Dear Parents,
As Community Service Coordinators, we have created a calendar of age-appropriate Community Service opportunities for the students at Primary Day. (Please see attached calendar) We’d love your help to involve your children in the projects to make them meaningful to them.
Our first project (card and craft-making during the Fall Festival) was a huge success. The cards, crafts and loom bracelets made by Primary Day students were sent to the pediatric patients at NIH’s Children’s Inn (a place for the patients and their families to stay while the children receive medical treatment at NIH).
The sick children loved our children’s gifts.We will encourage our students to continue making cards and crafts for them throughout the year. Each classroom will have a “collection box” for the crafts or cards your children make for the NIH patients. The teachers will explain the importance of Community Service and encouragecreating ongoing gifts of love to the children at NIH’s Children’s Inn. The cards and crafts can be made at home, too. Note – cards should be upbeat only – with no mention of “Get Well” or the child’s illness. Suggested phrases: “Have a great day!”, “You Rock!”, “You’re cool!”, “Peace,”… Loom bracelets (especially in typically male colors) are very much appreciated!
Our 2nd community service Project: "Treats 4 Troops" was also a tremendous success. was SO appreciative of all the Halloween candy our school donated! Our candy will be used to fillstockings to be sent to UStroops in the next few weeks.
We are currently collecting toys for the children at Chapel Forge Early Childhood Center and InterFaith Works. Chapel Forge serves the needs of disabled children from birth to age five, and InterFatih Works helps low income and homeless families in Montgomery County. Here are some suggested gift items: puzzles, dolls, crayons, trucks/cars, markers, basketballs, books, construction blocks, playdoh sets, games, hula hoops, jump ropes, soccer balls, board games, arts and crafts sets. batteryoperatedtoys, educational toys, movie tickets, gift cards, etc.
Donations may be brought to the schoolfrom Monday, December 2through Monday, December 16th.
Thank you in advance for your generous support for the families and children during the holidays!!
Primary Day’s Community Service activities will continue to be highlighted in Mrs.Geppert’s Primary Source.Feel free to contact either one of us with questions or input. Thank you for helping our boys and girls learn the importance of giving back to others!
Sue Gordon
Kelly Derrick
Dr. Dan Kindlon, author of Too Much of A Good Thing: Raising Children of Character in An indulgent Age, believes the way to build character and self-esteem and to give children a sense of meaning and purpose is to get them involved in community service.