The Master Beinsa Douno

Methods of work for a Disciple in the Esoteric School of Brotherhood of Light

Compiler: Vlad Pashov

Volume 1


There are many ways in Life, but there is only one Way to Dedication. The routines, which I give you, are methods in this Way. You need to catch the inner sense of every routine and to follow it precisely. Only then you will make a link with the current of the Brotherhood of Light.

Work for the Whole, in order to accept the energies of the Whole, which will build up within you the spiritual organs.

The Master

The new phase in development is the phase of Love, that is the phase of evolution, in which Love is working as principle. In the past, in the process of involution was the opposite – Wisdom was the main principle of work and Love was assistant method. When Love will come, it will organize us.

A human being is like a plant. He needs to use Light, Warmth and the humidity, in order to grow and develop. A person has to use the energies of Love, Wisdom and Truth in order to grow and to develop. For the present – day humanity the best method for development of the psychic energies is Love.

The spiritual Development of a person depends on the liaison, which he has with God, and with Sublime beings. In order to maintain this liaison, the first condition is a harmony – outer and inner, because the harmony creates a favorable medium for manifesting of the Sublime world. If the harmony is disturbed, the liaison is interrupt.

The Master

In order to grow and develop in a spiritual relation, a human being needs to have at his disposal certain methods, which to be applied, in order to stimulate the hidden energies, put in his organism and in his consciousness, which after their awakening, build up his spiritual body, a spiritual human’s organism with all his organs. Together with this the soul is awakened and becomes conscious in the Spiritual world. Some hold the opinion that one do not need any methods for development, because the process of development is natural and when a person grows up his Spiritual body organizes and develops and the soul awakes. But that is misunderstanding, because we see, that even in a physical plane for a person to have a correct development, he needs to pass through certain schooling – educational influence from the parents or the school, where there are different methods using for the physical, spiritual and mental development. In the same manner in the spiritual development the powers, which will create the human’s Spiritual body, are in the soul, in the same Spiritual body. The latter exist like an embryo, but this embryo has to be put in the soul – in Love. It needs to be exposed under the favorable influence of the light, Warmth and humidity, which are respectively the powers of Love, Wisdom and Truth, in order to grow and develop, to organize him like an organism through, which the soul could manifest, to make a liaison with the intelligent beings of the Cosmos and to become the citizen of Cosmos. Because before the fall of Man, he has immortal body with which he was a citizen of Cosmos and he was in liaison with the Intelligent Beings. But under the influence of sin this body has been destroyed and now a human being needs to be re-create it. Then it has been given to him from God, but now he ought to re-build it himself. From it has left only an embryo, on which we have to work in order to grow and develop, to regain the previous magnificence and brilliance, which it has in the past and to be able to serve as a conductor of the soul, in order to get in the conscious union with the Intelligent Beings in the Cosmos.

In the different epochs of the human’s development have been applied different methods for the spiritual development in dependence from the cosmically principles, which have been working in a certain epoch. The Master Beinsa Douno says, that in the past, when Wisdom was working like a principle, which was organizing the world and Life, the methods were one, and now, when Love is entering like a principle that is working for enliven and spiritualize of the world, the methods are different. It does not mean, that Wisdom is exclude. No, but Wisdom is a subsidiary method – Wisdom is included as a method for the manifesting of Love. Because in this case by “Love” we understand the essence of Life, that is God and the Wisdom is a method for the revealing of this essence.

Wisdom has created the world with all forms, which exist in it and made a harmony and order everywhere. It is the Wisdom that individualizes the human souls. All that was happened in so called period of involution. Now, in the process of evolution, which begins with the coming of Christ (and that is the main mission of Christ – to reverse the process of involution to evolution, i.e. from descending to ascending), acts the principle of Love, which bear Life. That has to bring the immortal Life in all forms, created by the Wisdom. Love has to unite all souls in one. After they have become the individualities under the influence of Wisdom, now it is necessary to awake in their consciousness the thought about the unity of life and to have the feeling, as they are organs of one whole. In that consists the awakening of the soul. This happens under the influence of Love as a principle. But like methods for manifesting Love participate also Wisdom and Truth. In this sense Love is a seed, an embryo, which needs to be plant to develop. Wisdom is the real process of growing and development and Truth is the fruit of this process.

