The School of Infant Mental Health
Application Form 2013
Please indicate the course that you are applying for:
□Diploma in Infant Mental Health and Psychoanalytic Parent Infant Psychotherapy (Four years, leading to accreditation with the UKCP as a Parent Infant Psychotherapist)
□Diploma in Infant Mental Health (Two years)
□Conversion course in Psychoanalytic Parent Infant Psychotherapy (Two years, leading to accreditation with the UKCP as a Parent Infant Psychotherapist)
□Diploma in Infant Observation (One or two years)
Do you want to study:
□London-based□Online (English)□Online (Spanish)
Section 1:Personal Details
Title:Mr □Mrs □Miss □Ms □Other ______
Surname: ______
First name: ______
Gender:Male □Female□D.O.B.______/______/______
Home Address:Organisation address:
Postcode: ______Postcode: ______
Telephone No: (daytime)______(Mobile) ______
Email: ______
Nationality:UK citizen □EU citizen □Non-EU citizen □
Section 2: Education
Please list educational achievements (continue on a separate sheet if necessary):
Name of School/Institution / Level of Award / Title and year / Grade i.e. GCSE/NVQ2:1/Merit etc.
Section 3: Work Experience and/or Professional Experience
Please list relevant work or professional experience (continue on a separate sheet if necessary):
Employer / Role / DatesIf relevant, has your current employer agreed:
- To give you the time (if necessary) to attend during working hours? Yes □ No□
- For you to bring discussion material relating to your current work? Yes □ No □
Please indicate:
Current job title: ______
Name and address of current employer:
Postcode: ______Dates of employment: ______
Section 4: Finance
Who will be responsible for your fees?You □Your Sponsor □
Please give name and address of your sponsor (if applicable): ______
______Postcode ______
Please state what arrangements you will make for payment of your fees if your sponsor’s funding is withdrawn for any reason.
Section 5: References
Please give names and addresses of two people who may be contacted for a reference.
1. Name:______2. Name: ______
Job title:______Job title: ______
Address:______Address: ______
______Postcode: ______Postcode: ______
Email address: ______Email address: ______
Phone: ______Phone: ______
Capacity: ______Capacity: ______
Section 6: Statement
Please tell us on a separate sheet why you would like to undertake this training.
Section 7: Declaration
Please read and sign the following declaration which is a condition of your being accepted as a Student at the School of Infant Mental Health.
I certify that:
- The information I have given is correct to the best of my knowledge
- For the duration of my studies at The School of Infant Mental HealthI agree to notify the Course Tutor:
- of any interruption to my studies
- of any other change in my circumstances
I accept responsibility for the payment of fees and any other charges relevant to the Course.
Signature: ______
(Please print Name) ______
Date: ______
Please return this form,along with a payment of £100, to:
The Administrator
The School of Infant Mental Health
27 Frognal
London NW3 6AR
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