MAT FGB Minutes Spring Term 2015
14th April 2015 @ 4:30PM
T&CC Main Room
Mrs B Semper (Chair) / Parent Governor / P / Mrs A-M Spencer(Vice Chair) / Member Appointed / P
Mrs T Boughen / Staff Governor / Apols / Mrs A Jarratt / Staff Governor / P
Mr T Cawthorne / Member Appointed / P / Mr B Johnson / Parent Governor / P
Mrs D Davis / Member Appointed / P / Mr C Joynson / Member Appointed / Absent
Mrs G Earith / Staff Governor / P / Mrs S Lewis / Staff Governor / P
Mrs W Evans / Parent Governor / P / Mr I Oxley / Member Appointed / P
Mr N Hawkins / Parent
Governor / P / Mrs F Parkin / Member Appointed / Apols
Mr R Henshaw
(Principal) / Principal (Ex-officio) / P
12 /15 Governors present. This meeting is quorate.
Mr B Dickinson / Associate Governor (Support Staff Team Leader)Mrs E Fairhurst / Associate Governor (Associate Principal)
Mr M Gilmore / Associate Governor (Vice Principal)
Mr S Newton / Associate Governor (SSPO)
Welcome by the Chair
Agenda Item
1 Conflicts of Interests
Governors had been notified of the agenda prior to the meeting, and confirmed there were no conflicts of interest.
2 Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were received from Mrs T Boughen and Ms F Parkin. Mr Joynson was absent without apologies.
Mrs W Evans proposed these absences were consented to.
Seconded by Mrs G Earith
The Governors resolved to consent to the absences of Mrs T Boughen, Mr C Joynson and Ms F Parkin.
3 Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 9th December 2014
Governors were asked to confirm they had received and read the draft copy of the minutes from the meeting held on the Tuesday 9th December 2014. Corrections were requested by the Chair, of which there were none.
All Governors present confirmed the receipt and accuracy of the minutes, resulting in their approval to be signed as a correct record of the meeting.
Mr T Cawthorne proposed that the minutes of the meeting held on 9th December 2014 be signed as a correct record. Mr I Oxley seconded this proposal.
The Governors resolve that the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 9th December 2014 be signed as a correct record.
4 Matters Arising from the Minutes (not included below)
There were no matters arising.
5 Correspondence
Chair has not received any correspondence.
6 Chairs Actions
Chair has taken part in a number of committee meetings in the Spring Term, including the Governors’ Restructure Committee.
7 Membership Changes
Governors were reminded of the Terms of Office which were due to expire in the Summer months. Suggestion of recruiting from:
- The proposed MMAT primary school Governors. This could allay their fears MCC were attempting to ‘take over’ the primary schools involved
- Year 6 Parents/Friends of Minsthorpe members at the October Year 6 Information Evening
- A recruitment drive from current parents.
- Parents who were governors at the primary school.
- Governors were invited to approach possible candidates from professional fields.
8 Board Changes
Resignation from Sally Bishop (moved to Ilkley Grammar)
It will be proposed Rachael Merritt to be appointed as Associate Director at the GM following the FGB.
9 Statutory Books and Filings
The Company Secretary confirmed all necessary entries into the Company’s statutory books and file all returns at Companies House arising from the business transacted at the General Meeting had been completed, including:
- Updating the registers of members and directors;
- Filing form(s) TM01.
10 MCC Pay Policy – Minor amends
Documentation had been distributed to Governors prior to the meeting and the one minor amendment was discussed. This was the removal of a small section in relation to section 5.5.4 Application to move onto the Upper Pay Scale in the MCC Pay policy. A small bullet point relating to evidence from lesson observations has been removed in line with the changes introduced to the observation cycle and the number of observations carried out. The bullet point in question could no longer be applied to the process appropriately.
Mrs W Evans proposed the amendment to the MAT Pay Policy be adopted with immediate effect. Mr B Johnson seconded this. This was supported by a full show of hands.
The Governors approved the MAT Pay Policy March 2015, to be adopted with immediate effect.
11 Restructure Update (Teaching and Associate Staff)
Confidential Item – content removed.
12 Principal’s Report
i) Student Safety and Wellbeing Update (to include Trips and Visits)
On and Off Site Learning
The Principal referred to documents provided prior to the meeting and drew Governors attention to the amount and degree of variety of these activities which include sporting, academic, music, artistic, spiritual and cultural. There were four overseas visits in the Spring Term. The Principal drew Governors attention to a number of events, giving additional information for each, including recent sporting success. Mr Oxley requested the Principal pass on the Governors thanks to the staff involved in these activities and also to the students who have represented College so successfully.
Suggestion made to report these successes to parents, it was confirmed this is already in place via social media. Parents do not have the ability to reply to the updates on Facebook, Twitter or on the website.
Further discussion took place around the development of a newsletter to publicise the achievements of the students, and comparisons to other local schools were made.
Principal requested Governors note the contents of the documents provided regarding on and off-site learning.
The Principal again referred to document provided prior to the meeting and gave some back ground to the statistics. He advised the figures quoted need to be taken with a degree of caution. On the face of it, it appears that less students fall into each category and that there are fewer students and families in need of support. This is painting a false picture. In reality it is a reflection that the threshold are being raised so that less students and families are included in these figures.
The Principal circulated a copy of a letter sent to John Wilson (Corporate Director, Children and Young People’s Services). This was sent jointly from the Principal and Mrs Merritt (then Assistant Principal Student Safety and Wellbeing) and has resulted in a request for a meeting with Mr Wilson.
