Student Environmental Coalition
9.15.08 Meeting Minutes
Thanks for such a great meeting this week! I hope that everyone enjoyed tye dying. Hopefully next time we’ll have more colors to choose from.
I threw a lot of information at you during the meeting so thanks for listening. All of information you would ever need to know is below along with some individual opportunities so be sure to read everything!
Next meeting we will be designing our fund raising activity for Family Weekend (9.27). We can also split up into special interest groups such as the Zine and Campus Sustainability Week. Also, I will be gone during the Witch’s Walk (10.3) and need a volunteer to be the contact person/run the event. Anyone whose interested let me know.
This is the most current list of people who signed up to for the Witch’s Walk:
Ben Fair
Melissa Clay
Jordan Grace
Nichol Wolverton
Natalia Biondo
Kristina Pepellco
Eric Coulter
Michelle Schmidt
Kristin Rhine
Christine Sauer
Tori VanDragt
Lissa MarquesKendall Gillbert
We need 13-15 people to commit to doing the Witch’s Walk (so 3 more ppl can join).
Sign up on STUEY: (
DUES need to be turned I by NEXT MONDAY (9.22)! Contact either me or our Treasurer Cait ().
I think that’s it. Remember to keep reading for information about this weekend and other ways to get involved.
See you this weekend!
**Upcoming Events**
Park(ing) Day
Friday, Sept 19th
1 – 3…pm
We have a metered parking space reserved on the Fulton St. Bridge adjacent to the EberhardCenter. People coming from Allendale can meet me at Kirkhof in front of JavaCity at 12:30 pm to ride the bus downtown. We have our space from 1 pm on but plan on at least staying until 3 pm. There are 15 other groups doing the same thing so we can walk around the city and check out their spots as well. Check out to get ideas of things to bring! Let me know if you plan on attending.
Heartside Clean-up
Sat, Sept 20th
12:30 – 4:30 pm
We will be picking up trash in the Heartside District this Saturday. I suggest for those of you coming from Allendale to take the 11:40 am Route 50 bus to Central Station where we can meet up. Central Station is right where we want to be in the Heartside District so we won’t have to do much more walking. I will (hopefully) have gloves and trash bags for us to use. Afterward we can go out to lunch. Let me know if you plan on attending.
Check out for more info on the Rapid.
**Affiliate Group Upcoming Events**
South Manitou Backpacking
Sat, Sept 20th – Sun, Sept 21st
Cost: $55 (includes ferry, gas, dues and food)
Meet at the parking lot adjacent to the water tower @ 5am. The group will leave @ 5:30 am on Saturday and return at 5pm on Sunday.
Soil and Water Conservation Society Highway Clean-up
Friday, Sept 19th
2pm – 3 or 4pm
Meet at 247 Padnos
Lib 340: Utopias: Intentional/Sustainable Communities
Winter 09
Freedom and Social Control Theme
Scheduled: T/Th 1:00-2:15 121 LHH
Professor: Ralf Hugger
Lib 340 "Utopias" examines past, present and future concepts of ideal societies and the warnings inherent in dystopia literature. This special section will focus on issues of sustainability, intentional living communities and the human condition in the 21st century through course readings as well as through out-of-class exploration of contemporary and/or local intentional sustainable communities. As part of the Freedom and Social Control theme, this class investigates the balance between individual freedoms in relation to sustainable practices and the needs of the larger community of global population. This critical analysis of utopian insights can inspire new ways of thinking about future intentional living communities as it examines balanced ways of sustainable living on this planet.
Perigrine Falcon Nest
Professor Todd Aschenbach () is looking for interested students to help establish a Perigrine falcon nest.
GVSU Biking
There is a group of faculty and staff on campus that are interested at looking a bike issues that GVSU faces such as storage, parking, rentals, repairs, trails etc and they are searching for students who want to join them. If you are interested contact Steve Glass (Associate Dean, COIS/Mvm't Sci Prof) at .
National Wildlife Federation's Campus Ecology Program
Awards fellowship grants to undergraduate and graduate students who are committed to reduce their campus carbon footprint; projects including: greenhouse gas inventories, climate action plans, energy conservation and efficiency, habitat restoration, convening climateaction gatherings and more will be considered. or
Grant awards:
Up to $2000 for Undergraduate Students
Up to $5000 for Graduate Students
Fall deadlines: October 1, 2008
Northwest SEED Green Campus Internship
This internship is ideal for a student who is active in making his/her own College or University a better steward of the environment, and is interested in renewable energy policy. Interns should be well versed or interested in speaking to groups and individuals they are not familiar with and excited to build new relationships with other student groups and university administration and staff.
If you would like more information about this internship email me and I can send you the packet.
WHOOO you’re all done!!! Thanks for reading all of this information!!!