School Improvement PlanMonroetonElementary School
2008-20118081 US Hwy 158
Reidsville, NC27320
MonroetonElementary School Improvement Plan
Rockingham County Schools’ Vision:
“Teaching All Students to Become Productive Citizens and Lifelong Learners”
School Mission
The mission of MonroetonElementary School is to educate, inspire and develop the uniqueness of each child into a productive citizen by creating a positive learning environment that promotes high expectations, while meeting the needs of the 21st century learners through diverse educational opportunities.
Signatures for this document are on file at the school and Rockingham County Schools
Colored Coded Updates:Black 2008-09; Blue 2009-10; Red 2010-11
Leadership Team Members
2008 – 2011
School: Monroeton Elementary
The following team members collaborated with school staff to develop the School Improvement Plan for our school (parents, faculty, and administrators must be included):
Name / Position or Role / Signature / DateJo Rayle / Chair/Curriculum Lead
Robin Finberg / Principal
Roberta Nickelson / Assistant Principal
Jill Nolker / Kindergarten Rep.
Joanne Toby / First Grade Rep.
Nickie F.-Winters / Second Grade Rep.
Ophelia Wright / Third Grade Rep.
Carol Knight / Fourth Grade Rep.
Tara Marshall / Fifth Grade Rep.
Donna Henley / EC Rep.
Lynn Caviness / Sec./Teacher Assistant Rep.
Michelle Joines / Enhancement Rep.
Wayne Miller / Guidance Counselor
Cari Wilson / Media Specialist
Karen Reichenbach / PTA President/Parent Rep.
Darlene Malloy / Parent Rep.
Lori Alcorn
Melissa Styer
Scott Cook / Parent Rep.
Parent Rep.
Parent Rep.
School Improvement Plan Approval Form
Initial Approval by Staff
Date of Presentation/Approval Vote November 13, 2008
Results of Approval Vote 96%
Principal’s Signature ______
Approved by Superintendent
Superintendent Signature______
Approved by RockinghamCounty Board of Education
School Improvement Plan
Monitoring 09-10
Which strategies were accomplished?
What changes will you make for the upcoming year?
Mission/Vision and Purpose:
In June of 2008 the staff at MonroetonElementary School met to review and revise our mission statement to reflect the current goals of 21st century learners and educators and create a shared agreement on our purpose and direction for improving the performance of students and the effectiveness of the school. Our Mission is communicated to our stakeholders through our parent/student handbook, staff handbook, school website, annual and monthly school publications, and NC School Report Card. Our school’s leadership team, which consists of representatives throughout the school, elected parent representatives and administration, consistently works together, monitors, and evaluates so that students are provided with quality instruction and engaging learning experiences in an effort to meet student learning goals.
Governance and Leadership:
Our elected school leadership team meets monthly to advocate for the school’s mission and improvement efforts. Our leadership team provides direction and allocates resources to support and implement our curricular programs to enable students to achieve learning expectations. Collaboration and shared responsibility are encouraged through weekly grade level meetings, extended planning sessions, vertical teams, CASA Meetings, Parent Teacher Association, and professional development. Our school’s policies, procedures, and organizational conditions, such as protected instructional and common collaborative planning time, help to ensure equity of learning opportunities and support innovation.
Teaching and Learning:
During the 2007-08 and 2008-09 school year, Monroeton Elementary met expected growth and 100% of our target AYP goals (as measured by the 07-08and 08-09 EOG) through implementing a curriculum based program of thematic webbing and pacing as well as using formative assessment to identify measurable expectations for student learning. Teachers implement research-based instructional practices that actively engage students in the learning process, which is measured through our school leadership team walk-through data and student achievement data. Teachers provide opportunities for students to apply their knowledge and skills to real world situations through project based learning opportunities, cooperative learning groups, and differentiated instruction.
Documenting and Using Results:
A comprehensive assessment system is used at MonroetonElementary School based on clearly defined performance measures to assess student performance on expectations for student learning, evaluate the effectiveness of curriculum and instruction, and determine interventions to improve student performance. Assessments are reviewed weekly and each nine weeks during grade level planning meetings, during extended planning sessions, and at vertical team meeting to collaborate around student achievement and strive for continuous improvement.
Resource and Support Systems:
Resources are allocated to support and implement our curricular research-based programs, hire 100% of highly qualified teachers, paraprofessionals, remediation tutors, and to provide professional development. Monroeton Elementary School moved to a new state-of-art facility in 2003 which provides students, staff, parents, and the community with a 21st century learning environment. Students at Monroeton Elementary are provided with a safe and nurturing learning environment through our character education program, Conscious Discipline models, and our Safe and Orderly Schools Plan.
