Copyright2013A. T. Saguinsin

All Rights Reserved





Chapter 1

C1.A The Holy Bible- The Foundation of Salvation and Truth

C1-B .Origin of the Holy Bible.

C1.C Guarantee That The Bible Is The Authentic Word Of God

C1.D The Discovery of Scrolls

Chapter 2

C2.AThe True Teachings of Christ

C2.B Serving and Worshipping God

C2.C Obedience to the Will of God

C2.D The True Religion and its Meaning

C2.E In Defense Of The True Teachings Of Christ


Distinction Of The Creators

C3.A Distinction of God from the Son

C3.B Distinction of Jesus Christ from the Holy Spirit

C3.C Jesus Christ as God

C3-D God Begets His Son Jesus Christ

C3.G Men Are Called Gods

Chapter 4

C4.A The Christ Of The Bible

C4.B Life Is What We Maketh

C4.C The Impossible Thing With God

C4.D Misfortune Among Men

Chapter 5

C5.A Righteous Ways of Praying as Taught by Christ

C5.B Prayers Heard and Prayers Not Heard by God

C5.C How Do We Pray And What Shall We Pray?

C5.D Positions Of The Body When Praying

Chapter 6

C6.A Parts Of The Body That Incite Men to Sin

C6.A1 The Eyes and Hands

C6.B The Heart

C6.C The Danger of Tongue

C6.D Speaking in Tongues

C6.E Food Served to Idols and the Forbidden Meat

C6.F The Blood

C6.G The Sin of Adultery in the Spirit

Chapter 7

C7.A Transgressions of Men

C7.B The Sins Of Back Sliders

C7.C The Two kinds of Sins of Man

C7.D Immortal Sin

C7.E Confession of Sins

C7.F Are Sins Transferable to Descendants ?

