St Fagans Community Council
Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Monday 1st December 2014
at 7.00pm in the St. Fagans Village Hall
Present: Councillors T. Pallier (Chairman)
B. Critcher, J. Griffiths, J. Hughes,
F. Lewis C. Price.
In Attendance: County Councillor G. Thomas
Assembly Member M. Drakeford
Police PC. H. Thomas & PCSO R. Harrison
Clerk D. Barnard
Apologies: Councillors S. Chedzoy & M. Parry
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
280.12.01 – Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 3rd November 2014
Minute No. 279.11.10 – Cllr. Critcher advised that the grant application by the Village Association was for the sum of £5,000, not £40,000 as quoted.
Subject to that amendment, Members approved the Minutes and the Chairman signed them accordingly.
280.12.02 – Matters arising from the Minutes
Minute No. 279.11.04 – Village Association. The Clerk reported that the insurance policy was now in the joint names of the Council and the Association and he handed Cllr. Critcher a new liability certificate to be displayed in the Village Hall.
No other matters were raised.
280.12.03 – Police Reports & Neighbourhood Watch
PC Thomas circulated a brief report showing that there had been just two recorded crimes during November. He advised that a new Inspector, Chris Owen, had been appointed to the Fairwater Station to replace Paul Arkontopoulis.
PC Thomas referred to the monthly surgery that is currently poorly attended. He said that no surgery would be held in December because of other commitments, but questioned whether future surgeries could be advertised more. Cllr. Hughes commented that residents living south of the railway attend the PACT meeting for Michaelston, but he agreed that apathy is a problem. PC Thomas suggested that he could give a presentation, for example on crime prevention. Cllr. Lewis said that she thought it would be a pity to stop the surgeries – just because crime is low at the moment, that could change. Members discussed ideas and agreed to try a presentation as suggested and to hold it later in the evening, at 8.00pm on Tuesday, 27th January. Members also agreed to publicise it in the next Council newsletter.
Cllr. Critcher reported that a neighbour’s burglar alarm had recently gone off and three officers had attended.
No other issue were raised. The Chairman thanked the officers for attending, at which point they left the meeting.
280.12.04 – Planning
a) Cardiff LDP
The Clerk had circulated for information a note from Cllr. Hughes about ‘Refining the LDP process’. Noted.
The Clerk had also circulated an email from Cardiff Council regarding public consultation about the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). Members agreed that the Community Council needed to comment on this important matter. Cllr. Lewis expressed the view that infrastructure should be funded by developers, adding that it is a complex document. Cardiff Council is proposing not to accept the recommendations of consultants and is suggesting a much lower level of charge. The deadline for comments is 22nd December.
The Clerk reminded Members that he needed to inform the Programme Officer the names of persons attending the Pre-Hearing Meeting on 4th December. It was agreed that the Chairman and Cllr. Lewis would attend.
Provisional details of the Hearing Sessions had been published. Cllr. Lewis suggested that a strategy needs to be agreed for attending the sessions. The North West Group will be represented at many sessions and it may just be appropriate to say that we support the NWG’s comments. Cllr. Lewis also noted that St Fagans Council is not included as an invitee for Session 13 - Historic and Natural Environment, and Session 14 - Transport Matters. Both of these Sessions are very important to St Fagans given the proposals for this area and the Clerk was asked to formally request that St Fagans Council be added to the list of invitees.
A long discussion ensued on issues relating to the proposed housing developments, the 5-year land supply, travel to work problems and the aim of a 50/50 modal split. County Cllr. Thomas advised that Cardiff Council is shortly due to publish its Local Transport Policy.
Cllr. Lewis asked Mr Drakeford for his views regarding the planning applications that are coming in. Mr Drakeford said that he thought the key arguments were about phasing. There should be break points in the process if the necessary infrastructure has not been provided, and a halt to the construction of any more houses until it is in place. He added that funding has now been guaranteed for the electrification of the Valley Lines, which is a step in the right direction for the proposed Metro.
Cllr. Hughes referred to the application in respect of the Pentrebane Road site. Although St Fagans and the North West Group have submitted representations opposing the application, for Cardiff Council it is an easy one to give planning permission as it can just be treated as an extension of the existing urban development.
The discussion moved on to Site C in general. County Cllr. Thomas referred to the walk that had been arranged along part of the old railway line. He thought it had been a good day and although only 10 people walked, there was someone from every affected community. Some useful historical information had been discussed and it was clear to see how the line could be brought back to life.
The Clerk advised that he had informed PPS/Redrow that several Members would attend the workshop on 10th December. He was awaiting confirmation. Cllr. Lewis suggested that Graeme Morgan be invited to attend and the Clerk was asked to contact him. Cllr. Hughes expressed the view that Members needed to have some agreement amongst themselves about the various issues relating to the proposals before attending the workshop. Members accepted that would be helpful and agreed to arrange something amongst themselves.
b) Museum Development Plans
The Clerk had circulated a note prepared by Cllr. Hughes following the meeting with officers from the Museum and the main contractors on 11th November. Kier Construction seem to be a very responsible company and have instructed their sub-contractors already appointed regarding the travel route to the Museum i.e., A4232 Link Road – not Michaelston Road or through the Village. A further visit is to be arranged in January 2015 after the 27th to see progress made. Bethan Davies will e-mail the Clerk.
Cllr. Lewis said that the concerns about parking in the Village during the Food Festival were also discussed and various ideas are to be investigated, though no further big events are due to be held in the immediate future.
