The Longrider Cowboys MC Charter
Article I - Objectives
The Longrider Cowboys MC is a ‘2 piece patch’ group of brother historians who belong to the ancient and honorable E CLAMPUS VITUS. The objectives of Longrider Cowboys MC include but are not limited to: promoting and improving fellowship and history, a sense of humor and tolerance, and to encourage charitable motorcycle activities in the western states area.
Members must be in good standing with any chapter of ECV and must maintain red shirt status. Members must have a street legal motorcycle of any make, nationality or color and are not required to own any type, style or brand of motorcycle. We are also committed supporters of the Northern Nevada Confederation of Clubs and all of its members.
Article II - Name
The name of this organization shall be Longrider Cowboys Motorcycle Club, hereinafter referred to as the LCMC for the rest of this document. The ancient and honorable E Clampus Vitus will be known as ECV. No rules in the document now or amended in the future are to ever supersede by ECV rules, and when any conflict is found to occur, the rules of the LCMC have final authority. Our sacred patch will be worn by all full members and is displayed here.
Article III - Authority
We believe that all riders are created equal. We will never stand for discrimination of a rider or a ride no matter the race, nationality, religious affiliation, displacement, brand, style or country of manufacture. We believe it is our duty to help widders and orphans. We claim the creator given right of self-determination and thus form this charter between honorable riders.
A. General
1.There are only 8 (eight) founders. They are lifelong members of LCMC without possibility of parole. They may denounce their membership in front of others, but they are still founders until even death cannot and will not absolve their crimes. Even if duty to their widders and orphans made them stay at the homestead, they are still founders. Founders are subject to hangin’ for high crimes but it takes a 2/3 vote of active members to be hung.
2.All other Longriders are mere members and can lose their Longrider birthright and membership at any time and for any reason by a majority vote of founders, or a super majority (67%) hangin’ of other Longriders
3.The Longrider patch is to worn at all official functions. Red shirts or official LCMC clothing are to worn at all ‘official’ events and are encouraged on all group rides. Any member in good standing may fly their colors but must maintain the spirit of the club and remember that you are representing all of us. The patch is to be worn on the back of the riding vests or jacket. Members handle and/or rank are to be displayed either above the heart on the left or right of the jacket or vest. Members or founders must immediately surrender their patches if they are expelled or resign from the club. Members not in colors must buy the 1st round for all full members attending the official event. In the event he is weak in the wallet he will owe at least 2 cases of premium beer for the next run.
4.As a member of the LCMC you are a figment of your own imagination. For members that have fully lost their mind, a few others may help him with his delusions as long as they remain delusional themselves.
5.If 6 or more members in a locality (plus or minus 75 mile radius from other chapters), decide to ride together more often they may form an outpost. In order to become later a separate chapter of the LCMC it must be approved by a majority of acting officers and they must all agree to abide by rules put forth in this document.
6.Being a Longrider Cowboy guarantees you nothing but a red t-shirt and a patch which still needs to be paid for by your dues
7.Being a Longrider Cowboy does mean we are members of the Confederation of Clubs (C.O.C.) but implying no recognition among other clubs or organizations as such. The LCMC is a loosely constructed, haphazardly thrown together conglomeration of societal misfits and pranksters who like to ride. The only real purpose of the LCMC is riding and merrymaking.
8.Members and prospects are never forced to party but must be tolerant of the vices of other members and never inform law enforcement or widders of any actions.
9.As brother clampers who love to ride our steel horses wherever the wind may take us, our primary goal is to assist widders and orphans, but mainly the widders.
10.We also dedicate our time and effort to preserving historical lands, buildings, landmarks and plaguing.
11.We are advocates for open land preservation and the protection of wild horses and for the access rights of off-road riders.
12.We have a profound love of and respect for women and encourage any woman rider that is of like mind and temperament to ride with us.
13.What happens on a ride is considered private. If you see someone drinking, smoking or whoring, keep it to yourself. If you do not like that sort of thing, do not go on the next ride. Quit and join AA. But if a member is deemed a hazard to himself or herself you should not let them ride.
14.Longriders always defend our widders. We never allow anyone to disrespect any woman in our group or in our presence. We never grab or grope another Longriders wife or any woman that does not want us to.
B. Specific Rules
1. Becoming an LCMC prospect
a.Must fill out application
b.Must have a Longrider Cowboy sponsor with a minimum of 1 year as a patched member and in good standing to vouch for your lack of character and judgment.
c.Must pay $100 for your patch (non-refundable).
d.It must be ‘declared’ at a monthly meeting.
e.The club owns all patches and must be returned.
