The newsletter for Oakwoods Homeowner’s Association - August 2010
OHA Board Contacts
Paul Baker, President – 828-9360 Sandy Dorrell, Board Member – 310-3089
Jason Jerdee, Vice President - 212-4524 Connie Lucki, Board Member – 828-2667
Lindsey Clark, Secretary -(618) 553-2082 Kerri Neill, Board Member – (217) 314-0549
April Jackson, Treasurer 827-0019
Message from the President: A Zig-Zag Story And A Hopeful Letter
On September 18, 2008 I joined the OHA Board with a major goal for the coming year: Help my friends develop a systematic street improvement plan. I am blessed by many neighbors who have joined me in this project. We have continued our work for a second year and we are far from finished. This letter tells part of the story of our collective journey. We are traveling a crooked path that has many unanticipated twists and turns.
During the fall months of 2008 the OHA Board began a series of exploratory studies about the development of Oakwoods and the management of its streets. With support from our Alderman, David Sage, we constructed an archival record of key City documents that define Oakwoods as a planned unit development (PUD). I studied other historical documents (Board minutes, a full set of newsletters [Oakwords], correspondence) and talked with numerous neighbors who had served previously on the Board. This background study of the Oakwoods PUD suggested that since the early 1990’s OHA leaders had struggled with some core problems that seemed next to impossible to solve. It became increasingly apparent to me that a group of laypersons on the OHA Board (however congenial and dedicated they might be) could never sort out the complex tasks of planning and managing the three and half miles of aging streets in Oakwoods.
In December of 2008 I wrote a two-page memo to Mr. Douglas Grovesteen, Director of the Engineering Department, seeking guidance about several problems related to water drainage and street repairs. Doug Grovesteen and Jim Karch (former resident, OHA Board member, and Director of Public Works) met with Board members on January 9, 2009. For the first time in the history of the Association two highly qualified City engineers met with Board members to discuss the complex problems of managing our streets. Four critical topics were addressed: (1) using the Paser scale to rate the conditions of the streets; (2) the importance of having a City engineer rate Oakwoods streets according to the Paser scale; (3) the need to develop two strategies for street improvement—sealing streets to maintain longevity and re-surfacing severely deteriorating streets; (4) the need to develop a formal inter-governmental agreement between OHA and the City. These four topics remain central pillars in the OHA street improvement planning process.
During the next four months the OHA Board made major strides in street improvement planning. A City engineer, Jeff Kohl, rated the conditions of our streets according to the Paser scale and I used these findings as the crucial evidence for the Board’s street improvement plan, Oakwoods Streets: An Affordable and Sustainable Plan for a Promising Future (April 16, 2009). One of the proposals in the plan that was discussed on January 9th concerned a formal inter-governmental agreement between OHA and the City. On April 28th I discussed the feasibility of this agreement with Mr. Grovesteen and Mr. Karch. Mr. Karch said he would look into my request and get back to me with an answer.
On May 12th Mr. Karch wrote me a letter rejecting the idea of any inter-governmental agreement with the City. To quote the letter, “While the City is very pleased to see the Association develop a sustainable plan for their infrastructure, the City is unable to enter into any formal agreements of this nature.” I was deeply discouraged by Mr. Karch’s letter, but the Board was in the midst of a major project to revise the Covenants to increase maximum annual dues to $270. There was no time to be distracted by bad news from the City. A response to the City would have to wait for several months. In the fall of 2009 I asked the Board and a newly formed ad hoc Committee on Street Improvement Planning (SIP) to study the letter and explore our options. Legal counsel was sought from two attorneys and both informed us that we had no legal grounds to appeal the City’s decision. “Don’t waste your money going to court.” On February 18, 2010 we invited David Sage to our Board meeting and made an appeal to him for re-consideration of our request. Mr. Sage listened and assured us of his support. I then wrote a six-page memo that spelled out our case. This memo was carefully reviewed by all members of the Board and the SIP Committee. (The memo is available on Oakwoods web site). On April 28, 2010 I met with the City Manager, David Hales, to present the memo and argue the case for long-term technical assistance from City engineers. On June 17th the City Manager sent me a letter that reversed the City’s position a year earlier. The text of the city manager’s letter follows:
Thank you for meeting with me at my office at the end of April. I have discussed your request with City engineers and would like to inform you that the city will provide limited field work to rate streets in Oakwoods every three years. This is the same frequency the City engineers rate our own streets. To schedule the street rating, you will need to give the City engineers written notice 90 days in advance of the requested date.
