Maggie Valley Board of Aldermen Agenda Setting/Monthly Workshop

October 3, 2017


Members Present: Mayor Saralyn Price, Aldermen: Janet Banks, Phillip Wight, Clayton Davis and Mike Eveland

Staff Present: Manager Nathan Clark. Planner Ron Hancock, Finance Director Shayne Wheeler, Public Works Director Mike Mehaffey, and Town Clerk Vickie Best

Others Present: Sandra Barnes with the Mountaineer Newspaper

Meeting Called to Order

Mayor Price called the meeting to order at 9:08 a.m. in the Town Hall Boardroom on Tuesday October 3, 2017.

Consent Agenda

a. Minutes to be approved: September 9 & September 14, 2017

b. A/R Report

c. Budget to Actual

d. Tax Release

This is the time of year when Council will begin seeing more tax releases than at any other time of the year. The Maggie Valley tax bills have been mailed and then Haywood County begins sending tax releases due to properties being sold, both personal property and real estate.

Manager Clark explained that in last month’s consent agenda Council directed the clerk to certify the sufficiency of an annexation request by Judy and Rodney Cox at 509 Campbell Creek Road. To date, Clerk Best cannot certify the sufficiency due to the property still belongingtoCMH Homes, Inc. The process will be delayed one month until after the closing and the property is in the Cox’s name.

Donation Presentation: Maggie Valley LionsClub

The LionsClub is excited to be donating $2,500 to the Town to help off-set the cost of a sensory garden to be located at the Mary Rathbone- Rich Park. The Town has a plan for a sensory garden and has received valuable tips from the vision impaired on how the garden should designed to be a walking garden with different smells and textures.

Manager Clark asked that Council come prepared to have their picture made with the club members.

Public Comments

Public Hearing: Brunch Bill (G.S. 160A-205.3)

Manager Clark reiterated that a public hearing is not required by general statue, but Council desires to gather public opinion on this issue. The Town of Waynesville has adopted the “Brunch Bill”. The Town of Canton is undecided on the issue. The Town of Clyde has not said anything either way.

Alderman Eveland would like to have Haywood County weigh in on the subject.

Manager Clark informed Council that they can vote the bill into to law the night of the hearing or vote no to the bill, or take no action at all. Mayor Price stated that she preferred not to take action the night of the public hearing so that Council can take under advisement the comments made. If the vote is not a 2/3 majority, a second reading (vote on another night) would be required.

Clean Energy Presentation Resolution: Susan Williams

All of the municipalities within Haywood County have passed the resolution for clean energy. The county has chosen not to place the resolution on their agenda.

Council discussed not wanting to bind future boards.

Manager Clark informed Council that the resolution is non-binding, but all actions taken by the board should be taken seriously.There are no plansin placeon how to implement the resolution.

Alderman Eveland stated that certainly Maggie Valley wants to operate as “green” as possible, but if the resolution is adopted, citizens and others may think Council is not taking action fast enough. “This should be taken under advisement.” Alderman Banks agreed, adding that “certainly it is fitting due to where we live with clean mountain air and clean water, but without a definite plan for how the resolution could be implemented there should not be a vote to approve the resolution in current form.”

Alderman Wight had concerns about the cost as it relates to jobs.

Council went on to discuss already having heard the presentation at the Council of Government meeting. Council will listen to the presentation, but will take the issue under advisement.

Budget Amendments

There will be three (3) budget amendments: lightning damage to the administrative offices, Campbell Crest road project, and the Waste Water Treatment Plantbar-screen project.

Manager Clark went on to report that the fax machine line is dead. The current plans are to do without a fax machine and begin to scan and email. Faxes are becoming an outdated way of communication and there will be a small savings in not having a fax machine.

Report on HCTDA Study by Magellan Strategy Group

Alderman Eveland provided copies of the Magellan Strategy Group’sStudy. Much of the study is focused on the 1% partnership grant program. Alderman Eveland is Maggie Valley’s representative on the Haywood County Tourism Development Authority Board. The study shows that less emphasis should be placed on grants to promote events as well as changing the membership structure of the 1% subcommittee.

The study also shows that one HCTDA member should be on each 1% subcommittee to ensure the funding recommendations are in line with the goals and direction of the HCTDA. The study also suggested that the 1% subcommittees be no larger than three (3) members; a HCTDA member, a government official or staff member and a community at-large member.

Maggie Valley and Waynesville have implemented Co-Ops to try to eliminate duplication of efforts. Changing to three (3) member subcommittees might bring synergy between the Co-Ops.

