• The role of training and development: organizational strategy and HRD (pp.94-95)
Chapter 15: Learning and development
• Identifying learning and development needs (pp.295-297)
Block 5, session 66 "Perspectives on learning and development"
• Development methods and evaluating learning (pp.104-105)
Block 5 (HRM)
The role of training and development: organizational strategy and HRD
- Development refers to the training programs and approaches to skills enhancement.
- It is important to identify the contribution of human resource development (HRD) to the organizational success. And to establish a relationship between organizational business strategy and HRD planning and initiatives.
- McCracken and Wallace outline nine characteristics of a strategic approach to HRD;
1-HRD shapes the organization's mission and goals.
2-Top management are leaders not just supporters.
3-Senior management are involved in environmental scanning in relation to HRD.
4-HRD strategies, policies and plans are developed through the involvement of both the organization and the top management team.
5-Line managers are also involved as strategic partners.
6-There is strategic integration with other aspects of HRM.
7-Trainers have an expanded role, including facilitation and consultants.
8-HRD professionals have a role in influencing the organizational culture.
9-There is an emphasizes on future-oriented cost effectiveness and results, in terms of evaluation of HR development activity.
Development methods and evaluating learning
There are various methods of learning and development that depend upon the needs of both the individual and the organization. These include;
1-Off job methods
- Includes educational and training courses on part time, full time or distance learning basis.
- It is not bound up ملزمwith immediate work tasks or carried out on the job.
- Examples; like MBA (master of business administration) study. Some short courses as IT and changes in legislation. And some in-house courses (within the organization).
- The key challenge is to transfer benefits back to the workplace.
2-learning on-the-job
- It can be derived from peers, line managers, coaches or natural learning through experience and the practice of doing and self-development.
- Other initiatives provided by HRD to encourage learning like learning logs or diaries which help with reflection.
- Learning contracts; which denote formal or semi-formal commitment by the individual to carry out learning in line with identified development goals.
3-E-learning and blended learning.
- E-learning; involves distance learning through electronic communications and presents vast opportunities for organizations and the development for their staff
- Interactive learning and virtual activities can also be important for training activities to ensure that desperate staff can obtain the required skills.
- Blended learning; is combined with more traditional methods of learning such as face-to-face techniques. Also is can be used to refer to the combination of different learning as e-learning, self-managed learning and coaching.
It is important that training and development is evaluated in order to:
1-Assess effectiveness to help with identifying further learning needs and shortfalls and thus help future HRD decision making.
2-To prove the value for money and return on investment of options chosen.
Chapter 21: Setting pay• The elements of payment (pp. 414-416)
• The importance of equity (p. 422)
• Total reward (pp.425-426) + figure 21.2
Setting pay
The elements of payment
The payment of any individual employee will be made up of one or more elements;
1-Fixed elements; those are regular, rarely variable weekly or monthly payment to the individual. And which do not vary other than in exceptional circumstances.
2-Variable elements; those are irregular and varied by either the employee or the employer.
- The potential elements of payment;
1-Basic rate: The minimum rate of pay is basic and not have any additions made to it.
In other cases it is a basis on which earning built by the addition of one or more of the other elements in payment. (Factory workers have little more than half of their earnings in basic, teachers have all their payment)
2-Plussage: When the basic has an addition to recognize as an aspect of working conditions or employee capability. Like payments for educational qualifications, and for supervisory responsibilities. While there is an infinite range called Fudge payments; when there is an addition to the basic as a start-up allowance, mask-money or dirt-money.
3-Benefits: Extras to the working conditions that have a cash value are categorized as benefits. Like company cars, subsided meals, privet health insurance
4-Premia: When employees work at inconvenient غير ملائم times as on shifts, or permanently at night. They receive a premium payment as compensation for the inconvenience (تعويض عن الازعاج). Sometimes this is built into the basic rate.
5-Overtime: Overtime is for employees working more hours than the normal. This element is seldom regarded as fixed.
6-Incentive: Incentives are elements of payment linked to the working performance of an individual or working group as a result or a previous arrangement. Includes payments by results schemes that reward people for the quantity of their output like commission. The employee knows what has to be done to earn the payment.
7-Bonus: Deferent type of variable payment is the gratuitous (بلا مبرر) payment by the employer that is not directly earned by employee. The essential different between this and incentive is the employee has no entitlement (استحقاق) to the payment as a result of a contract of employment, like Christmas bonus. Bonus often takes the form of profit-sharing schemes which seek to link individual pay levels to the performance of the organization as a whole.