The Principal had raised concerns over the LA ‘playing catch up’ in terms of Education Health and Care Plans (EHCP) and appearing to use loopholes if data is not presented as the LA wish, and cancelling payments to College as a result. It would appear they are using the current uncertainty to offload cases.
Mrs Spencer requested College continue refer cases for triage, advising it does get to a point where it is less time consuming for the LA to take the case on. Mrs Spencer is currently working on ‘Signs of Safety’ at the LA. Additional training offered. This to be checked with the new Assistant Principal as she is booked on a number of courses in the near future. This may be one of them.
Mr Oxley suggested College could seek political assistance from the local MP to raise these concerns. The Principal added the LA will be mindful if something happened as a result of a change in policy, this would reflect badly.
Mrs Davis enquired whether it would be worth mentioning at Secondary Heads, the Principal confirmed SEN already had been, and safeguarding will be at a future meeting.
Principal also requested Governors note the Safeguarding Information.
Governors noted the information provided for both On and Off Site Activities and the Safeguarding information.
ii) Student Council Report
The Assistant Principal with responsibility for coordinating the Student Council (Mrs Adams) had provided Governors with a report prior to the meeting. Key points to note were highlighted by the Principal and included:
- Post 16 Leadership
- P&A time review
- Fundraising to date and the recipients of these funds
- Student Voice had raised concerns over road safety and road sense.
The next Student Council meeting is due to be held on 29th April 2015 at 9:25. Governors are invited to attend.
Questions and Responses
Mrs Spencer asked questions regarding the Post 16 social areas being more relaxed etc, the Principal advised the Post 16 students had provided a ‘wish list’ of changes (kettle and microwave etc). The Business Director and Estates and Facilities Manager have reviewed the list and there are a couple of items which could be possible, however it is a relatively small space.
Mrs Spencer added these issues went hand in with retention in Post 16 at Minsthorpe. College acknowledge this alongside the competition it faces from separate Post 16 Colleges in the area.
Mrs Spencer requested the reports provided by students were more analytical regarding how satisfied etc the students were, including more data in the reports. Mr Oxley suggested a boiler rather than a kettle on health and safety grounds.
Governors noted the report and its content.
iii) College Strategic Plan (CSP)
iv) Whole College Quality Assurance and Self Evaluation Report (WC QASER)
Combined agenda item
Mrs Fairhurst delivered a presentation to the Governors and recapped on the annual Quality Assurance/Self Evaluation cycle. The cycle had now reached the mid-year point and Leadership had held reviews with all Team Leaders, the outcomes of which will feed into the CSP. The CSP in turn was reviewed before Easter with the Leadership Team. The next CSP will cover objectives and targets for 2015-18.
Grades were noted for each Curriculum Area and Year Group and Governors were asked to note the three grade 3s out of 20 teams, indicating a very positive picture. The College’s aim is to move away from 3s and towards 2s and 1s. This is a slow process and a big shift from Good to Outstanding. Particular attention was drawn to Maths and English grades, followed by further back ground detail of the teams judged to be 3 (Requires Improvement).
Priority 1 of the current CSP is ‘Improved quality of teaching across the College’ and College intends to have only good or better practise, reducing or eradicating 3s’.
Autumn and Spring term observations show 91.5% good or better lessons, with Outstanding lessons remaining at 27:5%. The target for this year is 33% outstanding. There are a small number of observations still to go in the Summer term and it is likely that College will miss this target. Plans are in place for those achieving a 3, such as the Securing Good programme, however this is a minimal number of staff. In addition, some Outstanding staff have not produced 1s in their observations. Consistency is key. Strengths and areas for development were discussed along with the explanation these will feed into the priorities for the next CSP.
Question and Response
Mr Oxley asked if staff knew what an outstanding lesson looked like.
Mrs Fairhurst replied that not all staff need the same CPD and there are different levels of training. An outstanding lesson does not tend to be all about subject knowledge, but about the stretch and challenge, engagement of students and not all staff find this easy to do.
Question and Response
Mrs Davis enquired whether the areas for development would apply to all.
Mrs Fairhurst informed the meeting the analysis was based upon all observations over the Autumn and Spring terms and of the huge amount of data for all staff over a number of points/categories. College does know its staff and this push to improve teaching will be relentless.
Mr Henshaw added this knowledge will inform the lesson study triads on the current programme, matching staff who are stronger in different areas.
Mrs Fairhurst added there is a lot to celebrate at Minsthorpe, 91.5% of lessons which are good or better is fantastic. However more outstanding lessons are needed. College and its staff have worked incredibly hard to get where it currently is, and is not coasting along.
Mrs Fairhurst then summarised the Learning and Teaching priority on the CSP.
Mrs Davis left the meeting at 5:55pm.
Narrowing the Gap
Mrs Fairhurst updated the Governors with the current figures for attainment gaps between Pupil Premium students and the remainder of the College. This gap within KS4 is currently 33% compared with a national figure of 26%. Although this is an improvement of 1%, this is still too large and College is confident this can be reduced further.
An OFSTED Inspector has been commissioned to carry out a review of all Pupil Premium strategies across the pyramid. This process has been highly recommended by OSFTED.
Mrs Fairhurst continued with update, addressing:
1.3 To maintain improvements in ‘Expected Progress’ and ensure an increase in the number of students making ‘better than Expected Progress’ across the college, including the Most Able. Reference made to core subjects and the predictions confirming the current positive picture.
1.4 Continue to embed MLP and Be Safe, Feel Safe and review the reward system in order to improve student behaviour, punctuality, attitudes to, and the climate for, learning. This is to be re-launched to students for the Summer term