
The Royal British Legion

Patron Her Majesty The Queen


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Broomfields Hall, Union Road, Solihull, West Midlands B91 3DH

Tel: 0121 705 0742



Branch number BR 3326.


Registered Charity Number 219279

Minutes of the 89th Annual General Meeting

Royal British Legion - Solihull Branch

Broomfields Hall Union Road Solihull

Friday 4th December 2015 at 7:00pm

Branch Officers

President D Mouzer

Chairman K Russell

Vice Chairman P Woodward

Treasurer D Green

Secretary M Howe

There were 24 members present.

1. Opening Ceremony

The President advised that the Branch Chairman had had a bereavement which meant he could not attend. The President as chairman for the meeting asked those present to rise.

The Secretary read out the names of members who had died during the year. These were:

Norman Arthur Hand, John Gardner, Harry Thomas, Joe Dormer, Reg Gill, Mrs. M Chatham, Michael Hulse, Gordon Graddon, Harry Turton, Arthur Webb, Walter Harold Berry.

The chairman gave the Exhortation and The Silence was observed for those who had died.

The chairman declared the meeting open.

2. Apologies

The Secretary advised that apologies had been received from Ken and Linda Russell and Don Green.

3. Minutes of the last AGM

The minutes of the last AGM on 30th November 2014 had been posted on the noticeboard for over 28 days and therefore are taken as read. The chairman asked if the minutes reflected an accurate record of the matters discussed.

Proposed / Jeff Stocks
Seconded / Amos Eames
As all were in favour the minutes were accepted.

4. Matters Arising – there were none.

5. Chairman’s Report of the year’s activities – David for Ken Russell

492 Solihull Squadron Air Training Corp

o  Held their Annual Presentation Evening on 9th December 2014 attended by the Mayor. This was well attended by Cadets and Parents.

o  A number of Cadets were awarded Certificates from the Warwickshire Lord Lieutenant for the Poppy Appeal 2014.

o  The Squadron collected the 2nd highest amount for an ATC Squadron in the County.

o  Cadets took part in the Poppy Collection on 7th November 2015, raising a total of £1651

o  Sea Cadets

o  There has been little contact this year.

The Barrows Lane Platoon Army Cadet Force

o  A number of Cadets were awarded Certificates from the Warwickshire Lord Lieutenant for the Poppy Appeal 2014.

o  Collected for Poppy Appeal 2014 at Morrison’s Sheldon raising a total of £1727.

489 Squadron ATC

o  New contact this year - collected £629 in Touchwood for the 2015 Poppy Appeal.

o  Took part in Remembrance Sunday parade in Solihull.

SMBC/Mayor Occasions

o  Branch and Club represented at Mayor’s investiture 6th Sept 2015.

o  Armed Forces Day 22nd June 2015.

o  Poppy Appeal Launch 12th October 2015.

o  Poppy Appeal walkabout 31st October 2015 – Mayor & Andy Cole

o  Poppy collecting on 7th November 2015 –Ex Mayor, Ken & Janet Hawkins and daughter.

o  Poppy Night Sharmanaires 19th November 2015 – raised £250.

o  Remembrance Sunday 8th November 2015 went well. Martin Maxfield took photographs and we got a double page spread in the Observer.

o  Armistice Day 11th November 2015 at which the special flag was raised. The new set up at St Alphege caused some problems.

Poppy Appeal 2014

o  2014 was a good year with £77,084.33 collected.

o  A report on the 2015 Poppy Appeal to date will be given later.

o  Branch Review

o  The Branch and Club held a very successful Children’s Party on 20th Dec 2014.

o  The Chairman and Standard Bearer attended a number of funerals.

o  The Branch was represented at:

§  County AGM.

§  Royal Star and Garter Service.

§  RBL Annual Conference in Stockport.

§  Branch Chairman’s Seminar.

§  County Standard Bearers Competition.

§  County Poppy Launch 2015.

County/Head Office

o  LOMAS is still problematic.

o  Membership renewal changes have caused some difficulties.

o  Future Plans

o  Weekend 18/19th June 2016 has been booked to celebrate the 90th Anniversary.

o  Affiliate 489 Squadron ATC and Barrows Lane ACF to the Branch.

o  Further discussions with SMBC for a parade and march past on Remembrance Sunday.

o  Recruit more volunteers for Poppy Collection.

Branch Committee

o  The chairman gave his thanks to the committee for their help and support during the past year and thanked Emma and her staff for their help and support throughout the year.

