February 16, 2015

9-10 am Full Board Meeting

ISCA Board Meeting Minutes

Members present: Lin Metzger, Amanda Culhan, Lisa Crick, Sarah Altman, Jen Money-Brady, Laura Samide, Molly Meyers, Mary Snyder, Susan Kleinman, Amy Marsh, Brandie Oliver, Julie Baumgart, Stephanie Kozuch, Mark Friedmeyer

  1. Call to Order: President Brandie Oliver call the meeting to order
  2. Welcome new Board Member: Danielle Etter, Middle Level VP
  3. Approval of Agenda (with flexibility): Moved by Julie Baumgart, second by Lisa Crick. Approved.
  4. Approval of Minutes from November 2014 ISCA Board Meeting: Moved by Jen Money-Brady, second by Sarah Altman. Approved with minor changes.
  5. Brandie Oliver reviewed the governance process.
  6. Presentation and Approval of Treasurer Reports:

A.Lin Metzger reviewed the treasures report and budget. We continue to have healthy accounts. Moved to approve by Jen Money-Brady, second by Julie Baumgart. Approved.

B.PAC: Balance of $429. Actions: posters and postcards were paid out of the PAC fund.

C.Presentation of and Approval of Investments: No changes.

  1. Membership Update: Lisa Crick reported that current membership is 649 [last year at this time: 584]
  2. Calendar Updates: Reviewed by Brandie Oliver.
  3. Friday, April 3, 2015--April Board Reports Uploaded
  4. Saturday, April 11—Graduate Student Workshop [Mary Snyder indicated that they are still looking for some presenters.]
  5. Saturday, April 18, 2015—ISCA Board Meeting at 10:00 AM (Executive Board at 9:00) at Butler University
  6. Clarification of Informational Items in Board Reports

A.Advocacy Update: Cindy is ill but Brandie asked others present to share advocacy experiences:

  1. ASCA Recognition: Sarah Altman was honored in Washington as a School Counselor of the Year Finalist. She shared her experience with meeting Mrs. Obama at the White House.
  2. Julie Baumgart reported on ASCA work in training sessions, specifically highlighting counselor’s work.
  3. Lin Metzger noted that national recognition of our folks helps to bring more enlightenment at home.
  4. Stephanie shared her experience in giving testimony to the legislative committee. There are still problems with the social worker vs. school counselor roles.
  5. Amanda Culhan indicated that this was an opportunity to provide data to committee members. She also indicated that a handout was provided showing the difference between the licensure of school counselors and social workers. Additional information was provided concerning training issues and ratios.
  6. Brandie Oliver also shared about her experience in meeting with Senator Merritt concerning the social worker/school counselor issues.

B. HB 1269: Susan Kleinman shared information on a portion of this mental health bill. There is a small scholarship included in this bill to assist school counselors to pursue mental health counselor licensing. She attended a conference committee on the bill.

C.Julie Baugart reported on the Post Card Campaign to legislators. She shared samples of the materials paid through the PAC for distribution.

  1. College and Career Readiness [CCR] Update: Brandie Oliver shared an update of the ongoing CCR bill. It appears that there will be a cap of $2,000 per student with IDOE overseeing the process. Criteria still need to be developed. It was suggested that a meeting of counselor educators in the state is needed.

A.Bridget Hand & Laura Samide-Direction of PD for ISCA; CCR Lessons: Laura Samide shared current professional development activities:

  1. Crisis Teams for schools: some options already exist. Information provided on CounselorTalk.
  2. Survey: over 100 responses. About 75% of respondents want local workshops for professional development.
  3. A request has been sent out on CounselorTalk for CCR resources.
  4. Commission for Higher Ed wants us to share this data with them for consistency.
  5. Amy Marsh suggested that to assist with the regional workshop request from the survey that it might be useful to bring together entities around the state to provide these sessions. For example, CHE and IYI have regional sessions, etc.

B.Sarah Altman:

  1. School Counseling Student Standards: Following up on a previous question about the updating of standards. Amanda Culhan shared that no timeline has yet to be set [or deadline]. IDOE will continue to look at current materials and suggestions to go forward. Sarah suggested that perhaps taking the ASCA Standards and making some Indiana tweaks.
  2. Awards Committee: The committee needs to be formalized. It has been suggested that we bring back last year’s winners to serve on the committee [to be reviewers]. Brandie Oliver agreed that a two-level committee [administration & scoring] would be beneficial.

C.Brandie Oliver: Partnership with IYI: ISCA has been approached by IYI to become more involved in their programs. The question of increased involvement in their June meeting was discussed. Discussion indicated that there is support for more involvement but additional details on costs, etc. are needed. Brandie will meet again with Kate to get additional information and will get back to the Executive Board.

  1. Brandie Oliver indicated that Lin Metzger wants to review the Counselor Evaluation Tool and needs a committee to proceed.
  2. Adjourn: Moved by Amy Marsh, second by Jen Money-Brady. Approved.

Next ISCA Board Meeting

Saturday, April 18, 2015

@ Butler University Room TBD