The Clerk reported that a ‘Turf Cutting’ ceremony for the Museum redevelopment will be held on Tuesday 13th January and the Council has been invited to send representatives. The Chairman, Cllr. Hughes and Cllr. Lewis all expressed an interest in attending and the Clerk was asked to advise the Museum accordingly.
c) Planning Application at Clos-Y-Cwarra
Cllr. Hughes reported that there was still no progress with this development. He had been told that there are certain options regarding the field where planning permission has been granted and some fields are privately owned.
d) Other Planning Applications
The Clerk gave details of the following planning applications notified in the four weeks ending 28th November:
14/02253/DCH – 8, Windsor Clive Drive: Loft conversion with dormers to rear; garage moved forward and dormer at front replaced with gable. No comments.
14/02589/MNR – Land S/O 3, Cardiff Road / Crofft Y Genau Road : Installation of Openreach Broadband cabinet within the public highway. Members commented that hopefully this would lead to a better broadband service to the Village.
14/01876/DCH – 38, Denison Way: Loft conversion with dormers and side extension. Permission granted.
14/02181/DCH – Michaelston Cottage, Persondy Lane: Conversion & extension to link garage to house. Permission granted.
14/02155/DCH – 14, Nant Y Gwladys: 2-storey side extension + detached garage.
Other Planning-related issues:
Cllr. Hughes updated Members on the adoption of Westfield Park. The Clerk had made enquiries with the Land Registry and established that the pumping station land is owned by Cofton, the original developer now in administration. Cllr. Hughes had spoken to the Dawson Trust, and both Matt Wakelam and Danny Driscoll of Cardiff Council. Barratts own and accept responsibility for the pumping station, and have defective title insurance. Although it is not really Cardiff Council’s responsibility, another meeting is being arranged with Welsh Water and Barratts. He had established that Welsh Water will have to take responsibility for the pumping station in 2016, but not for any leaks outside. The Chairman expressed his appreciation for the efforts made by Cllr. Hughes in this matter.
280.12.05 – Community Review
The Clerk advised Members that he had still received no communication from Cardiff Council about the Review. Members asked the Clerk to try again to contact Christine Salter.
280.12.06 – Environmental Matters
a) Highways / Lighting / Traffic Concerns
Cllr. Lewis referred to the continuing concerns about the restricted views for drivers turning right out of St Fagans Drive, because of the overgrown trees / shrubs at the rear of No. 1. The Clerk confirmed that he had reported the matter again to Cardiff Council as a matter of urgency and had received an acknowledgement saying that the matter would be investigated. He was asked to chase it up again.
b) Street Cleansing / Litter
Cllr. Lewis reported that a resident of St Fagans Drive had fallen on wet leaves, but fortunately was not seriously injured. Members accepted that it was unlikely that Cardiff Council would clear pavements of fallen leaves. Cllr. Lewis also expressed concern about damage to the pavement at the bottom of St Fagans Drive caused by protruding tree roots. The Clerk was asked to report both of these matters to Cardiff Council.
c) Village Walkabout
No matters were raised.
d) Other environmental issues
i) Cllr. Critcher raised concerns about the condition of the War Memorial in front of St Mary’s Church. He had established that a person in the Glamorgan Yeomanry had information about grants available for cleaning and restoration work. He agreed to send the details to the Clerk who, in turn, would forward them to Peggy Jackson.
ii) The Clerk reported that Cllr. Parry had removed the ‘Shut the Gate’ sign from the entrance to the Council’s land, following the complaints about the Welsh translation. Cllr. Griffiths advised that he had reached agreement with one of the complainants on a suitable translation. The Clerk was asked to establish the cost of two new signs.
iii) Cllr. Griffiths said he was in a position to erect a small fence on the land next to the flats at the bottom of Castle Hill, at a cost of approximately £120. Members accepted his quote and asked him to proceed.
iv) The Clerk had circulated an email from County Cllr. Bob Derbyshire inviting the Council to suggest locations for the planting of wild flower seeds. Members commented on the irony of the proposal when Cardiff Council is planning to destroy acres of green fields and the associated wild flowers around St Fagans by building thousands of new houses. The only area suggested was the verges on either side of Cardiff Road between St Fagans and Fairwater. The Clerk was asked to respond to Cllr. Derbyshire accordingly.
v) The Clerk had circulated a message from the Tree Conservation Officer at Cardiff Council advising that many of the horse chestnut trees around Crofft-y-Genau Road / St Bride’s Road, are in a very poor condition and would need to be felled. This confirms the message previously received from Cooke & Arkwright. The TCO invited the Community Council to propose replacement trees. Members expressed no particular preference, other than that they should be of a suitable native variety. The Clerk was asked to advise the TCO accordingly.
280.12.07 – Wales National History Museum / St Fagans Castle
Following the meeting on 11th November, Members agreed that a separate meeting was not really needed, but asked the Clerk to raise with Bethan Lewis the few issues of concern. (The gates at the Castle entrance; the water trough on Castle Hill; trees growing through the Castle Wall; and Japanese knotweed.)
280.12.08 – One Voice Wales
Cllr. Hughes reported that there were no matters arising directly from OVW. He advised that the Charter is due to be discussed at County Hall. County Cllr. De’ath is leading on the matter and he is hopeful that it will go forward.
Cllr. Hughes then referred to the Cardiff West Partnership. He commented that officials attend the meetings but few Councillors do so, and he questioned the relevance of the meetings. However, he considered that the Cardiff Partnership Board has a strong set up, but no information is made available.
280.12.09 – Correspondence and other communications
The Clerk reported on the following:
Cardiff West Neighbourhood Partnership – Weekly updates.
14/11 – Email: Cardiff Council – Consultation on SPG on Residential extensions and alterations. No action.
26/11 – Email: Andrew Deptford – offering advice on public access defibrillators. Members discussed this matter briefly including possible locations. Before considering it further the Clerk was asked to enquire whether one was installed at the Museum.