2. Becoming a Longider Cowboy.
a.Must own and ride a street legal motorcycle.
b.Must be able ride in formation
c.Must complete at least 6 rides as a prospect with 2 or more members to attest to your unworthiness.
d.Must go on a few long rides. To the bar and back does not make you a Longrider Cowboy.
e.9 month minimum as a patch wearing prospect working penance for future sins.
f.You are only a lowly prospect until a vote and initiation are completed and you have fully paid 100% of dues. Then and only then will you receive a back patch and be recognized as a member.
C. Longrider Widders
LCMC widders, either as riders or valued seat adornments, are to be treated as equal members of our society. Therefore, they have no rights and may lay no claim to such. Our widders primary duty is to provide pleasant surroundings at any LCMC gathering and comfort the wounded and dying. No outside influence, disrespect or negative behavior from any widder will be tolerated. As a patched member it is your responsibility to control your widder. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action on the brother up to and including dismissal.
To amend this charter shall take a vote with a quorum of members and a majority attendance of officers of every chapter, then a vote of 67% of all members in attendance to amend or alter this messed up piece of crap we are now calling our by-laws.
Offices of the Longrider Cowboys MC
1. Pres
Pres shall exercise general supervision over members of the LCMC and the affairs of the chapter and ensure compliance with the LCMC charter by all chapter members. The incumbent shall preside over chapter meetings and officer meetings. The president will make day to day decisions concerning the operations of the chapter and report those decisions to the membership. He will maintain a working relationship with chapter sponsors and the ECV sponsors of LCMC and represent the chapter in dealings with the COC and other rider groups and organizations. This position will be the arbiter of disputes between chapter members and his decision will stand as law unless brought up as official business in a regular monthly meeting of officers meeting and overruled by a super majority of officers.
2. Vice Pres
When the president is absent the vice president shall be responsible for the duties of the president. The vice president will work with the road cap’n to decide in which rides and events the chapter will participate. The vice president will work with the president to obtain sponsors.
3. Road Cap’n
Shall pre-ride the route to be taken on each monthly ride, help make decisions regarding which riders will be ridden during a particular month and to keep riders in formation. He will set the pace and enforce safe riding habits. He will plan as best as possible gas, food and booze breaks. At his digression he may split up the groups into sub-groups and set rejoining locations to ensure all members have safe passage. All members are to check in or out with the cap’n or his representative before joining or departing a ride. Like the captain of a ship, his word is law on a ride. If you don’t like it you can always swim home.
4. Sarge at Arms
Shall be responsible for keeping the peace, enforcing chapter and charter rules, and for the collection of monies for the tolls. The Sergeant-at-Arms shall visually inspect all bikes prior to any ride to ensure safe riding conditions.
5. Master of Doins’
Shall work closely with other officers and be final authority in matter of wine, women and song. In large rowdy groups he shall watch for trouble and prevent assholeness. He can deputize anyone he sees fit to assure no members are too stoned or stupid to ride. He makes sure no un-cool riders, orphans or other types are at fun events. He is encouraged to plan the annual ho-down with lots and lots of hos’.
6. Tail gunner
Shall pre-ride the route to be taken on each monthly ride, help make decisions regarding which riders will be ridden during a particular month, keep riders in formation, stop to assist riders who must leave the pack due to problems and be the last rider in the pack to keep an eye out for problems. He is to act as executive officer to the road cap’n.
7. Minister of time and money
Shall be the official treasurer and scribe that will keep track of all club funds and dues. He shall report at monthly meetings how poor we are and shall take roll call, notes, read minutes and post website bull crap.
8. Cyberwhanger
Is the official webmaster of LCMC and is in charge of website related business and email address postmaster.
Elections of Officers
Elections are to be held yearly in the spring of each chapter and voting by secret ballot to elect all officers. Votes are to be cast by all full members of each chapter and all consideration should be made to allow every member and wider a voice in the selection. Votes can be cast verbally if no challenges to office holder exists. Members can be drafted by club officers to fill any role needed.
After 3 or more chapters have been formed and consecrated there will be an election for club wide officers of:
1.Sovereign – the guy in charge
2.Usurper – club XO
3.Road General – general above road cap’n 4.Enforcer – club wide enforcer of rules
5.Master Pimp – DUH!
6.Scribe – reports and recorded between webmaster and minister of minutes. Keeps chapters informed of stuff.
Chapter dues and other funds
1.The chapter treasurer will collect 1st year fees of $100 to include LCMC back patch.