Stakeholder Communications and Relationships:
Communications and relationships between all stakeholders play an important role in the day-to-day operations at MonroetonElementary School. We use a variety ofcommunication devices and provide a variety of events to help understanding, commitment, and support of stakeholders through school and teacher web pages, monthly family newsletters, ConnectEd, student sticker reminders, parent/student nights, school skate nights, PTA, Leadership Team, parent/teacher conferences, and weekly grade level meetings.
Commitment to Continuous Improvement:
MonroetonElementary School engages in a continuous process or cycle of improvement by identifying strengths and areas of improvement on an on-going basis, developing goals and interventions to improve student performance, documenting and analyzing the results, evaluating the effectiveness of improvement efforts while ensuring consistent implementation, monitoring, and communicates the improvement process to all stakeholders.
This section includes:
- Student Achievement Data
- Instructional/Organizational Data
- Stakeholders Perspective, including but not limited to Parent Surveys and Working Conditions Survey
- Demographics
- Other data that describes the current state of your organization
Describe how teachers are involved in Assessment Use:
- Teachers take part in high quality staff development to understand and demonstrate how to use data to drive instruction.
- Teachers are actively involved in the development of pacing guides/curriculum webs to correlate with benchmark tests as well as the review of results of the tests.
- Teachers receive assistance in reporting assessment data to parents.
- Teachers participate in weekly CASA meetings to analyze on-going student achievement data to develop research based remediation strategies for struggling students.
EOG/EOC Data can be found at Click on “Disaggregated Data” link.
EOG/EOC Data can be found at Go to the year in question for results. Note that results will vary slightly from ABC results due to the different way that the numbers are computed.
Graduation Data found at Click on “Graduation Rates” link.
Data on the NC Writing Test: Grades 4, 7 and 10 can be found at Click on the link “Writing Reports.”
SAT results can be found at:
Demographic Data for Most Recent School Year(s)
School Name Monroeton Elementary
2009-2010 School Profile
Grade Span / Pre K – 5th GradeNumber of
Students / 513
Number of Administrators / 2
Number of
Classroom Teachers 1 / 36
Average Class Size 1 / 21
Number of Paraprofessionals / Part-Time / Full-Time
2 / 17
1 NC School Report Card at Use most recent data.
2 SIMS data
3 Payroll Data
4 Annual Dropout Report
Faculty Profile
Years of Teaching Experience 1 / 0 - 3 / 4-10 / 10+ Years8% / 56% / 36%
Teacher Attendance 3 / W/Staff Development / Without Staff Development
93.02% / 94.35%
Additional Data
2007-2008 / 2008-2009 / 2009-2010 / 2010-2011
Teacher Turnover Rate 1 / 3% / 11%
Teachers with Advanced Degrees 1 / 32% / 28%
National Board Certified Teachers 1 / 9 / 10
Number Highly Qualified Teachers 1 / 100% / 100%
1 NC School Report Card at
2 SIMS data
3 Payroll Data
4 Annual Dropout Report
Student Profile
Subgroup Demographics 2
(10th day membership 2008-2009)(10th day membership 2009-2010)
Subgroup / Number of Students / Percentage of TotalSchool PopulationAll Students / 509/512 / 100/100
White / 359/365 / 70.5/71.3
Black / 74/74 / 14.5/14.4
Hispanic / 34/31 / 6.7/6
Multi-Racial / 32/32 / 6.3/6.3
American Indian / 8/7 / 1.6/1.4
Asian / 2/3 / 0.4/.6
English as Second Language / 35/33 / 6.8/6.4
Free/Reduced Lunch / 254/187 / 49.9/36.5
Students with Disabilities / 71/70 / 13.9/13.7
Additional Data
Number of Suspensions 1
(2007 – 2008) / 1-10 days / 10+ Days / Expulsions
80/54 / 0/0 / 0/0
Average Attendance1 / 2007-2008 / 2008-2009 / 2009-2010 / 2010-2011
96.4% / 96.9%
Number of Retentions6 / 2007-2008 / 2008-2009 / 2009-2010 / 2010-2011
16 / 9
1 NC School Report Card at
2 SIMS data
3 Payroll Data
4 Annual Dropout Report
6 Promotion/Retention Report (Testing Coordinator for information)
Student Achievement
K – 2 Assessments
Writing Assessment / KindergartenPercent Proficient / First Grade