The importance of Equity
- Employees must ensure that they are perceived by employees to operate equitably.
- A key determinant of satisfaction at work is the extent to which employee judge pay levels and pay increases to be distributed fairly, and these lead to
- Equity theory holds that we are very concerned that reward or outputs equate to our input (skill, effort, expertise, qualifications) and these are fair when compared to rewards being given to others.
- When not fairly rewarded, we show signs of dissonance which leads to absence, voluntary turnover, and low trust employee relations.
- The important principles when making decisions in the pay field are
1-A standard approach for the determination of pay (basic rates & incentives) across the organization.
2-As little subjective or random decision making as is feasible. (محتمل)
3-Maximum communication and employee involvement in establishing pay determination mechanisms.
4-Clarity in pay determination matters so that everyone knows what the rules are and how they will be applied.
Total reward
- Total reward involves managers viewing the way that they reward employees in the round, taking equal account for both tangible and intangible ingredients. That together help to make work rewarding in the widest sense of the word.
- Four different categories of rewards are identified; each has equal potential significance as a source of reward from the employee perspective.
Base pay
Contingent pay
Profit sharing /
Other perks
Learning and development Training
Career development /
Organizational values
Job design
Work-life balance
- The change in perspective away from a narrow focus on payment towards a broader focus on total rewards has come largely because of developments in commercial environment.
- Every year organizations operating in private sector are facing competitive pressure in their product markets leading them to search for ways of reducing their costs and improving quality, while Public sector faces pressure to keep costs down, this pressure come from tax payers seeking good value for their money.
- These pressures are faced with tighter labor markets condition, make it difficult for employees to recruit and motivate the staff they need without increasing pay level.
- There are variety responses that organizations are embracing (احتضان). One involves employing fewer but more highly paid people to carry out existing work efficiently. The other involves keeping a lid on payment levels while looking for other ways of rewarding staff effectively.
- The tangible components like financial is relatively unproblematic provided basic principles are adhered (انضمت) to and the correct technical decisions are made while they enable organization to secure a degree of competitive advantage in their labor markets. These tangible parts of total reward package are imitated by competitors.
- Intangible reward is hard to replicate and also hard to achieve and evaluate.
- Intangible rewards are intrinsically (جوهري) rather than extrinsically (خارجي) motivating and cannot be provided by managers.
- These terms used by to distinguish between sources of positive motivation which are external to individuals and given to them by their employers such as money, and those which are internally generated.
- The result is that the managers try to create and sustain a culture in which individual employees can achieve essential motivation and hence experience work which is rewarding.
Chapter 6: Measuring and reporting cash flows
• The statement of cash flows (pp.197-205)
• Preparing the statement of cash flows: deducing net cash flows from operating activities (pp.206-mid 210)
Accounting chapter 6
Measuring and reporting cash flows
The statement of cash flows
- It is the statement that shows the sources and uses of cash for a period.
- The statement of cash flow is recent addition to financial statement.
- All the financial information needed by users would be contained within these two statements.
- Income statement sets out the revenue and expenses for the period rather than the cash receipts and cash payments. This mean that the profit (or loss) which is represents the difference between the revenue and expenses for the period have no relation to the cash generated for the period.
- In Activity 6.1 Page 211(generating revenue) will lead to an increase in wealth that will be reflected in the income statement.
- If the sale is made on credit the increase in wealth is reflected in another asset.
- If the item of inventories is the subject of the sale wealth is lost through the reduction in inventories. This means that an expense is incurred in making the sale which will show in the income statement.
Why is cash so important?
- Cash is an asset that the company needs to help it to function.
Cash is important because;
- No businesses can operate without it.If business employees people, it must pay them in cash.
- If the business wants to buy a new non-current asset, the seller of the asset insist being paid in cash.
- Cash is what analysts tend to watch the most carefully when assessing the ability of businesses to survive and/or to take advantage of commercial opportunities.
- Cash movements cannot be readily deducted from income statement, which focuses on revenue and expenses rather than on cash receipts and cash payments.
The main features of the statement of cash flows
- The statement of cash flow is the summary of cash receipt and payments over period concerned.
- The net total of the statement is the net increase or decrease of the cash (and cash equivalents) of the business over the period.
A definition of cash and cash equivalents
- Cash are notes and coins in hand and deposits in banks and similar institutions that are accessible to the business on demand.
- Cash equivalents are short-term, highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and subject to an insignificant risk of change of value. They are held for the purpose of meeting short-term cash commitments rather than for investments or other purposes.
- Whether an item falls within the category of cash and cash equivalents depends on two factors: (The nature of the item. And why it has arisen.)
