Name:________________________ Date:_____________________
Social Studies 5 Themes of Geography
Directions: Match the vocabulary word with its correct definition. Write the letter of your answer choice on the space provided.
_____1) Region A) how people and goods move
_____2).Location B) how people adapt or change so they
live in their environment
_____3).Place C). an area of land that is the same no
matter where it is.
_____4).Geography D). the study of the Earth’s people
environment and
_____5).Movement E). the exact point where a place on
Earth is located (address)
_____6).Geographer F). the scientist who studies the Earth
_____7).Human Interaction & G). what an area “is like” (using 5
Environment senses) that makes it the same or
different from another area
Directions: List the names of the 5 Themes of Geography:
Directions: Read each description. Circle the letter of the correct answer.
1). The sound of cars, seeing green grass, tall buildings, trees.
These are all things that we can use our senses for to tell the similarities
& differences of certain areas.
This describes the theme of:
A) movement B) Place C) location
2). Boat, airplane, cargo ship, horse & carriage.
These describes the theme of:
A) movement B) region C) human interaction & environment
3). Having to make terraces (steps) into a hillside to farm, wearing warm
clothes because of the climate, making homes from clay because wood
is not an available resource.
These describes the theme of:
A) location B) region C) human interaction & environment
4). Using longitude and latitude lines on a map, using a GPS system in
your car to find a place on Earth.
These describes the theme of:
A) movement B) place C) location
Directions: Answer each question in writing.
4). An Australian Rain Forest and a Brazilian Rain Forest both have hot,
humid climates, green plants, and similar animals, but they are on two
different continents. Why?