Nova Southeastern University
Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences
Division of Math, Science, and Technology
Course Syllabus /

Last Date Revised: 9/26/11


ATTR 3800, CRN XXXX, Evolution of Sports Medicine

January - May



Assistant Professor

Office Location: Parker Room

Office Phone: 954-262-


Office Hours:

Meeting Time: M 6 pm– 8 pm

Meeting Location: Parker Room 204


Evolutionof Sports Medicine: This course will include both lecture material and a weeklong field experience dedicated to the study of the development of sports medicine. The course is designed to explore the clinical practices employed by medical professionals to treat and rehabilitate sports related injuries. The timeline of the course will begin with Ancient Greek times and continue through modern day. Students will be able to understand the significance of sports medicine development and growth from the beginning. Prerequisite: COMP 1500


  • Identify ancient and present day treatment and rehabilitation techniques used to treat the athletes and help restore sport function
  • Analyze and describe the resources and sporting facilities available during ancient times compared with those of the modern era
  • Identify the scientific foundation used for ancient medicine
  • Study abroad and experience Greek culture, while learning first hand about the foundations of sports medicine



VI. Course Requirements and Policies

Attendance: All students must be in class by the beginning of the set class time. Any unexcused absence will result in a 1% deduction of your final grade percentage. Any student who misses a class for an excused absence must provide written email communication prior to class time. Failure to provide written email documentation prior to class time will also result in unexcused absence and 1% deduction of your final grade percentage. Failing to provide written email documentation to the faculty member prior to class time is inexcusable. Any student who arrives in class after the set class time will be considered tardy. Two tardies from class will result in an unexcused absence and a 1% deduction of your final grade percentage. Any further tardies will also be considered an unexcused absence and a 1% deduction of your final grade percentage.

Missed exams and quizzes: can only be made up if there is a documented illness or legitimate conflict. A make-up exam must be scheduled in advance, otherwise the student will receive a zero for that exam. You will also receive a zero for a quiz that is missed. Quizzes will be given at the beginning of class.


Examinations: There will be NO make-up examinations unless exceptional conditions occur as defined in the University Student Handbook. Prior permission from the professor is required. There will be a time limit for each examination. Examinations will evaluate the understanding of material from lecture, text, other supplemental material provided, including the abroad experience.

Homework:Assignments are due at the beginning of class; NO late assignments will be accepted as a result of tardiness or unexcused absence. Literature reviews and article interpretations may be included among the homework assignments. Students need to be familiar with the libraries and on-line search engines to locate rehabilitation specific research.

Projects: There will be two projects for this course; each will comprise 25% of the overall grade in this course. Specific project guidelines will be discussed in class.

Abroad Experiences: Students will be given the opportunity to learn first hand about historical sporting venues and modern day Olympic sites while in Greece and surrounding areas over Spring Break. This experience is a REQUIRED component for successful completion of this course. Therefore, if you do not attend the trip, you will receive a failing grade for the course, and forfeit your entire payment to NSU.

LATE ASSIGNMENTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED! If you will be traveling for a University sanctioned event and will miss an assignment due date, your assignment is due before you leave. You must notify the Professor with an explanation for missing class, via email or in writing, to receive an excused absence for class. If you miss a quiz or lab experience, please make arrangements with the Professor to make up the missed material within 2 class periods from your absence. Students are responsible for all materials missed as a result of an absence. All assignmentsmust be typed unless otherwise stated in the directions when the assignment was given.


Class schedule subject to modification, but not without prior notification. Course Progression will tentatively follow the schedule below:


Week 1 / Review syllabus, discuss projects
Begin Geek Language Lessons (Numbers, Letters) / Passport/Travel Visa
Week 2 / Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
No Classes
Week 3 / Geek Language Lessons (Travel Terms)
History and Philosophy of Medicine and Sport / Greek Quiz
Week 4 / Geek Language Lessons (Food Items)
Ancient Greek Culture
Week 5 / Geek Language Lessons
Ancient Olympics (Facilities, Athletes, Medicine)
Week 6 / Geek Language Lessons, (Common Phrases)
Modern Day Olympics
Week 7 / Greek Culture
Landmarks, Locations, Geography
Week 8 / Exam 1 / Packing list for the TRIP!!
Week 9 /
Depart for Greece on Saturday, March
Spring Break, Greece Experience
Return from Greece on Sunday, March
Week 10 / Treatment and Rehabilitation Techniques
Week 11 / The scientific foundation used for ancient medicine Part 1 / Historical Photo-Journal Project Due
Week 12 / The scientific foundation used for ancient medicine Part 2
Week 13 / Training techniques from Ancient to Modern
Week 14 / Athlete preparation competition: Ancient to Modern
Week 15 / Olympics Events: Ancient to Modern
Week 16 / The scientific foundation used for ancient medicine / Ancient to Modern Project Due
Exam 2


Written Examinations 50%



A / 94 - 100
A- / 90 - 93
B+ / 87 - 89
B / 84 - 86
B- / 80 - 83
C+ / 77 - 79
C / 74 - 76
C- / 70 - 73
F / Below 70

Note: When the decimal is .5 or below the grade is rounded down to the nearest whole number. If the decimal is .6 or above the grade is rounded up to the nearest whole number.