Percent Proficient / Second Grade
Percent Proficient
2008 / 2008
2009 / 2009
2010 / 2010
2011 / 2007
2008 / 2008
2009 / 2009
2010 / 2010
2011 / 2007
2008 / 2008
2009 / 2009
2010 / 2010
End of year Writing Sample (% students on appropriate developmental level) / 60% / 85.4% / 84% / 67% / 67% / 44%
Levels for Reading / Kindergarten / First Grade / Second Grade
2008 / 2008
2009 / 2009
2010 / 2010
2011 / 2007
2008 / 2008
2009 / 2009
2010 / 2010
2011 / 2007
2008 / 2008
2009 / 2009
2010 / 2010
Percent Proficient
Level 3-4+ / 86% / 89.6%
Percent Proficient
Level 15-16+ / 91% / 93%
Percent Proficient
Level 23-24+ / 94% / 96%
K – 2 Math Assessment / 2007
2008 / 2008
2009 / 2009
2010 / 2010
Percent Proficient
(70% or higher considered proficient) / 92% / 91%
Student Achievement
End-of-Grade Tests
Elementary School
Grade Level/Test / School / District / StatePercent Proficient / Percent Proficient / Percent Proficient
2008 / 2008
2009 / 2009
2010 / 2010
2011 / 2007
2008 / 2008
2009 / 2009
2010 / 2010
2011 / 2007
2008 / 2008
2009 / 2009
2010 / 2010
Grade 3 / 53.9% / 69.1% / 51.2% / 59.8% / 54.5%
Grade 4 / 70.3% / 71.1% / 59.8 % / 63.7% / 59.2%
Grade 4 / 81.8% / Na / 55.9% / Na / Na
Grade 5 / 46.8% / 72.4% / 50.4% / 63.1% / 55.6%
Grade Level/Test / School / District / State
Percent Proficient / Percent Proficient / Percent Proficient
2008 / 2008
2009 / 2009
2010 / 2010
2011 / 2007
2008 / 2008
2009 / 2009
2010 / 2010
2011 / 2007
2008 / 2008
2009 / 2009
2010 / 2010
Grade 3 / 73.4% / 85.2% / 72.5% / 80.7% / 73.2%
Grade 4 / 81.8% / 84.3% / 74.5% / 78.7% / 72.8%
Grade 5 / 57.5% / 82.9% / 65.6% / 80.5% / 69.6%
Student Achievement
Percent Proficient by Subgroup
Grade 3Reading and Math
Student Group / Reading / Math
2008 / 2008
2009 / 2009
2010 / 2010
2011 / 2007
2008 / 2008
2009 / 2009
2010 / 2010
All Students / 54.8 / 69.1 / 71.3 / 85.2
Males / 45.5 / 48.6 / 64.9 / 71.4
Females / 60.0 / 64.3 / 67.1 / 78.6
White / 60.3 / 58.2 / 74.1 / 78.2
Black / 57.1 / 54.5 / 75 / 63.6
Hispanic / 16.7 / 60 / 66.7 / 80
Multi-Racial / 25.0 / 40 / 80 / 60
American Indian / - / 100 / 0 / 100
Asian / 0.0 / - / 100 / -
English as Second Language / 16.7 / 40 / 66.7 / 60
Free/Reduced Lunch / 41.7 / 45.9 / 71.1 / 64.9
Students with Disabilities / 12.5 / 0 / 33.3 / 14.3
Student Achievement
Percent Proficient by Subgroup
Grade 4Reading and Math
Student Group / Reading / Math
2008 / 2008
2009 / 2009
2010 / 2010
2011 / 2007
2008 / 2008
2009 / 2009
2010 / 2010
All Students / 70.3 / 71.1 / 81.8 / 84.3
Males / 69.2 / 54.2 / 82.1 / 75
Females / 64.1 / 63.6 / 79.5 / 84.8
White / 79.2 / 59.3 / 88.9 / 81.4
Black / 54.5 / 66.7 / 69.2 / 77.8
Hispanic / 50.0 / 57.1 / 50 / 71.4
Multi-Racial / 25.0 / 40 / 75 / 80
American Indian / - / - / - / -
Asian / - / 0 / - / 0
English as Second Language / 60.0 / 42.9 / 0 / 57.1
Free/Reduced Lunch / 73.5 / 51.2 / 78.4 / 75.6
Students with Disabilities / 42.9 / 8.3 / 50 / 33.3
Grade 4 Writing
Student Group / 2007
2008 / 2008
2009 / 2009
2010 / 2010
All Students / 81.8 / Na
Males / 81.6 / -
Females / 82.1 / -
White / 79.6 / -
Black / 84.6 / -
Hispanic / 83.3 / -
Multi-Racial / 100 / -
American Indian / - / -
Asian / - / -
English as Second Language / 80 / -
Free/Reduced Lunch / 91.9 / -
Students with Disabilities / 42.9 / -
Student Achievement
Percent Proficient by Subgroup
Grade 5Reading and Math
Student Group / Reading / Math
2008 / 2008
2009 / 2009
2010 / 2010
2011 / 2007
2008 / 2008
2009 / 2009
2010 / 2010
All Students / 46.8 / 72.4 / 57.5 / 82.9
Males / 46.9 / 66.7 / 51.7 / 76.9
Females / 50.0 / 61.8 / 45.7 / 79.4
White / 55.2 / 72 / 60 / 86
Black / 10.0 / 53.8 / 45.5 / 61.5
Hispanic / 33.3 / 20 / 44.4 / 40
Multi-Racial / 50.0 / 50 / 100 / 75
American Indian / - / 100 / - / 100
Asian / - / - / - / -
English as Second Language / 14.3 / 25 / 57.1 / 50
Free/Reduced Lunch / 34.3 / 60.6 / 46.5 / 66.7
Students with Disabilities / 0.0 / 37.5 / 10 / 37.5
Data Analysis
Summary of Strengths and Supporting EvidenceAreas of Strength / Evidence
100% of teachers at MonroetonElementary School are highly qualified. In addition, 32% hold advanced degrees and 9 teachers have earned National Board Certification. 100% of teachers are highly qualified and the number of teachers who have earned National Board Certification as increased to 10 teachers. / 2007-08 NC School Report Card 2008-09 NC School Report Card
