individual separate pages, without marking up the original text….you only have to carry the selected chapters, instead of the entire book
9780321732361 Martini, Human Anatomy, Books a la Carte Plus
Mastering A&P, 7th edition
Alternative / eText All digital, Laptop, Notebook and iPhone and IPad compatible…..coming soon
Student subscription: 360 days or longer … Ideal for students that prefer laptop, computer station, iPad formats
Access to Martini Human Anatomy 7th ed., eBook comes with purchase of either of the above text books per above.
Additional / Principles of Human Anatomy, any ed. Tortora ….(additional reference)
Human Anatomy, any author, any edition……(additional reference)
Di Fores Atlas of Histology, 10th or latest ed.
Eroshchenko (suggested)
2 separate Histology atlases will be available; 1 with your purchase of either of above text books and one provided by the NVC Anatomy Department….on our Course web site.
Photographic Atlas of Anatomy & Physiology….Comes with purchase of either of above text books.
Lab Manual: / Human Anatomy Lab Manual NVC, Moore and Clemens (eds.) (provided)
Practice Anatomy Lab 3.0 Digital Anatomy Atlas comes with purchase of the above required text books
Lab Notebook / Drawing / Note Pad - 100 pages
Memory Stick / 2 GB

Specimens (provided)

§  Human Cadaver

§  Cat

§  Sheep Heart, Brain and Eye

§  Organ and System Models

§  Human cell and tissue MS slides

§  Illustrations, Tables, Photographs, Charts

Instrumentation and Materials: (provided)

§  Binocular Stereoscopic Microscopes

§  Dissection Tools

§  Gloves

Web Resources

§  The instructor maintains a course website that includes the current course syllabus, outlines, and study guides. The site is updated regularly to provide links to current course materials. These resources are provided only for use by students enrolled in this section of this course. See above.

§  On-line references and resources are provided with your purchase of the preferred text book.

§  All assignments are presented and required to be submitted, in digital format.

Additional: (nice to have))

§  Lab Coat or Scrubs

§  Scented Nose/Mouth Guards

§  Medical Dictionary: Webster, Dorland, Mosby, Taber’s, On Line via textbook subscription

§  Anatomy Atlas: Netter, Gray’s, On-line via textbook subscription

§  Anatomy Coloring Book, Any…..

Preparation for Class

§  Bring your textbook to lecture and lab each class meeting.

§  Prior to each class meeting, it is strongly recommended that you review in detail the textbook chapter that is scheduled. Become knowledgeable with the diagrams and important terms (in bold-face type in your text). Read the chapter in detail after the lecture, using your lecture notes as a guide.

§  The diagrams and descriptions in your textbook are your best reference for learning the structures that will be studied during the laboratory session.

§  Bring your histology atlas to the lab on the days when histology exercises are scheduled.


Safety - See Laboratory Safety Policy (signature required)


§  Attendance is an important part of learning Anatomy; therefore attendance will be monitored in lecture and lab. Attendance may be taken and / or quizzes will be given at any time during the scheduled class period. If you miss a quiz you will not be allowed to make it up.

§  Note: The Napa Valley College Catalog states: “…a student who has been absent for as many times as a class meets each week will have exhausted this provision for unavoidable absences. Further absences may cause the instructor to drop the student from the class.”

§  Note: Doctors appointments and child care issues are considered absences.

§  Notify the instructor of all absences in advance of the situation wherein it is practical.


§  Course requirements include regular attendance in lectures and laboratories, successful completion of the lecture and laboratory examinations, and participation in / contribution to laboratory dissections. Regular attendance is essential; however, attendance alone does not earn a passing grade. Experience with thousand’s of former students, teaches that, every student will need to spend a considerable amount of dedicated study time outside of class hours in order to earn a grade of C or better.

§  Note: Study, study, study! Study = memorizing! Memorizing typically requires a framework of association and/or hierarchical structure. Early, daily and often are good practices! (See Study Practices guide).

§  Grades are reported approximately every 2 weeks by Student ID and Class Rank on the web site.


Metric / Pts per Metric / Sub-Total / % of Total Grade / Achievement / Letter Grade / Ach.
4 Lecture Exams / 100 / 400 / 20 / 100 + / A + / Platinum
4 – 7 Lab Exams
10 Lab Maintenance / 100
10 / 600
100 / 30
5 / 90% + / A / Gold
5-6 Quizzes
5-6 Dissection Quizzes / 25
25 / 150
150 / 8
8 / 80 - 89% / B / Blue
2 Projects (pending)
2 Compendia / 50
100 / 100
200 / 5
10 / 70 – 79% / C / Green
1 Final Lecture Exam
1 Final Lab Exam / 200
100 / 200
100 / 10
5 / 60 – 69% / D / Red
TOTAL (approx) / 2,000 / 100 / < 60% / Fail / Purple

* Actual number of quizzes, dissection quizzes / presentations are estimates

§  Your course grade will be based on your performance on lecture exams, laboratory exams, quizzes, projects and lab participation (which includes regular attendance, performance on dissections). Grading follows the point scale delineated above. Final grade score percents are rounded up to the next highest point from any excess fraction.

