Outline for reading The Hobbit: Sci Fi & Fantasy

1st Section: Chapters I-V (ends on page 55)- have reading finished by the last day of the week ending 12/9

o Due on that day: QCQC sheet

In class: Discussion modeled by teacher

2nd Section: Chapters V-VIII (ends on page 140) )- have reading finished by the last day of the week ending 12/16

*we will read chapter 5, “Riddles in the Dark” AND part of “Flies and Spiders” – from page 155 to the end—in class. WE will compare this portion of “Flies and Spiders” to the film version.

o Due on that day: QCQC sheet

Discussion lead by student group (on 12/15 or 16—depending on when we meet): formulate 3 discussion questions and facilitate it (everyone in the group needs to speak)

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

3rd Section: Chapters IX-XII (ends on page 212) )- have reading finished by the last day of the week ending 12/23

Quiz on last day of the week ending 12/23 (12/22 or 23) – this will cover all of the reading up to now

Discussion lead by student group: formulate 3 discussion questions and facilitate it (everyone in the group needs to speak)

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

4th section: Chapters XIII-XVI (ends on page 268)- have reading finished by the last day of the week ending 1/6

o QCQC sheet due on last day of the week ending 1/6

Discussion lead by student group: formulate 3 discussion questions and facilitate it (everyone in the group needs to speak)

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

5th section FINAL: read to the end of the book - have reading finished by the last day of the week ending 1/13

Test on last day of the week ending 1/13 (the next week is finals week)

Discussion lead by student group: formulate 3 discussion questions and facilitate it (everyone in the group needs to speak)

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

Name: __________________________________________ Ms. Kamrass; Sci Fi and Fantasy

Directions: After reading each assigned homework section, write an appropriate response in which you include specifics as well as explanation. These responses need to be reflective of the particular section that is assigned for homework. Since there is more than one chapter assigned, you need to include some content from each chapter (somewhere on the sheet, not necessarily for each response). Finally, since your responses are individual, they should not look like another classmate’s.

Assignment description (identify the chapters): _____________________________________

Question (Write a question that you have after reading the chapter(s). I can be specific and based on your confusion, or it can be philosophical, etc.) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Comment (This can be based on any aspect of the chapter(s), or to the entirety): _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________






Quotation (include quotation marks and page number/s, MLA style): _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________






Connection (You may describe any connection, as long as it is specific): _________________________________________








Name: __________________________________________ Ms. Kamrass; Sci Fi and Fantasy

Directions: After reading each assigned homework section, write an appropriate response in which you include specifics as well as explanation. These responses need to be reflective of the particular section that is assigned for homework. Since there is more than one chapter assigned, you need to include some content from each chapter (somewhere on the sheet, not necessarily for each response). Finally, since your responses are individual, they should not look like another classmate’s.

Assignment description (identify the chapters): _____________________________________

Question (Write a question that you have after reading the chapter(s). I can be specific and based on your confusion, or it can be philosophical, etc.) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Comment (This can be based on any aspect of the chapter(s), or to the entirety): _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________






Quotation (include quotation marks and page number/s, MLA style): _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________






Connection (You may describe any connection, as long as it is specific): _________________________________________








Name: __________________________________________ Ms. Kamrass; Sci Fi and Fantasy

Directions: After reading each assigned homework section, write an appropriate response in which you include specifics as well as explanation. These responses need to be reflective of the particular section that is assigned for homework. Since there is more than one chapter assigned, you need to include some content from each chapter (somewhere on the sheet, not necessarily for each response). Finally, since your responses are individual, they should not look like another classmate’s.

Assignment description (identify the chapters): _____________________________________

Question (Write a question that you have after reading the chapter(s). I can be specific and based on your confusion, or it can be philosophical, etc.) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Comment (This can be based on any aspect of the chapter(s), or to the entirety): _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________






Quotation (include quotation marks and page number/s, MLA style): _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________






Connection (You may describe any connection, as long as it is specific): _________________________________________








Name: __________________________________________ Ms. Kamrass; Sci Fi and Fantasy

Directions: After reading each assigned homework section, write an appropriate response in which you include specifics as well as explanation. These responses need to be reflective of the particular section that is assigned for homework. Since there is more than one chapter assigned, you need to include some content from each chapter (somewhere on the sheet, not necessarily for each response). Finally, since your responses are individual, they should not look like another classmate’s.

Assignment description (identify the chapters): _____________________________________

Question (Write a question that you have after reading the chapter(s). I can be specific and based on your confusion, or it can be philosophical, etc.) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Comment (This can be based on any aspect of the chapter(s), or to the entirety): _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________






Quotation (include quotation marks and page number/s, MLA style): _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________






Connection (You may describe any connection, as long as it is specific): _________________________________________