We have a strong school-home connection and parents believe their children are getting a good education at MonroetonElementary School. Overall, 92.6% of parents who responded to the survey believe that their child “gets a good education at this school”. The incidences of student bullying on the bus has decreased. / Title I Blue Folders and 2007-08 Parent Survey 2008-09 Parent Survey
During the 2007-08 school year, 2nd grade demonstrated 94% proficiency in reading (level 23-24 +). Overall, during the 2008-09 school year, K-2nd graders were 93% proficient in reading and 91% proficient in math. / 2007-08 EOY K-2 Literacy Assessment 2008-09 EOG K-2 Literacy, Math, and Running Record Assessment
91.9% of the Free/Reduced Lunch subgroup were proficient in Grade 4 Writing and 81.8% overall were proficient in 2007-08, an increase from 67% proficient in 2006-07. / 2007-2008 4thGradeState Writing Assessment
81.8% of 4th Grade Students were proficient on the Math EOG. Overall student proficiency in Math for grades 3-5 increased from 71.3% in 2007-08 to 84.1% proficient in 2008-09. Students in grades 3-5 were 70.9% proficient in reading which is 27.7 points higher than the current 43.2 AYP cut score. / 2007-2008 Math EOG Assessment
2008-09 Math and Reading EOG Assessment
Monroeton Elementary met expected growth on the Math NC ABC Model and met 10 (or 100%) out of 10 target Reading and Math AYP goals. The school met 13 (or 100%) out of 13 target Reading and Math AYP goals and met expected growth on the Reading and Math NC ABC Model. Overall Reading proficiency is above the new cut score of 43.2%. / 2007-2008 EOG Assessment
2008-09 EOG Assessment
Data Development
Summary of Needs and Supporting EvidenceAreas of Need / Evidence
Teachers need to increase utilization of instructional strategies that promote differentiated learning, curriculum integration and 21st century skills. Use technology to enhance instruction through Project-Based learning experiences. / 2007-2008 EOG, Walk-Through Data, Administration Observations 2008-2009 EOG, Student Products, Administration Observations
The incidence of student discipline/bullying on the bus has increased. 91% of parents who responded to the annual survey indicated that they had “at least one parent-teacher conference this school year”. / 2007-2008 Parent Survey Data and Bus Discipline Referrals
2008-2009 Parent Survey Data
3rd and 5th grade did not meet the proficiency cut score of 77.2% in math. 5th grade reading was 46.8% which was below the system average of 50.4%. There was a significant achievement gap between white 5th graders in reading at 55.2% proficient and black 5th grade students in reading at 10.0% proficient in reading. To meet 2010-11 new AYP cut score for Reading, teachers need to provide explicit guided reading instruction (text to reader) school wide with a monthly focus on comprehension strategies. / 2007-2008 EOG
2008-2009 EOG
Math Goal 3 was significantly below the state mean for both fourth and fifth grade. / 2007-2008 EOG
Only 67% of 2nd grade students demonstrated proficiency in writing. 70% of K-5th grade students demonstrated proficiency in writing. Teachers must continue to explore effective ways of writing across curriculums. / 2007-2008 K-2 Writing Assessment
2008-2009 K-5 Writing Assessment Data
Instructional staff needs to increase the use of formative assessment data on a weekly basis to make instructional decisions. Obtain full implementation of CASA groups bi-weekly to make instructional decisions based on student achievement data and involving all certified teachers (classroom, EC, enhancements, etc.) / 2007-2008 EOG Data, CASA Model
2008-09 EOG Data, Leadership Minutes
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School Improvement PlanMonroetonElementary School
2008-20118081 US Hwy 158
Reidsville, NC27320
School Improvement Plan for 2008 -2011
LEA:Rockingham County SchoolsSchool: Monroeton Elementary
GOAL: North Carolina public schools will produce globally competitive students.