Alderman Wight added that decisions should be made on the idea, not the person making the request. Alderman Wight does not want to see Maggie Valley lose its identity nor control over its future; although the process could be streamlined. Leaning toward better marketing and less funding for events is reasonable. Alderman Wight stated that helping new events in the beginning should be acceptable.

Alderman Banks added that all members should be looking for new and better projects and creative activities to increase tourism.

Mayor Price asked that Alderman Eveland provide Council a monthly update on the HCTDA at the Agenda Setting Meeting/Monthly Workshops. Mayor Price added that she was uncertain if she agreed on going to a three (3) member subcommittee. “All voices should be heard and represented.”

Alderman Eveland responded that often it is hard to find five (5) members that do not have an agenda or are knowledgeable of the Haywood County Tourism Authority’s goals and legislative direction.

Manager Clark added that moving to the proposed three (3) member subcommittee would provide a wider view because of the composition of the members. The HCTDA’s voice would be heard, the Towns’ voices would be heard, and the member’s at-large voices would be heard.

It is important that the HCTDA meets it fiduciary responsibility to ensure that occupancy tax dollars are spent in accordance with legislations, and in the best manner to increase tourism. Often event and festival promoters began to look at TDA Funding as part of their annual budget.

A Special Called HCTDA Meeting will be held tomorrow morning. Alderman Eveland will report the results.

Affordable Housing Commission: Maggie Valley Appointment

The Town has received a formal request from Haywood County for a Maggie Valley elected official or staff member to sit on the Affordable Housing Commission.

Alderman Banks volunteered to sit on the commission.

Other Business

Alderman Banks questioned when the June Johnson Beautification Award will be announced. Manager Clark will contact Ms. Johnson.

Speaking of HCTDA, there will be a bonus cycle of funding this year. The Town will be asking for an additional $20,000 for the Mary Rathbone-Rich Park. To date, the Town has received $60,000 for the park. An application will also be submitted for funding to offset the cost of the 2018 fireworks.

Haywood County Tourism Development Authority Executive Director Lynn Collins has discussed bringing a skating rink to Maggie Valley for two weeks during the Christmas season. There will be on-going discussions on the matter. The ice skating company would carry the liability, set up and manage the rink if they are provided an area for the rink. The cost to Maggie Valley would be approximately $13,000. The rink would not contain real ice but rather a substance called easy-glide. As for the price of entry, that would be based on the non-profit running the entrance.

Alderman Wight added that the rink would have to be well advertised, going on to suggest thatmaybe the Town could partner with the Cataloochee Ski Resort to help get the word out. There have been some discussions about placing the rink in the pavilion where people would be out of the weather in the event of rain.

Alderman Davis stated that it is one way of determining if an ice skating rink would work in Maggie Valley on a permanent basis.

There has been some interest from the Haywood County Arts Council to display public art throughout Maggie Valley. Having Miss Maggie displayed in public spaces would be a consistent theme. First the statues would have to be purchased and then high quality artists would paint them differently.

The process of erecting a frame for the signs at the Mary Rathbone-Rich Park is nearing completion. Council and staff desire the sign to be constructed of durable materials that will last for years.

Council and staff began discussing if Miss Maggie should be on the welcome sign, and if so where she should be placed. The original sign was to have mountains in the background.By placing Miss Maggie and the Town Seal within the rock framework of the sign it would be permanent regardless of the changes made to the sign.

 It appears that Blue Cross/Blue Shield Insurance and Mission Hospital are at an impasse. This means that the town employees will not be able to use Mission Hospital at the in-network cost.

In a motion at the last meeting the annual Haywood Toy Run could have use of the pavilion free of charge if a certificate of insurance were provided. The Toy Run group is not a 501C3. Therefore there is not an organization to cover. One of the leaders in the group could get coverage, but that would not cover the event.

Alderman Eveland asked if the Town’s insurance could cover the pavilion. There will be no cooking at the pavilion. The food is prepared off site and carried in to feed the volunteers and riders. The mission of the Toy Run is to provide children in Haywood County Christmas presents. Council does not want the Toy Run to move from Maggie Valley because it does bring value to the town and helps low-income families during the holiday season. Staff will investigate options.

Alderman Davis reported that Jack and Carolyn Lima have offered to conduct a Pumpkin Carving Contest. The proposal is to have different age groups and to provide prizes. The Lima’s have done this before and have stated that if Maggie Valley does not want to participate they would take it to Waynesville.

The contest could be incorporated into a youth day or possibly something to do with “Trunk or Treating”.

The meeting ended at 10:45 a.m.


Mayor Saralyn Price ______

Vickie Best, CMC, Town Clerk