6. Treasurer’s Report and Accounts – David for Don Green

o  Copies of the Accounts to end June 2015 had been handed out.

o  There was a report from Don to the effect:

o  Balance at bank in Admin account - £2230 with £80 in membership account.

o  £73 in Petty Cash account.

o  BFI account holds £6168.

o  NS&I account holds £6000.

o  Creditor of £49 a cheque for which has been issued and will be in current year accounts.

o  £112 spent on refreshments for Remembrance event.

o  £112 spent on new uniform for Standard Bearer.

o  £139.55 spent on travel expenses.

o  The auditors costs were £204.50

o  The Branch transferred sums of £961.13 and £640 to the PA account. These were public donations.

o  LOMAS failed again but it is hoped will work for year 2015-2016.

David asked if there were any questions. Frank Broad asked what he got for his £17 to HQ. David advised it was a fee to cover running costs in much the same way as any other club.

Proposed Peter Woodward

Seconded Sonia Mouzer

A vote was taken. As all were in favour the End of Year Accounts were accepted.

7. Poppy Appeal Report – David Mouzer as Poppy Committee Chairman and Sonia Mouzer as Poppy Appeal Organiser

David gave an overview of the Poppy Appeal position for 2015 to date:

o  £53,502.65 has been banked.

o  There is an outstanding amount of £1294.66 made up of :

§  Wreaths £470

§  Touchwood £100 (donation)

§  Tudor Grange School £400

§  St Nicholas church £12

§  St Alphege church £150

§  Land Rover tin £59.14 to be banked

§  Langley school £40 to be banked

§  Solihull Hospital £13.52 to be banked

§  Bikers (Legion) £50

o  Collections at Sainsbury £762.70 and Morrisons £489.62 have been paid directly to Poppy HQ but will be reflected in our books.

The provisional total for 2015 is £56,049.63

Doing a comparison with last year we are £19,276.92 down but it has to be remembered that last year we had a donation of £1000 from the Lilly Johnson Trust, a legacy of £10,186 (Alf Clay), and we started with £4721 and on this basis we are on a par with last year.

The Branch has raised a tremendous £529,200 since the committee was formed. David thanked all who had helped and contributed to this great success.

Sonia gave her report on the Poppy Appeal.

There had been some special events:

o  Roger Waring organized a special jazz session which raised £125.

o  The Sharmanaires big band donated their income from a night of music which amounted to £250.

o  Pub Crawl raised £646.92.

o  The farmers market raised £381.23.

o  Steve Chaplin and family with his army vehicles raised £3668.11.

o  Dave Powis raised £888.11.

Collection Highlights

o  Schools - Solihull £817

o  Tesco £2395

o  Marks and Spencer £1581

o  Sainsbury £952

o  Morrison £2064

o  Touchwood – a resounding success again £12219

o  Poplar Way Table £3061

Major Donations

o  SRBL Club – many thanks to Jeff and the Club committee £375

o  Masons Lodge of Alliance £200

o  Townswomen’s Guild £140

o  Solihull Lions £300

o  Deputy Mayor Kate Wild £250

o  Wayne Bellamy £308

o  In Memory of Harry Turton £241

o  In memory of Jeffrey Dormer £155

Sonia said that a key factor in the Poppy Appeal success was the hard work and dedication of the Poppy Committee and those that assisted with collection, counting and organization. In thanking everyone for their efforts and support she gave particular thanks to Emma and the Club staff and appealed for any additional volunteers for which she would be grateful.

8 Election of Officers and Officials for the coming year

There was only one nomination for President and under Bye Law 7

Mr. David Mouzer was duly elected as President. David accepted and signed the proposal form.

Officers and Committee members below have all been proposed and seconded:


Chairman - Ken Russell

Vice Chairman - Peter Woodward

Secretary - Malcolm Howe

Treasurer - Don Green

Hon Membership Sec - Roger Waring

Poppy Appeal Organiser - Sonia Mouzer

Standard Bearer - George Rouse

Committee Pat Read,

Stan Waters,

Haydn Davies.

Tracey Walker,

John Howden.

9. Other Committees

Poppy Appeal

Chairman Ken Russell

Poppy Appeal Organiser Sonia Mouzer

Committee Jim Walker Peter Woodward

Malcolm Howe Linda Maxfield

Lorraine Phillips Don Green

Tracey Walker

The chairman asked for a proposer and seconder for the election of the members of the committees

Proposed Terry Stretton

Seconded Jeff Stocks

A vote was taken. As all were in favour the election of members was accepted

10. Election of Auditor

The Branch used the Royal British Legion Independent Examiner this year at no cost and it is proposed to do the same again this coming year. Proposed Peter Woodward

Seconded Jeff Stocks

A vote was taken. As all were in favour the current auditors were re-elected.

11. Any other business

None had been notified.

12. Closing of the Meeting - The chairman said the Kohima and closed the meeting at 19.40.

The date of the next AGM is 25th Nov 2016.


D Mouzer

Branch President Solihull RBL