In the next lines I will expose a number of methods, which the Master Beinsa Douno gives for spiritual development and organizing of the spiritual body and for the awakening of the soul. This what I will expose, is only one small part of all, which has been given from the Master, but nevertheless it could be used in the work of the disciple, because on principle it contents everything.

Vlad Pashov


Before to begin the exposition of the methods, I will quote some thoughts of the Master for the blossoming or awakening of the human soul, given on the First gathering of youth in the year 1923.

1● The Blossoming of the Human Soul

The separation of the human soul from God is one of the greatest moments of the Genesis. In the world of Angels this separation is known like “The Dawn of Life” , and in the human’s world is one breath of God. Because in every inhalation and expiration of God are born the intelligent souls. So by every expiration of God or by coming out of one soul from the prime source, it comes out in a straight line as a Divine ray, enters the vast Cosmos, in the vast universe on its predetermined work, which it has to fulfil. Till now the human soul was like a bud. Only now the human soul has began to burst open. The burst open of the bud is remarkable as one of the greatest moments in this Cosmos, so called “The blossoming of the human soul” or “Awakening of the human soul” All the Sublime Beings in the Divine world are waiting for the blossoming of the human soul. The calyx, in which this soul will manifest, will show its beauty and God will put in it his Light and his Love.

All of you are in front of the greatest epochs in the world – the blossoming of the human soul. It is necessary all of you to know that you are souls and that you have to blossom. After your blossoming you will emanate this fragrance, which will be spread all over the world. Only in this way will come in your calyx those little insects and bees, because there will be saps, which they will feed with. After the blossoming of the human soul will come all Angels and servants of God. They are waiting for millions of years, from time immemorial the blossoming of the human soul, the Divine in the human being, to gather from it these saps. And with their coming, they will bring the new culture, which we call “A Culture of the Divine Love”

I would like you to hold the next essential thought: to know you are a bud, in which your consciousness has to be so concentrate, because that is one of the most important moments in your life. There is nothing greater than that, after the blossoming of your soul, to see the Divine world and the possibilities, which are hidden in it. This is not an illusion you will try it. Therefore I say, that all of you have to be very pure by heart and by your aspirations. The human soul is conceived in Love. It is conceived in another place. You are souls and not bodies. You are souls, conceived once in the Divine Spirit and now you have the possibility to blossom out, to give fruit and your fruit to be favorable in front of face of God. I would like an essential idea to be within you like grounding. If you do not accept this idea within you, the sense of Light will be not understood. No matter which philosophy you will have, which science you will study, you will never get at that great truth, which you are looking for. One is the Way. If you understand this, there will be no hesitation where you are – on the left or right, up or down. There will be unity within you and you will know that God is everywhere. If you will understand the thought in this way, you will not have fear, that there is a hell. No, where the soul is there is a paradise. The soul forms the paradise. The place, the soul will leave, a hell is formed. So, the hell is a place without souls, and the paradise is the place with souls.

In this great day, that is coming in the world now, your infirmities will disappear at once. When you will open before the Divine light and enter this Divine warmth, all your previous infirmities, all this will disappear and no trace will left from it. And then you will feel within you an unusual fragrance of the blossom. And you will become so strong and powerful, so happy and joy, so young and brisk, as you have never been yet, in no incarnation of yours in no of yours born or reincarnation. This blossoming will be in that moment, when you will break all chains of the slavery, with which your soul was connected. After you will tear them, then the Divine Spirit will make home in your souls and will create a liaison between you and God, between God and a human being.


Because by Esoteric development a person gradually gets in contact with one very well organized world, world of Purity and holiness, therefore the first thing that a human being has to acquire entering this Way, is Purity. This is what the Master says on this subject:

2● Absolute Purity

The purity is inner and outer. The outer purity everybody is seeing and understanding. The inner Purity has to be assumed. The contrast of the Purity is uncleanness. Until a person is living and until he is healthy, he distinguishes with purity. If the elements of uncleanness begin to enter in Life, the death always makes a step forward. More uncleanness increases, more the death penetrates into Life. The death and uncleanness are in direct proportion. So the uncleanness is connected with the death and Purity is connected with Life, it is a quality of the Divine life.