The relationship between the main financial statements
- The Statement of cash flow is now accepted along with the income statement and the statement of financial position (balance sheet) as a major financial statement.
- The relationship between these three statement Figure 6.1 p 216
-The Statement of financial position reflects the combination of assets (including cash) and claims (including shareholders' equity) of the business at a particular point in time.
-The statement of cash flows and the income statement explain the changes over a period to two of the items of the financial position.
-The statement of cash flows explains changes to cash.
-The income statement explains the changes to equity, arising from trading operations.
The form of the statement of cash flows
- Figure 6.2 p216 show (the standard layout for the statement of cash flows) and the following is the terms used in the statement of cash flows
1-Cash flows from operating activities ( provide positive cash flows)
-This is net inflow or outflow from trading operations after tax payments (or receipts) and cash paid to meet financing costs.
-It is equal to the sum of cash receipts from trade receivable and cash receipts from cash sales. From this are also deducted payments for interest on the business borrowings, corporation tax and dividends paid.
-It is the amount of cash received and paid during the period that feature in the statement of cash flows.
-The net figure is intended to indicate the net cash flows for the period that arose from normal day to day trading activities after taking account of the tax that has to be paid on them and the cost of servicing the finance needed to support them.
2-Cash flows from investing activities(cause net negative cash flows)
-Here is concerned cash payments made to acquire additional non-current assets and with cash receipts from the disposal of non-current assets. Such as buildings and machinery. They may also be loans made by the business or shares in another company bought by the business.
-Here also includes cash receipts arising from financial investments (loans and equities) made outside the business.
-These receipts are interest on loans made by the business and dividends from shares in other companies owned by business.
3-Cash flows from finance activities(can go negative or positive cash flows)
-It is concerned with long-term financing of the business. Considering Borrowings (other than short-term borrowings) and finance from share issues.
-It is concerned with repayment/redemption (refund) of finance as well as with rising of it.
-It shows the net cash flow raising and/or paying long-term finance.
4-Net increase or decrease in cash and cash equivalents
-The total of the statement must be the net increase or decrease in cash and cash equivalents over the period concerned.
-It shows the normal direction of cash flows for healthy, profitable business in a period. Figure 6.3 page 218.
The normal direction of cash flows
- Operating activities provide positive cash flows that help to increase the business's cash resources.
- Investing activities cause net negative cash flows: because many types of non-current asset wear out or become obsolete. Also businesses tend to expand their asset base.
- In net terms the Cash flows are negative when cash spent on new assets outweighing that received from disposal of old ones.
- Financing can go either direction, depending on the financing strategy at the time.
Preparing the statement of cash flows
Deducing net cash flows from operating activities
- Two approaches that can be taken
1-The direct method: (by analyzing the businesses cash records).
- Involves analysis the business's cash records for the period picking out all payments and receipts relating to operating activities to give the total figures for inclusion in the statement of cash flow.
2-The indirect method:(by analyzing the business's financial statements). Figure 6.4 p223
-It relies on the fact that sales revenue gives rise to cash inflows. Expenses give rise to out flows.So profit for the year will be closely linked to the cash flows from operating activities.
-Information from an income statement used as starting point to deduce (استنتج) the cash flow from operating activities.
-Profit for the period will not equal the net cash inflows from operating activities.
-When sales on credit the cash come any time after sale. So sales revenue made towards the end of reporting period will be included in that reporting period’s income statement.
-Most of the cash from those sales will flow and should include in the statement of cash flow in the following period.
-To deduce the cash receive from sales it should we have the relevant income statement and statements of financial position.
-The depreciation for reporting period is not associated with any movement in cash during the same period.
-This means that we can take the profit before taxation (the profit after interest but before taxation) for the year, and back the depreciation and interest expense charged in arriving at that profit, and adjust this total by movements in inventories , trade receivable and payables.
-We have the net cash if we deduct the payments for taxation interest on borrowings and dividends(ارباح).
-It is important to add back an amount for interest at the start of derivation of cash flow from operating activities only to deduct an amount for interest further down for two reason:-
1-The interest expense for the reporting period.
2-The amount of cash paid out for interest during that period. Example 6.2 page 221.
Profit before taxation (After interest) K.D. 125,000
Depreciation charged in arriving at profit before taxationK.D. 35,000
At the beginning of the year:
InventoryK.D. 1,500
Trade receivableK.D. 2,400
Trade payableK.D. 1,800
At the endof the year:
InventoryK.D. 2,800
Trade receivableK.D. 1,400
Trade payableK.D. 2,200