Council notes – November 28, 2016
- The Declaration of Elected Official form was read and signed by Councillor McLeod, then filed.
- Clifton Associates provided a report on the downstream use and impact study for the lagoon project. Council will meet with Clifton Associates on November 30 to discuss the project and requirements.
- Government of Saskatchewan performed a fine revenue review and audit of fees received by the Town of Radville.
- R.M. of Laurier No. 38 appointed the EMO Coordinator and committee members for 2017.
- R.M. of Laurier No. 38 sent a letter to the Ministry of Corrections and Policing with regard to the reduction of RCMP staff in the area.
- Water Security Agency waterworks compliance inspection report was received.
- MADD requested support through advertising in a book. Council reviewed and though a good cause will be sponsoring local programs and organizations.
- The accounts for approval, Cheques No. 26525 to 26552, totaling $39,586.12 were approved for payment.
- The water line between the CN Station and Galarneau Family Holdings was installed.
- Calcium chloride was applied on Main Street to control the dust.
- Radville Laurier Regional Park has changed the date of the Christmas cabaret until January 21, 2017.
- Christmas decorations on the light standards were put up on November 17.
- Council discussed a date for their annual planning session and set the date for January 21, 2017.
- Bylaw No. 2016-20 being a Bylaw to Provide for Entering into an Agreement of the Establishment and Organization of the Radville Mutual Aid Organization was read a first and second time.
- Bylaw No. 2016-21 being a Bylaw to Classify, License, Regulate, Control and Govern Businesses, Industries, Trades, Occupations or Callings, was given three readings at the meeting and passed by council members present.
- The Town of Radville will fund the Missouri Coteau Ambulance $15,000.00 in 2017.
- The Town of Radville will register up to four members of Council and Staff to attend the SUMA annual convention to be held in Saskatoon in February 2017.
- The Town of Radville will move forward to obtain full pricing to convert the Water Treatment Plant from a mixed source plant to a ground water plant.
- The Town of Radville will allow the setback distance for buildings in the residential subdivision on Conrad Avenue to be twenty feet from the curb instead of the property line.
- Next regular meeting of Town Council – Monday, December 12, 7:00 p.m.