2.Dues are $65/month
3.When the need arises, we will have ‘fundraising function’ to pay for any chapter operating costs. Ex: flyers, postage, chapter functions, administrative costs etc.
4.All funds in excess of operating costs raised from functions organized by the chapter shall be held in a bank account to cover future costs and doins, plaguing, or if too much $$$ to a charity or organization chosen by the chapter, preferably widders and orphans.
5.All bank funds require 2 or more officers’ signatures to expend and all expenditures must be reported at the next meeting.
6.All members have an equal share of ownership of stock, liability and responsibility to LCMC.
1.Monthly meeting at an agreeable watering hole are to be had on the 1st Saturday of each month. Any other agreed upon day will do.
2.Minutes will be taken and posted on all business to website within 1 week of the meeting.
3.Booze and broads are to be given priority
4.Safety meetings are also advised, and don’t forget to bring a towel!
5.Meeting will be posted online for 7 days prior to any meeting or all members will be contacted by email or phone to inform of changes.
6.Officers meetings can take place at any time the prez sez!
We the charter members of the Longrider Cowboys Motorcycle Club do officially sign this charter and may the Lord have mercy on our souls for doing so.
Amendment 1 Passed May, 2007
Separation from the club
Should any member or prospect ever throw down their patch or leave the club in anger and disrespect they will be forever banned from the fellowship of the LCMC. Their name will be forever sullied in the eyes and hearts of LCMC members. They will immediately surrender any and all LCMC branded items (which is defined as any item with the full patch of the LCMC LLC in any size on any item), and they have 15 days to remove any LCMC tattoo. Should any member fail to meet these requirements then a posse will be formed to forcibly remove tattoos and recover club property. After recovery of patch and other club items, the disgraced members vest will be shot up by an LCMC posse and burned until only ashes remain. Disgraced members shall never be allowed to ride in formation with the group again. While circumstances may require polite interaction in public, the disgraced are not to be given deference in any matters or actions. Any member upon hearing any disgraced member bad talk the club is to inform all members and make sure it is followed up by an ass whuppin’.
Amendment 2 (withdrawn 2009)
Amendment 3 Passed 2010
Prospect time period
Prospect time period has been increased to 6 months minimum. No limit.
Amendment 4 Passed 2014
Prospects requirements
Attend 1 COC meeting and introduce yourself
Prospect period to include 1 major LCMC event (MDA run, camp out, toy run)
Attend all meetings unless excused by sponsor
Minimum of 6 meetings
Respond to members’ request
Wear prospect patch when riding in all approved areas
No drinking alcohol at organized events
Bad behavior will not be tolerated
Amendment 5 Passed 2014
If a member falls 3 months behind he may be subject to losing clubhouse privileges, club activities and up to patch unless arrangements are made.
Amendment 6 Passed 2014
Club Rides
Road captain leads rides, if not available, officer leads ride, senior officer next.
Any club ride prospects, hang arounds and guests ride behind members.
Protocol for club rides with other clubs: Host club leads club ride. Prospects, hang arounds and guests ride behind all other members
If separated, the front group stops when safe, or slows down until rest of group arrives
If pulled over by police, one member designated at start of the ride is to pull over.
Amendment 7 Passed 2014
Shot Glass Ceremony
1.Officers vote on becoming member. 100% required
2.Prospect is brought up in front of members for questioning then excused
3.Members vote. 100% required
4.History lesson
5.President or ranking officer presents patches
Amendment 8 Passed 2014
Bad behavior that draws negative attention to our club will not be tolerated.
1st incident, reprimand, officer’s decision
2nd incident, returned to prospect position for 6 months 3rd incident, ejected from club
Amendment 9 Passed 2014
Officers meeting: Senior officers only unless others are invited. General meeting: Members, prospects and hang arounds only. Guests must be approved beforehand.
Amendment 10 Passed 2014
Our cuts are who we are, they identify us to other bikers and to the world. They were not given to us but were earned. They are not merely pieces of cloth, they are our identity and shall be treated with respect, honor and dignity at all times. With that being stated:
1.Cuts should never be thrown to the ground whether in anger or in jest.
2.Cuts should never be laid on the ground or any location where there is dirt and debris.
3.Cuts should never be left unattended for any reason. This includes draped over your sissy bar, seat or any visible place from which it could be taken. If you see a brothers cut left unattended you will retrieve it for safe keeping then immediately contact that brother and let him know. The only exception to this is inside the LCMC clubhouse.