The Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012
Members of Mablethorpe and Sutton Town Council are obliged under the Localism Act 2011 to declare in advance known pecuniary interests in the parish, together with those of their spouse/civil partner/partner. Below is an indication of the members and the interests declared by those members. Where no interest has been declared neither the member or the members spouse/partner will be listed.
Subject and Prescribed Description / Member / Interest / Spouse/Partner interestEmployment, office, trade, profession or vocation
Any employment, office, trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain. / Cllr J Carter / Monks Dyke Tennyson College
Caretaker Assistant
Mablethorpe Library
Relief Cultural Services Advisor / n/a
Cllr G Cullen / Manager, Louth Hotel, High Street,
Mablethorpe / Proprietor, Louth Hotel, High Street, Mablethorpe
Cllr B Dobbs / Semi-retired but p/t Seal Sanctuary, Mablethorpe / n/a
Cllr A Howard / Self employed mail order business
Grimsby Institute, ELDC / Civil Servant for Job Centre Plus
Cllr D Mellor / Employed Burtons Garage, Louth / Jam Sales
Cllr S Palmer / Lead Invigilator, John Spendluffe School, Alford,
ELDC, LCC / Landlady of listed land property 141 Victoria Rd, Mablethorpe and collecting rent
Cllr H Parkhurst / LCC Customer Services Advisor for libraries / n/a
Cllr C Tebbutt / Centurion House, Manby Park
Music and theatre promoter, supplier of embroidered clothing and sports equipment / n/a
Any payment or provision of any other financial benefit (other than from the relevant authority) made or provided within the relevant period in respect of any expenses incurred in carrying out duties as a member or towards election expenses. This includes any payment or financial benefit from a trade union within the meaning of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992. / Cllr T Brown / UKIP / UKIP
Cllr R Dawes / Lincolnshire Independents / n/a
Cllr R Hansford / Lincolnshire Independents / n/a
Cllr A Howard / Labour Party / n/a
Cllr T Mee / Lincolnshire Independents / n/a
Cllr D Mellor / Lincolnshire Independents / n/a
Cllr M Morgan / Conservative Party / n/a
Cllr D Morling / UKIP / UKIP
Cllr S Palmer / Lincolnshire Independents / n/a
Cllr H Parkhurst / Conservative Party / n/a
Cllr K Pinion / Lincolnshire Independents / n/a
Cllr C Sweeney / Lincolnshire Independents / n/a
Cllr J Taylor
Cllr C Tebbutt / Labour Party
Conservative Party / n/a
Any contract which is made between the relevant person (or a body in which the relevant person has a beneficial interest) and the relevant authority –
(a) Under which goods or services are to be provided or works are to be executed; and
(b) Which has not been fully discharged. / Cllr J Carter / Sutton on Sea Community Primary School. Chess Club.
Cllr G Cullen / The Louth Hotel provides catering and serviced functions from time to time for ELDC, Mablethorpe Town Council and Jobcentre Plus
Any beneficial interest in land which is within the area of the relevant authority. / Cllr T Brown / 25 Seacroft Road, Mablethorpe / 25 Seacroft Road, Mablethorpe
Cllr J Carter / 15 Brooke Drive, Mablethorpe / n/a
Cllr J Cook / 25 Grosvenor Road, Mablethorpe / n/a
Cllr G Cullen / 40 Hawthorn Drive, Mablethorpe / 40 Hawthorn Drive, Mablethorpe
Cllr R Dawes / Willows End, Farm Close, Sutton / Willows End, Farm Close, Sutton
Cllr B Dobbs / 12 Medina Gardens, Mablethorpe / 12 Medina Gardens, Mablethorpe
Cllr R Hansford / 4 Park View, Sutton on Sea / 4 Park View, Sutton on Sea
Cllr A Howard / 2 Foxe End, Mablethorpe / 2 Foxe End, Mablethorpe
Cllr T Mee / 15 St Francis Gardens, Sutton / 15 St Francis Gardens, Sutton
Cllr D Mellor / 30 Alford Road, Mablethorpe / 30 Alford Road, Mablethorpe
Cllr M Morgan / 20 Marisco Court, Sutton / n/a
Cllr D Morling / 14 The Strand, Mablethorpe / 14 The Strand, Mablethorpe
Cllr Palmer / 26 Station Road, Sutton &
141 Victoria Road, Mablethorpe / 26 Station Road, Sutton &
141 Victoria Road, Mablethorpe
Cllr H Parkhurst / 24 Youlgrave Ave, Sutton on Sea
LN12 2JJ / n/a
Cllr K Pinion / 33 Grosvenor Road, Mablethorpe / 33 Grosvenor Road, Mablethorpe
Cllr D Russell / Carnation Cottage, Queens Park Close, Mablethorpe / Carnation Cottage, Queens Park Close, Mablethorpe
Cllr C Sweeney / 18 The Glade, Sandilands / 18 The Glade, Sandilands
Cllr J Taylor
Cllr C Tebbutt / Willows End, 11 Jordan Grove, Sutton
24 Youlgrave Avenue, Sutton
Centurian House, Manby Park / n/a
Any licence (alone or jointly with others) to occupy land in the area of the relevant authority for a month or longer.
Corporate Tenancies
Any tenancy where (to your knowledge) –
(a) The landlord is the relevant authority; and
(b) The tenant is a body in which the relevant person has a beneficial interest. / Cllr G Cullen / Shareholder in Dunes (FEC)Ltd
Cllr A Howard / Member of Boatshed Management Committee
Any beneficial interest in securities of a body where –
(a) That body (to your knowledge) has a place of business or land in the area of the relevant authority; and
(b) Either –
(i) The total nominal value of the securities exceeds £25,000 or one hundredth of the total issued chare capital of that body; or
(ii) If the share capital of that body is of more than one class, the total nominal value of the shares of any one class in which the relevant person has a beneficial interest exceeds one hundredth of the total issued share capital of that class / Cllr G Cullen / Shareholder in Dunes (FEC)Ltd