I am deeply grateful to David Sage for his willingness to listen to our case and respond as our advocate. I am also most grateful to David Hales for giving me the opportunity to tell him the Oakwoods story and explain why an inter-governmental agreement is so important. And finally, I want to thank Jim Karch for his willingness to re-consider an earlier decision that deserved further consideration. This story closes on a hopeful note that OHA and the City can move forward as partners serving the larger good of our subdivision and our City.
Fall Garage Sale Is September 11th
The neighborhood garage sale will take place on Saturday, September 11th. If you would like to advertise on the Association website (www.oakwoodshomeowners.org), please send your address and list of items for sale to our webmaster, Jason Jerdee (). There is no charge for this service. The deadline to have your items displayed on the website is September 4th. An ad will be placed in the Pantagraph which will include a link to our website.
Annual Election :OHA Board and SIP Committee
The election of the next OHA Board of Directors for the year 2010-2011 will be held on Thursday, September 16, 2010 at the park at 6:00 pm.
Notify our Secretary, Lindsey Clark () by September 1st to have your name included on the ballot. Positions for the OHA Board are President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and three Board positions. You may contact any current Board member for information regarding the roles of each position or review the By-Laws Articles VI, VII and VIII accessible from OHA website.
For the first time this fall OHA members will be electing four members to the newly established Standing Committee of Street Improvement Planning (SIP). OHA members should also notify the OHA Secretary, Lindsey Clark, to have your name included on the ballot. You may contact Paul Baker (531-3576 or 828-9360 or ) for information regarding the work of the SIP Committee or review the By-Laws Article IX.
Elections will be held on September 16th in person or by absentee ballot. If you cannot make it to the meeting and you wish to cast a vote, you may obtain an absentee ballot by contacting the Election Chair, Becky Miller, 2011 Woodhavens (829-4665) starting September 6th. Return the completed ballot to Becky, who will bring it to the September Election meeting. This allows plenty of time (10 days) to vote before the election day.
September 1st – to get your name on the ballot
September 6th – absentee ballots available
September 16th – election
Volunteers Needed For Election Committee
Three (3) residents are needed who are willing to serve on the Election Committee along with Becky Miller, Chair. Requirements are to attend the Annual Board of Directors Election meeting on September 16th and assist Becky in counting the votes. That’s it! Show up and count. Please contact our secretary, Lindsey Clark () if you would like to assist Oakwoods in this manner.
Dues Reminder
Our annual Association dues of $270 were due on July 15th. If you have not yet paid your dues, please contact our Treasurer, April Jackson, to make arrangements. Her e-mail address is .
Properties with outstanding dues will have a lien placed against the property, which will prohibit any mortgage related transactions from occurring. Liens also cost the homeowner an additional $76 in fees. Please make sure your dues assessment is paid before August to avoid these additional fees being added to your account.
The OHA Board Adopted A New Policy For Mortgage Transactions
At the June 17, 2010 Board meeting, discussion addressed the time-consuming demands placed on the OHA Treasurer by attorneys and realtors who expect rapid response to a request for a Letter of Account Clearance. This discussion led to the following OHA Board policy which was unanimously supported by the Board.
The Oakwoods Homeowners Association Board has established a policy to charge a fee for the Letter of Account Clearance required for any mortgage related transactions. A fee of $15 is applied to cases in which the homeowner gives the OHA Treasurer a two week notice. A fee of $30 is applied in cases in which the request is less than two weeks. Payment must accompany the request.
Keeping Garbage Cans Concealed From Public View
Some Oakwoods residents do not realize that the City ordinances and the Oakwoods Covenants (Article V, Section 7) require homeowners to keep their garbage cans “concealed from public view.” This means that garbage cans are not allowed in the front of garages or on the side of a house if they can be seen from the street. A simple barrier or container unit will serve the purpose of not having receptacles in view. The OHA Board is attempting to stay informed of this violation. We are proud of our community and want it to continue to be a place where people like to live. Periodically, someone will verify that this Covenant is not being adhered to by our neighbors. Residents in violation will receive a letter stating the violation and be informed that if it continues a fine of $100 will be assessed. The OHA Board realizes there can be extending circumstances and if the homeowners have any questions they should notify Paul Baker (828-9360 or 531-3576) or another Board member.
Boat Lot Assignments
We are unique in having an area in which to place our boats, campers, trailers, etc. The lots are assigned to particular homeowners. There has been some confusion with some vehicles being parked in spots that are not assigned to them. If you need to verify your lot number or request a lot please contact Connie Lucki (828-2667).
Future OHA Board Meetings
Our last official meeting of the present Board is August 19th in the Park at 6:00 pm. Everyone is welcome. Please come and share your thoughts.