Spelling Activities


1. Night number 1 is to cut and sort, write your words, and write what you learned about the spelling patterns. Put your new cards in the envelope.

2.  Choose 2 additional activities to complete in your notebook this week at home.

3.  Choose 2 activities to complete in your notebook this week at school

4. Color/Cross out the boxes of the activities you chose as you complete them.

5. If you do not finish your activity at school, you must finish it for homework that night!

There are a total of 5 activities to be completed (1 in cursive)

Arrange your word cards in ABC order. Write the words in ABC order. / 3
Draw a picture of at least 6 feature words. Write the word under each picture. / 4
Using a dictionary, write the definition of at least 6 feature words.
Come up with a list of 10 new words following the spelling feature. Sort them into your spelling categories. Write them under their categories. / 6
Play Match It, Crossword, or Alphabetize on www.spellingcity.com. You must print the page when you are done by right clicking and choosing “print”. / 7
Write a letter to a friend or family member using as many feature words as you can. Underline your feature words. Use 5 words or more.
Create a word search using MOST of the feature words. You may use a piece of graph paper or www.puzzlemaker.com
Circle your words. / 9
Write 8 spelling words. Give a synonym or antonym for each word and write whether it is a synonym (syn.) or antonym (ant.) Use a dictionary or thesaurus for help. / 10
Sort your feature words in another way. For example: by another spelling pattern or by category. Write the headings at the top of your notebook.
Write a story or poem using as many feature words as you can. Underline your feature words. Use 8 words or more. If you’re writing a poem, think about stanzas and lines. / 12
Write 2 statements, 2 commands, 2 questions, and 2 exclamations using 8 or more feature words. Label S, C, Q, or E. Number your sentences and underline your feature words. For full credit spell your sort words correctly and show the meaning of the word in each sentence. Punctuate correctly!
13 Rainbow Write: Write each spelling word in one color. Write them again in a different color. Write them a third time in a third color.
14 Tagxedo or Wordle: Create a Tagxedo or Wordle using at least 8 of your spelling words for the week. Go onto our class website and click on “Tagxedo” or “Wordle” under spelling. Print it out and glue/staple it into your spelling book!
15 Create your own activity - See me for approval. All must include 10 or more word sort words. Ideas include writing acrostic poems, other poetry, similes, metaphors, short stories, newspaper ad, for sale notice, description of a new invention, creature, food item, recipe, joke book, riddles, informational or descriptive paragraph, rhymes . . .
Remember to spell correctly for full credit. I LOVE CREATIVITY!

Look on back for more activities!! J