Honors 9th Literature

The Night Circus Part II-III Reading Guide

  1. Character Identification
  1. Bailey
  2. Chandresh Christophe Lefevre
  3. Widget Murray
  4. Poppet Murray
  5. Isobel Martin
  6. Herr Friedrick Thiessen
  1. Analysis
  1. What does the binding of the bonfire do for Marco?
  2. Who is affected by the lighting of the bonfire? Who is not?
  3. Pay attention to Tsukiko’s act on p. 141. What do we know about her and her abilities?
  4. What effect has the magic around the circus had on all the original circus conspirators/planners?
  5. How does Celia learn Marco is her opponent? What object lets her know?
  6. How does Herr Friedrick Thiessen become involved in the circus? Pay attention to when/how he becomes the unofficial leader of the reveurs.
  7. Explain the phenomenon of grounding. Who handles this for Celia?
  8. Review the chapter titled “Collaborations.” What important shift occurs in the novel in this chapter.
  9. Review the chapter titled “Cartomancy.” What happens in this chapter?
  10. Review these literary terms: sentence fragments, visual imagery, alliteration, paradox, simile, metaphor, foreshadowing, onomatopoeia, personification.
  11. Review Celia’s conversation with Herr Friedrick Thiessen on p.240. Why doesn’t he ask her how she does her tricks?
  12. Review p.243 where Lainie and Tara’s contribution to the circus is explained. What kind of performer did they create and who performs at Tara’s funeral?
  13. Review Tsukiko’s comment about a “fish bowl” when she is speaking to Isobel at Tara’s funeral on p. 246. What point is she trying to make?
  14. What is Poppet’s talent and where does she see it?
  15. What is Widget’s talent and where does he see it?
  16. What does Widget “see” first when he “looks” at Bailey?
  17. What happens when Celia and Marco touch each other (look for several things)?
  18. What two questions do Celia and Marco ask each other?
  19. Which philosophy do Celia and Marco discuss?
  1. Close Reading
  1. Review the chapter titled “The Wizard in the Tree” where Widget and Bailey discuss what she sees. Analyze the following:
  2. Sentence fragments, dependent clauses, independent clauses
  3. The beginning section, focusing on the contrast between colorful rooms and the black and white circus
  4. The words carmine, coral, and canary
  5. Symbolism of the color red
  6. Two major motifs/symbols
  7. The unique occurrence Poppet references
  8. Direct vs. indirect characterization
  9. Symbolism, metaphor, simile, & hyperbole
  10. Pronouns and antecedents
  11. Review the scene where Chandresh finds Marco’s notebook