Examinations and Other Assignments

§  Lecture exams and quizzes may consist of matching, multiple choice, true/false, short answer, identification labeling and fill-in questions. The four midterm lecture exams will emphasize the material covered since the previous exam and as a general rule consist of approximately 70% current topic, 30% cumulative topic, physiology, vocabulary, etc. Your assimilation of all material presented in the textbook, augments and reinforces the information presented / highlighted in lecture and vice versa. Select samples from all sources of information, lecture, text, lab, current events in health care, clinical application, pathology, research, compendia, projects and presentations, may be included on any single lecture exam. The final exam will be comprehensive and amortized equally across topic sections of the course.

§  Laboratory exams will be given on the dates shown on the schedule. Any changes to this schedule will be announced in class and published to the web site. The lab exams will emphasize identification of gross and microscopic structures on anatomical models, dissected and un-dissected specimens, and prepared microscope slides, illustrations, diagrams and schematics. Lab exams will include problem solving, and demonstration of your ability to perform, and your understanding of, the lab exercises covering subjects since the previous lab exam. A series of stations will be set up in the lab / classroom. You will have approximately two minutes at each station and will move from one station to the next until you complete the exam. The lab exams will usually begin 15 - 30 minutes after the normal lab starting time and the lab will be closed prior to the exam to allow for setup. Be on time for lab exams; you will not be allowed to make up missed stations. Generally, you will have a prescribed time limit for completing this type of practical. This is usually shorter than normal laboratory period.

§  Short quizzes will be given from time to time during the class periods. The quizzes will generally cover the material of that day’s or the immediately preceding lab exercise and lecture information. These quizzes may or may not be announced in advance. To prepare for the quizzes and for the lab in general, read the current lab exercise and review your lab notes prior to each lab, maintain your current reading schedule and review your lecture outlines.

§  You will also be required to prepare two Digital Compendia; 1 Comprehensive Histological and 1 Anatomical Compendium that includes your study of a pathology of interest to you, including, research, illustrations, photographs, drawings and schematics for tissue types and organ systems, treated and untreated etc. There will be additional minor assignments presented and prepared during the course. Combined, these two major projects constitute more than 10 percent of your overall course grade. All assignments will be submitted in digital format.

§  Students will not be allowed to use cell phones or MP3 players during exams. However, cell phone/audio recordings of your own notes to self, and digital camera photos are encouraged as part of your laboratory study.

§  Make-up exams

There are NO make-up opportunities for laboratory exams. They are lab practicals!

In rare instances and for extraordinary circumstances, a makeup lecture exam may be required / allowed. You must call (253-3190) or e-mail me @ [] before the exam in order to be allowed to make-up the exam! You will NOT be allowed to make-up a lecture exam if you contact me after the exam. With appropriate advance notice and mutual agreement, make-up exams can be taken prior to and after the official exam. It is your responsibility to make arrangements for scheduling a make-up exam. If you fail to do so, you will receive a zero for the missed exam. Project assignments will not be accepted for credit after the agreed upon time and date they are due. Computer crashes, digital application incompatibilities, life and school problems, car, or traffic problems are all reasons but are NOT acceptable excuses for turning your assignments in late!


§  Professional Conduct and Communication are expected.

§  Formal and professional conduct is expected of you at all times in lecture, lab and on campus. Your practice of study, communication, politic, inter-personal and group interaction skills, generally accepted and expected of a medical-professional, begins and / or continuously improves in this class. Pro-actively shared, cooperative assistance is highly valued in the professional setting because it is a critical factor in providing high quality health care, patient, peer and medical practice safety and quality scientific process. Because unprofessional, disruptive, and / or rude behavior demonstrated by you is harmful to these objectives, and to the professional setting to which you aspire, its demonstration in this educational setting toward anyone, including me, is unacceptable and will result in your immediate discharge from the classroom / lab and potentially, the course. Your grade will be negatively affected based upon the severity of the offense. You may be referred to the Vice President of Student Services for student disciplinary action.

§  Cheating / Plagiarism - Cheating / Plagiarism are not tolerated in any form.

Cheating defined:

§  Copying, in part or in whole, from another’s test or other evaluation instrument or obtaining answers from another person during the test.

§  Submitting work previously presented in another course, if contrary to the rules of either course.

§  Using or consulting, sources or materials not authorized by the instructor during an examination

§  Altering or interfering with grading or grading instructions

§  Sitting for an examination by a surrogate, or as a surrogate

§  Any other act committed by a student in the course of his or her academic work, which defrauds or misrepresents, including aiding or abetting in any of the actions defined above

§  Talking or consulting during the test with another person

§  Giving other students information that allows the student an undeserved advantage on an exam, such as telling a peer what to expect on a make-up exam or prepping a student for a test in another section of the same class

§  Plagiarism defined:

§  The act of incorporating the ideas, words, sentences, paragraphs or parts thereof, or the specific substance of another’s work, without giving appropriate credit, and representing the product as one’s own work

§  Representing another’s artistic/scholarly or similar works as one’s own

§  Plagiarism may either be deliberate or unintentional, but it must be avoided with all due diligence.

§  Consequences of academic dishonesty, un-acceptable behavior:

Upon the first infraction of academic dishonesty, the instructor may do one or more of the following:

§  Give a lower or failing grade on the assignment or exam

§  Give a lower or Fail grade in the course

§  Refer the student to the Vice President of Student Services for student disciplinary action, including recommendation for dismissal from the course.