Kindergarten Corner

March 10-14, 2014
Dear Parents,
Well, we are hopeful that “Old Man Winter” will slowly, but surely, leave us in the coming days. Spring is right around the corner, and we are looking forward to everything it brings us in nature, as well as the warmer weather.
Progress reports were sent home in agendas yesterday. Please contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions and/or concerns. Again, we need your help at home with money recognition (penny, nickel, dime and quarter) and knowing the value of a set of pennies and/or nickels. Also, please work with your child on writing his/her last name. Please continue to read with your child every night, making sure to ask questions before, during and after reading. Make it a fun and enjoyable experience. J
Thanks and take care!
~ The Kindergarten Team
This week, our learning intentions are that
●  Clarify and make inferences while reading Fiction and Non-Fiction.
●  Break words into individual sounds.
·  Recognize pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, and identify the value of each.
·  Explain why people earn money.
/ Resource Schedule:
Monday Music
Tuesday PE
Wednesday Computer
Thursday Library
Friday Art
Please Remember to:
  • Read with your child each evening.
  • Make sure your child has a coat and appropriate shoes for recess.
  • Check Agendas nightly and return them to school daily. Return the blue Friday folder. Keep papers unless they are noted to be returned.
Upcoming Dates/Events:
  • March 9 – Daylight savings time begins (set your clocks AHEAD one hour)
  • March 11 – “Music is Red Hot” Day (wear red) and Tornado Practice Drill
  • March 13 – PreK Registration 3:30-7pm
  • March 14 – Full school day
  • March 17 – St. Patrick’s Day
  • March 20 – PTA mtg./1st grade play @ 6pm and First Day of Spring!
  • March 25-28 -3rd nine weeks benchmark testing/Reading Running Records