999 D Grizzly Village
Edu-Tech, CA94305
(555) 555-8214
EDUCATION:Expected 2014 /
Ph.D. / School ofEducation, Edu-Tech University Administration andPolicy Analysis DisciplinaryMinor: Sociology
2008 / E.D.S. / School ofEducation, Edu-Tech University
Specialist inProgram Evaluation
2004 / M.A. / University of California, Drytown
Educational Psychology
2000 / B.A. / University of California, Drytown
2005-2008National Research Pre-Doctoral Trainee Fellowship in Organizations and Mental Health sponsored bythe National Institute ofMentalHealththroughthe Department of Sociology,
Edu-Tech University.
2009-2013Alice J. Tungston Scholarship
Recognition of merit in the study of AdministrationandPolicyAnalysis in Higher Education, Edu-Tech University
2000-2003Edu-Tech UniversitySchool of Education Fellowship
2009Instructor, Language Arts Division
Course: Developmental Reading
De Anza CommunityCollege, Cupertino, California
2008Adjunct Lecturer,Education Department
Course: Cognitive Processes InvolvedinTest Learning
University of California, Drytown
Sharedlecture responsibilitiesand curriculum designwith Professor Gary Spring. Co-authored internal report onthis experimental course.
2005SeminarLeader, Asian AmericanStudies
Course: Race, Nationalityand the Asian American
University of California, Drytown
Workedwith Professor Almirol on the design oflearningstrategies seminarfor students having difficulty withthe course.
2010-2008 Dissertation: “Organizational Determinants of theTransfer ofHispanic Students from
Two-toFour-year Colleges.”
Director: R. PeterScott,Sociology
Readers: Raymond F.Soga and Drake W.McLaughlin, Education
Study results will improve our understanding of the effects of organizational factors onstudent behavior and academic outcomes. Three case studies, including interviews and surveys, are conducted in community colleges with varying transfer rates.
2006-2007Research Assistant for ViceProvost ofManagement & Director of UniversityBudgets, Edu-Tech University.
Study Title: “Profile of the Edu-TechCommunityCollege Transfer Student: Revisitingthe
College Elite.”
Proposed study,designed datacollection and analysis,wrotefinal report.
2002 Research Assistant for School ofEducation, Edu-Tech University
Study Title: “Demographic Shifts andtheir Implications for Education: The Hispanic
Populationin California.”
Produced policypaper integrating and interpreting data from several sources.
These positions require the abilityto design program evaluation, develop data collection instruments, collect data, analyze data, and write final reports.
2012-2013 Consultant/Evaluator of 5th and 6th grade dropout prevention program for St.John’s
TutoringCenter,Mission District,SanFranciscoCounty Schools.
2009-2011Evaluator of dropout prevention programs (K-8) in Santa ClaraCounty School Districts for the Whitney, San Franciscoand Packard Education Foundations.
2001-2003Evaluator of the transfer process in sixBay Area CommunityColleges for the Foothill- DeAnza Community College District. Paper accepted for presentation at the 1987
American EducationResearch Association meeting.
Organizationresearchandevaluation,organizationbehaviorineducation,organizations andpublic policy,educationalpolicy development asitaffectsthenon-traditionalstudent, organizational implications of changing demography, participation of ethnic minority and re-entry students in
qualitative research methods.
“Organizational Determinants ofthe Transfer ofAsian Students fromTwo-toFour-year Colleges,” to be presented on April 21, 2010at the annual meeting ofthe American Educational Research Association, Washington, DC.
“TheTransferStatusofNon-TransferStudents,”tobepresentedon June20,2011attheannualmeeting of the AmericanEducation Research Association, Washington, DC.
“Educational Trends Among Asians,” presented onJanuary 14, 2009 as part ofa lecture series on Asian Mental Health co-sponsored by the Asian Fellows ProgramandCounseling &
PsychologicalServices, Edu-Tech University.
“The Structure ofStudent Communication: Living Within theNetwork,” presented on October
22, 2008 at an annualconferenceco-sponsored by the American EducationalResearch
Associationandthe Association for the Study of HigherEducation,San Francisco.
“Demographics Shifts and Their Implications for Education: The Asian Populationin California,” published by the Policy Analysis forCalifornia EducationProject (PACE): University of California, Berkeley, 2008.Excerpt printed bythe Study ofEdu-Tech and The Schools ChangingContexts Panel in July, 2008.
“An Experimental ReadingCourse forCollegeFreshmen,” (withProfessorGary Spring)
presented on April 15, 2001 aspart ofthe University of California and California State University
Conference on Learning from Text,Lake Arrowhead. Publishedasaninternal report in May,
1999 by the Basic Skills Research Program, University of California, Drytown.
“TheEffect of Developmental Programs on University Student Grades,” (withEdith Kasir andLen
Greenwood),Journalof Reading 17 (April 2002): 531-537.
Numerous presentations given during 2001-2002 on topicsrelatedto the role of student support services.
20XX-20XXGraduate Student Assistant tothe Associate Dean,
Academic Affairs for MinorityStudent Concerns andRecruitment
School ofEducation, Edu-Tech University
Instrumental in developingthis position and the first to hold it.
Learning Skills Center, University of California, Drytown
Designed andtaught reading workshops; advisedstudents; selected andsupervised programstaff.
19XX-19XXLearning Development ProgramSpecialist
Kent State University, Kent, Ohio
Implementedfirst study skills program at KentState University. Taught and advised other students.
19XX-19XXFinancial Aid Counselor
University of California, Drytown
Advised students,evaluated applications, determined need, and recommended awards.
19XX- 19XXTwice nominatedand selected for OutstandingPerformance Award,a monetaryawardin recognition of especiallymeritorious service.
University of California, Drytown
Accomplishments: Active member of advisory committees on affirmative action, developed and coordinatedmulti-ethnic women’s conferences andlecture series; mobilized diverse groups in theCityofDrytown,includingseveralUniversitygroups,topromotehumanservicethrougha
festiveeventattendedbyover3000personsduringaMemorialDayweekend. Theeventhad
an $800 budget andwascarried out primarilybyvolunteers.
2004Recipient ofMid-Management Internship
Financial Aid Office, Universityof California, Drytown
Released from regular duties for six months to receivetraininginthe operationand management ofa broad range of officefunctions.
Accomplishments:Developedprogramevaluationreviewchartsthat wereinstrumentalinpromoting efficiencyin financial aid application processing cycle.
Fall 2009Consultant on student needs assessment survey forFaculty DevelopmentGrant
Academic Senate for California CommunityColleges.
April 2006Participant
American Educational Research Association National Graduate Student Seminar in
Education Administration, SanFrancisco.
Edu-TechChapter, Eta Beta Fo-Feta
2001-2003Student Representative
Area Committee for Program Administrationand Policy Analysis
Northern CaliforniaCollege Reading Association
2004-2008Member, Yolo County Health Council
2000-2003Member,Board of Directors
Cal Grizzly Women’s Affairs Commission, Drytown,California
CommunityCollege Instructor,BasicEducationand Psychology
CommunityCollege Counselor Credential
CommunityCollege Supervisor Credential
Available from: Career Development Center
Edu-Tech University
Drytown, CA94305-8530 (555) 555-1228