Resolutions of the Future Melbourne Committee meeting held on Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Agenda item 6.1

Planning Permit Application: TP-2015-112, 25-27 Provost Street, North Melbourne


That the Future Melbourne Committee resolves that a Notice of Decision to Grant a Permit be issued subject to the conditions set out in the delegate report (refer to Attachment 4 of the report from management).

Agenda item 6.2

Planning application TP-2016-441 - Partial demolition and construction of buildings and works for redevelopment of the existing accommodation on site for a multi-level Residential Building and dwellings, 179-191 Flemington Road, North Melbourne


That the Future Melbourne Committee resolves that a Notice of Decision to Grant a Permit be issued subject to the conditions set out in the delegate report (refer to Attachment 4 of the report from management).

Agenda item 6.3

Planning Permit Application: TP- 2016-300,Reserve 30-42 Market Street, Kensington









That the Future Melbourne Committee resolves that a Planning Permit be issued subject to the conditions set out in the delegate report (refer to Attachment 4 of the report from management).

Agenda item 6.4

Planning Permit Application: TP- 2016-255, Tait Lane, West Melbourne









That the Future Melbourne Committee resolves that a Planning Permit be issued subject to the conditions set out in the delegate report (refer to Attachment 4 of the report from management).

Agenda item 6.5

Planning Permit Application: TP- 2016-301, Nottingham Street, Kensington


That the Future Melbourne Committee resolves that a Planning Permit be issued subject to the conditions set out in the delegate report (refer to Attachment 4 of the report from management).

Agenda item 6.6

Emissions Reduction Plan for Council Operations


  1. That the Future Melbourne Committee:
  2. Endorses the Emissions Reduction Plan for Council Operations 2016-2021, including the new science-based emissions reduction target of 4.5 per cent per year.
  3. Authorises the Director City Strategy and Place to make any further minor editorial changes to the Emissions Reduction Plan prior to publication.

Agenda item 6.7

Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show – proposed new six year licence (2018 – 2023)


  1. That the Future Melbourne Committee recommend Council:

1.1Subject to completion of the 2017 event to Council’s satisfaction and all necessary approvals from the Minister responsible for the Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978 first being obtained, grant to Flower and Garden Show Limited a licence to use the Carlton Gardens for the running of the Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show for three years with an option to extend for a further three years.

1.2Sets the annual licence fee at $145,000 increasing by CPI each year after Year 1.

1.3Sets the annual Public Projects Contribution at $35,000; increasing by CPI each year after Year 1.

1.4Sets the bond amount to $250,000.

1.5Notes that the final terms and conditions of the licence will be agreed, and the licence entered into, under delegation.

Agenda item 6.8

Allocation of the Discretionary Fund: Fourth quarter 2015–16


That the Future Melbourne Committee receives the report on the allocation of discretionary funds for the fourth quarter of the 2015–16 financial year.

Agenda item 6.9

2015–16 Fourth Quarter June 2016 YTD Financial Performance Report


  1. That the Future Melbourne Committee:

1.1.Accepts the preliminary underlying surplus of $16.09 million for the Council financial performance for the 2015–16 financial year.

1.2.Accepts the preliminary comprehensive result of $289.14 million for the Council financial performance for the 2015–16 financial year.

1.3.Approves the submission of the Consolidated Financial Statements and Performance Statements to the Audit Committee on 26 August 2016 and then to Council.

1.4.Resolves not to refer any matters to the audit committee.

1.5.Calls a special Council meeting on 6 September 2016 at 5pm to consider and approve in principle the Consolidated Financial Statements and Performance Statements.

1.6.Requests management add a list of the individual cash development contributions for 2015-16 to a version of the Fourth quarter report where it appears in the public arena.

Agenda item 7.1

Notice of Motion, Cr Watts: Call for candidates to voluntarily decline donations from the gambling industry sector


That the Future Melbourne Committee calls upon all candidates standing for election in the forthcoming CoM municipal election, to voluntarily decline to accept donations, either in cash or in-kind, from any entity or organisation which takes profit from gambling or from the gambling industry sector.

Agenda item 7.2

Notice of Motion, Cr Mayne: Resolutions related to the renewal of the Queen Victoria Market


That the Future Melbourne Committee requests officers prepare a confidential report for the September council meeting outlining a time line for votes taken at Council and Future Melbourne Committee meetings on resolutions related to the renewal of the Queen Victoria Market over the current term of Council, including how individual Councillors voted on both open and confidential resolutions.

Urgent Business

Agenda item 8.1

Discretionary Funding of the Melbourne Energy Storage Showcase

That the Future Melbourne Committee resolves to provide additional support to the Melbourne Energy Storage Showcase on Thursday 15 September 2016 by providing up to $3000 for the hiring of the Town Hall, Main Hall to host the event.

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