Know that, the first rule for the human being is to purify his thought. When a person will purity his thought, he will have clear and pure idea about God. But God is not a form outside us. He is the source of Life. If we have a clear idea about God, the prime Life that brings Purity will flow through us and we will acquire our original purity. Therefore before a person creates a clear idea of God, he could not ennoble himself, he could not assume the real knowledge. If he is not able to acquire the clear idea about God all he could gain will be loosed soon.

The inner and outer purity goes hand in hand. Who not keep the physical purity, he could not have also the spiritual Purity. All need to have purity in every respect: physical purity, spiritual purity, and mental purity. If you want to be healthy, every of your thought, feeling and act need to be penetrate by the idea of Purity. Only in that way you will have the God’s blessing. And now what God is sending you, you spoil it with your uncleanness and you expose yourself to a certain death. The unclean person can not be in contact with God and with Sublime beings.

That one, to whom God and Sublime beings speak, is pure in every aspect and that is why he is strong and mighty and could do wonders like Moses and Christ.

When a person will acquire Purity, he will know the Truth, because it is the most pure world, in which Love is manifested. Truth is the purest appearance of Love. It is the eternal Life. So, Truth is the purest appearance of Love and Love is purest content of this appearance. Truth is the sublime revelation of Love. The full Freedom is acquired through Truth; the whole Light is acquired through Wisdom; the highest Warmth is acquired through Love. In Esoteric sense Love is replaced from Justice. If you want Warmth, heat, look for Justice. Justice is the highest Warmth of Love and Love is the essence of Life. Regarding to Life, know that there is nothing higher than it. Consequently Love, Wisdom, Truth, Justice and Virtue are spheres, worlds, through which Life is manifesting.

When you will understand the meaning of Purity in the widest sense, you have to put it like a foundation of your physical and spiritual Life. It is necessary to have a high spiritual Purity. In this connection we say that a person ought not to deal with defects of people and not to criticize them because he will spoil the Purity of his life. It is good not to put in your consciousness perverse images and to expose you to death. To deal with human’s defects, that is an infection, which will destroy the organism.

After acquiring the Purity from a person, i.e. after cleaning the consciousness from all negative images, only then he could be thought about ideological and spiritual things. After acquiring Purity from a person, then comes the holiness. After the holiness comes the serving. If a person is not pure and holy, he is not able to serve. And at last after serving Love is coming. If a person can not serve, he also could not love. If he can not love could not study and he will never assume Freedom. These possibilities are connected each other.

Who has begun with the Purity, he has made already the first step. This is the natural, the normal way of spiritual life, of spiritual development. When a person will make the first step and acquire Purity, then he will apply the following three methods for work: to serve God, to honor himself, to love his neighbour. To serve God that means, all a person is doing in his life, to do it in the name of God. To love his neighbour, that means to relieve himself from the useless load, which he carries on his shoulder. To honor you, that means to catch the essence of Life. You could honor only the pure, beautiful, clever person. A person is seeing that first in himself and after that in the others. If you see the good, intelligence and reasonableness in yourself, you will be able to see them also in the other people. That means, what you are seen in yourself is reflected also in the others.

A person respects people because of the consciousness that he has in himself. He loves people for the good sublime and noble he is seeing in them. If he is seeing that in others, he loves them already. So, love is to see you in others and a respect is to realize that everything is coming from God and there is no equal to Him. And everything you do, to do it in His name. To God you could serve only ideologically. By the word “serving” we understand, that everything you do in the name of God is possible.

So if a person wants to develop correctly, he wants to learn to serve God, to honor himself and to love his neighbor. The same rule a person will apply to himself in the following way: you will serve to the Spirit who is leading you. You will honor your soul, which contains all precious in it. You will love your body and all creatures because of the great idea, which lives in you. If you refer to yourself in this manner, you will have the clear vision about God and everything will be possible for you.