SMART Goal or Objective: By 2011, 94% of students who enter second grade at Monroeton Elementary School will be reading on grade level or above (Level 15-16) and will continue reading at grade level when exiting second grade (Level 23-24).
Title I Required Component(s) 2: School Reform Strategies K-2 ELA
Strategy / Professional Development / Person(s) Responsible / Timeline / Evaluation / Resources/TechnologyRequired Budgeted
K-2 Teachers will utilize formal and informal assessment data to drive instruction and identify students who are at risk while providing remediation using research-based interventions. / CASA Training on using data for instructional purposes / K-2 Teachers
Curriculum Lead
Instructional Support Staff
Tutors / SIT chairs will be trained in CASA and will lead this through weekly grade level planning 08-2011 / Weekly minutes from grade level meetings, remediation focus groups and monitoring of progress based upon running records and assessments / Research-based strategies, daily
& weekly planning time, Formative & Summative Assessments linked to the NCSCOS
K-2 Teachers will provide integrated ELA concepts across the curriculum to allow students to make connectionsand use technology to enhance instruction. / Project Based Learning & 21st Century Learners / K-2 Teachers
Curriculum Lead
Instructional Support Staff
Principal / Teachers will continue to plan collaboratively weekly and during nine week extended planning 08-2011 / Curriculum webs/thematic units and lesson plans, IMPACT Model
Project based products / Fundations Program
Writing Across the Curriculum
Leveled Books
Curriculum Webs
Extended Planning
Technology to enhance instruction
K-2 Teachers will implement the Balanced Literacy program to prepare students for reading fluency and comprehensionand provide explicit guided reading. / Balanced Literacy Training / K-2 Teachers
Curriculum Lead / Training will be provided by the county on each early release day 08-09 / Daily classroom schedule and implementation of literacy components, walk-through data / Time to implement small reading instruction groups, Balanced Literacy Program & Literacy DPI resources, AR Program, Title I
School Improvement Plan for 2008 -2011
LEA: Rockingham County SchoolsSchool: Monroeton Elementary
GOAL: North Carolina public schools will produce globally competitive students.
SMART Goal or Objective: By 2011, 94% of students who enter second grade at MonroetonElementary School will be proficient in math and will continue to show growth and increase math proficiency when exiting second grade.
Title I Required Component(s) 2: School Reform Strategies K-2 Math
Strategy / Professional Development / Person(s) Responsible / Timeline / Evaluation / Resources/TechnologyRequired Budgeted
K-2 Teachers will utilize formal and informal assessment data to drive instruction and identify students who are at risk while providing remediation using research-based interventions. / CASA Training on using data for instructional purposes / K-2 Teachers
Curriculum Lead
Instructional Support Staff
Tutors / SIT chairs will be trained in CASA and will lead this through weekly grade level planning 2008-2011 / Weekly minutes from grade level meetings, remediation focus groups and monitoring of progress based upon on-going and 9-week assessments / Research-based strategies, daily & weekly planning time, formative & summative math assessment linked to the NCSCOS
K-2 Teachers will provide integrated Math concepts across the curriculum to allow students to make connectionsand use technology to enhance instruction. / Project Based Learning & 21st Century Learners / K-2 Teachers
Curriculum Lead
Instructional Support Staff
Principals / Teachers will continue to plan collaboratively weekly and during nine week extended planning 08-2011 / Curriculum Webs/thematic unit planning
Project Based Products / DPI Math Resources
Technology to enhance instruction
Collaborative Planning Time
K-2 Teachers will facilitate a variety of teaching and learning models to allow students to understand math conceptually. / The school’s math vertical team will begin discussing Math Foundations. / K-2 Teachers
Curriculum Lead
Instructional Support Staff
Principals / Teachers will continue to plan differentiated instruction and conceptual math lessons / Walk-Through Data, lesson plans, weekly team minutes / Math Software, calculators,
Math Manipulatives,
Staff to facilitate small group instruction
School Improvement Plan for 2008 -2011