Raysfield Pre-school is registered as a full day care provider and is therefore able to offer parents/carers the opportunity for their child/children to have lunch on the preschool premises.
We ensure that the children will be closely monitored at all times by appropriately trained staff. Consistent acceptable table manners and behaviour will be encouraged and meal times will be enjoyable, social occasions for both staff and children alike.
Lunch should be provided by the parent/carer in suitable named containers, and any cutlery needed should be provided. Unfortunately, we are unable to reheat food.
Raysfield Pre-school is committed to promoting healthy eating and believes that encouraging this at a young age will lead to a healthier lifestyle.
General Procedures
- Staff will carry out checks to ensure that all children expected to stay for lunch have a lunch pack.
- A lunch time register will be checked.
- Water or Milk will be available for the children at all times but parents can provide a suitable drink.
- Good table manners will be actively encouraged by staff who will also set a good example.
- Cultural difference in eating habits will be respected.
- Children will be encouraged to say Please and Thank you and to sit whilst eating.
- Conversation will be encouraged.
- Slow eaters will not be rushed and will be given time to finish their meal within the 30-minute lunch period.
- Children will be encouraged to eat savoury items before sweet.
- Parent/carers will be encouraged to provide healthy lunches (no sweets/bars of chocolate); Healthy eating advice and information is available to view on our parent’s information board. We reserve the right to return this food to the parent and include an explanation note.
- Parents/carers will be asked to put a realistic amount in their child’s lunchbox, as we will try to encourage the children to finish all of their food. We suggest that parents/carers put small amounts into the lunchboxes which can be increased over time.
- Squirty yoghurts and fizzy/pouch drinks are discouraged because children find them difficult to access independently.
- Children will be actively discouraged from sharing their food with others, particularly important if children suffer from specific food allergies.
- Raysfield Pre-school is a ‘No Nut Zone’, including products containing coconut; please ensure that items that come into Preschool do not contain nuts as some children can have severe reactions.
- Grapes, cocktail sausages and cherry tomatoes should be cut in half long ways to avoid a choking hazard.
Lunch Box Storage
- Parents should provide lunches in suitable containers, with ice packs, all containers, lunch bags and drinks bottles must be clearly labelled with their child’s name.
- A trolley will be provided for lunch boxes, which will be stored away from radiators and sunlight, in a cool place. Parents will be able to collect their child’s lunch box from the lunch trolley at the end of their session.
After signing in for morning sessions we require parents/children to self-register for lunch club by placing their name on the board provided, selecting ‘All day, AM and Lunch or Lunch and PM’ as appropriate.
We make a small charge of £2.50 per day for this facility, which provides half an hour of excellent childcare.
This policy was adopted by the management committee of Raysfield Pre-school.
Signed on behalf of the management committee
Name of signatory………………………………………………………………………
Role of signatory………………………………………………………………………
Date ……………………………………………………………………….
Policy updated16/10/2016
By Clare Ahearne.