ETB/SOLAS Programme Board Meeting

20thApril 2016


Attending: Board
Sean Ó Foghlú / Secretary General / DES - Chair
Michael Keogh / Assistant Secretary / DES
Ruth Carmody / Assistant Secretary / DES
Peter Baldwin / Assistant Secretary / DES
Martin Hanevy / Assistant Secretary / DES
David Leahy / Chief Executive / Galway and Roscommon ETB
Paul O’Toole / Chief Executive / SOLAS
Ann Fitzpatrick / ETB/SOLAS Programme Manager / DES
Hubert Loftus / Principal Officer / DES
Phil O’Flaherty / Principal Officer / DES
Grainne Cullen / PSR Programme Manager / DES
Marion Edwards / Shared Service Advisor / DES
Michael Morgan / Project Manager / Finance Shared Service Project
Kevin Cullen / Project Manager / Payroll Shared Service Project
Frank Fox / Assistant Principal Officer / DES
Annette Shirley / HEO / DES
Kevin McCarthy / Assistant Secretary / DES
Michael Moriarty / General Secretary / ETBI
Paddy Lavelle / Chief Executive / Dublin and Dun Laoghaire ETB


Sean Ó Foghlú chaired the meeting and welcomed everyone.

  1. Minutes of meeting of 24th February 2016

The minutes of the meeting of the 24thFebruary were agreed.

  1. ETB/SOLAS Programme Plan – Progress Report
  1. Education Shared Business Services (ESBS) Payroll for ETB Sector:

The project team have developed a further draft of the RFT based on engagement with OGCIO, OGP and guidance set out in the Peer Review report. The draft RFT is under internal review.

An update on the Project timeline will be provided after the RFT has been advanced and completed the Peer Review process.

  1. Education Shared Business Services (ESBS) Financefor ETB Sector:

A draft Project Charter was approved at the Project Steering Group meeting on the 14th April and a proposal was agreed in principle to establish a Design Authority for the project.

Work is progressing on the interim measures for E-Invoicing/Purchasing Cards and the ETB Property Register project has been incorporated into the Finance Shared Service project.

  1. ETB ICT Strategy:

TheETB ICT Strategy has been agreed by all ETBs and has been circulated to key Department staff for comments.

The PMO is to provide initial support to the ETB ICT Forum to move the strategy to an implementation phase.

  1. Learning and Development:

A draft scope for the project was presented to the ETB/SOLAS Programme Steering Group meeting on the 11th April and a project plan is currently being developed. The purpose of the project is to carry out a learning and development requirements gathering exercise to identify the skills required under the Organisation Development & Support function of ETBs.

  1. ETB Quality Assurance:

The project scope was agreed at the ETB/SOLAS Programme Steering Group meeting on the 11th April and a project plan is being prepared.

  1. Senior Management Posts:

The senior management posts have been advertised by PAS with a closing date of 28th April. Shortlisting is planned for early May, preliminary interviews late May/early June and final interviews late June/early July.

Re-engagement has commenced with DPER regarding 3 Director posts for the smaller ETBs.

  1. ETBI Staffing:

ETBI have submitted draft role descriptions and these are currently under review.

  1. ETB/SOLAS Programme Plan

The 2016 Programme Plan is at the final stage and input has been received from CE’s and SOLAS.

  1. AOB

The ETB/SOLAS Programme Board is to be registered under the Regulation of Lobbying Act 2015 and will comply with the conditions set out in the Transparency Code.

  1. Next meeting of CEOs

The next meeting is scheduled for 11.00am on the 19th May 2016.

  1. Next meeting of ETB/SOLAS Programme Board

The next meeting is scheduled for 2.30pm on the 22nd June 2016


Annette Shirley


25thApril 2016

10 - 7000 Minutes 20042016