The objective of the S.B. Butler Parent Teacher Organization (SBB PTO) is to facilitate, enhance and support communications between parents and teachers and to promote the academic achievement and social growth of our children.
All parents, guardians, faculty, and staff of S.B. Butler Elementary are encouraged to support the SBB PTO. Monthly meetings are open to all in the SBBMediaCenter. Please fill out an SBB PTO volunteer form to indicate the particular areas of interest where you may wish to participate. A volunteer form is included in the PTO Welcome Back to School packet, and is also available in the Main Office. Meeting information and other school news can be found on our website, our Facebook page, and through periodic emails and flyers sent home with students.
The best way to support the SBB PTO is to participate in our activities. We sponsor social events throughout the year, many of which are held outside of the school day so that the whole family may enjoy them together, as well as in-school activities for students and teachers. Throughout the school year we will have one or two direct-sale fundraisers. These provide most of our yearly funding. We need your support for these events to be successful.
Volunteers are always needed to organize and assist with activities throughout the year. Sign-up sheets for upcoming events will be available at the Open House evening on September 12thand throughout the year at SBB PTO meetings. You can also call one of the officers listed below with questions and/or suggestions.
PTO OFFICERS – 2017-2018
Co-ChairAndrea Frickman860-884-8191
Co-ChairAllison Zyrlis860-961-0899
TreasurerTo Be Elected September 2017
SecretaryTo Be Elected September 2017
The following are some of the activities that the SBB PTO has sponsored in the past:
- School parties such as ice cream socials, movie nights, dances, ice skating and roller skating parties, and the Back to School Picnic
- Field trips for each class
- Science and Math Day
- Robotics Club
- After school enrichment programs
- In-school Assemblies
- School Directory
- Funding for School Improvement Team events
- Two book fairs to assist the MediaCenter and teachers
- Teacher Appreciation Activities
- Funding for classroom enrichment, playground equipment/installation, school supplies