C7.G Apostles and Prophets Also Sin

C7.H Transgressions of Angels

C7.I Christians Judge the Sinning Angels

C7.J The Death Of A Sinning Soul

Chapter 8

C8.A Salvation and Religion

C8.B Steps Of Salvation

C8.C Knowledge of Salvation

C8.D Path to Salvation

C8.E Forfeiture of Salvation of Christians

C8.F Seeking God To Be Saved

C8.G Ways of Saving Mankind

C8.H Chances of Salvation In The Judgment Day

Chapter 9

C9.A The Laws Of Christ

C9.A1 The Law of Christ on Orderly Worship, Gifts of Tongues, and Prophecies

C9.B The Law of Christ on Tithing

C9.C The Law of God on Believer’s Manners and Conduct

C9.D The Law of Christ on Socializing with Unbelievers

C9.E More Laws in the Christian Era

C9.F The Believing and Non-Believing Couples

C9.G Importance of Baptism

Chapter 10

C10.A The Teachings of Christ about Life after Death

C10.B Cause of Spiritual Death

C10.C Satan & his Angels and the Worst of Men

C10.D Compositions of a Human Being

C10.E The Perfect Man

C10.F Angels Appear Before Men

C10.G An Angel Appears Before a Gentile

Chapter 11

C11.A The Church of God

C11.B God’s People From The East

C11.C The End Time People

C11.D The Chosen People of God

C11.E God Talks To His People Today

Chapter 12

C12.A The Dwelling Place of Evil Spirits

C12.B Spirits that Dwell into Human Beings

C12.C The Imprisoned Spirits Beneath the Earth

C12.D The Spirit-Angels

Chapter 13

C13.A After the Great Deluge

C13.B The Scourge in the Last Day

C13.C When God Is Angry

Chapter 14

C14.A The Signs of the End time

C14.B Knowing the Signs of the Last Days

C14.C The Great Tribulation and the Catching Up in the Air

C14.D The Coming of the Messiah

Chapter 15

C15.A The Process Of Punishment For Mankind

C15.B The Judgment of the Living and the Dead

C15.C The Tormenting Lake of Fire

C15.D Idolatry and Its Punishment

C15.E The Taste of HHeaven and Hell

Chapter 16

C16.A Religion In American History

C16.B The Puritans Sail to the New World

C16.C Turbulent Times for Religious People in England

C16,D Pilgrims’ Conversion to Separatism

C16.E New Beginning in the New World

C16.F The Puritans’ fashion of Worshipping God

C16.G Violence in the Colony and the Failures of the Puritans



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We may be living in this world with so many earthly knowledge to keep living but as we age we would slow down and come to think of how far we have gone learning things. We learn many things on earth. How about spiritual things ?

As you age you can look back to see your footsteps that you have trod in achieving something in this life. You could probably see all things that belong in this world, however, if you have wisdom and foresight, you will come to realize that you need to think of something to do for the next chapters of your life.

You will slowly leave your extra activities behind as you begin to work for a suitable activity that matches your capacity to grip on until your last breath. You may come to ask, where am I heading to after all these years of grandest age ? Have I forgotten something behind all these earthly things?

Eventually, as you fade physically you may find yourself sitting within a comfort of your home without taking a peek at some important things you should have known while spending the last chapter of your life on earth.You may be a curious reader and a witty seeker of knowledge but there is one important thing you should realize that you won’t regret to know, and that is a chance to live an everlasting life after death.

Therefore, while we are here on earth we should realize that there are things we should know in order to be prepared spiritually when that day comes. I believe that by this piece of work I would be able to impart with you spiritual insight and knowledge that may be instrumental for your salvation. The very instruction of the bible in 1John 4:1, which says, “ Test every spirit if it is of God” meaning we should test the teachings of every preacher or teacher whether it right or wrong.

The main objective of this book is to impart everyone the saving power of knowledge about the teachings of Christ. You will know them as you read each chapter.


To prophesy is to preach. Philosophy is defined as an attitude, viewpoint, thinking, idea, value, beliefs and way of life while Logic is the science of sound reasoning, judgment, common sense. If we combine philosophy with logic the outcome is correct results of our thinking and reasoning. Logic gives correct judgment and reasoning as it leads us to the right path. Therefore, logic is necessary in our decision. With the use of common sense we can think logically, therefore, we are able to discern what is right and what is wrong.

This is a confession of acquired Christian faith founded in the bible that has ripened into a firm belief that should be pronounced and propagated to the Christian world and all the inhabitants to learn. We should realize that physical death is just temporalfor we must all rise at the appointed time after death. And our next destiny is to face and account ourselves in the presence of our Creator.

Therefore, while we are here on earth we should realize that there are things we should know in order to be prepared spiritually when that day comes. I believe that by this piece of work I would be able impart spiritual insight to everyone, the spiritual knowledge they should keep pondering while seeking God.

I go spiritual this time. With my spiritual interest and passion to learn about spiritual things I began to search the truth about life after death. For several years, I have studied and read many inspirational and spiritual writings of many church leaders. I searched and read the Old and New Testaments of the bible which I believe to be the only source of spiritual truth , knowledge and wisdom.

For many years of my profound research and quest about Christian doctrines from various congregations I have learned many things and ultimately contained with this piece of work. I should not say that this is also an ultimate belief you should embrace but as truth-seeker you have the free will to choose which is right and wrong. I am just presenting this as guide and knowledge that is founded by the Word in the bible and no personal pronouncement contained here shall form part of your decision.

The very instruction of the bible in 1John 4:1, which says, “ Test every spirit if it is of God” meaning we should test the teachings of a preacher or teacher whether it is right or wrong, or if it is of God. Therefore, by using logical thinking we will be able to discern whether it is correct or not and of God.

Logic, therefore is very crucial before we approve the assertions of a church leader because what is at stake here is the salvation of your soul in the days to come. It is where our salvation lies, so we must make sure that logical thinking works in order for us to be saved, thus, the bible instructs everyone of us to be wise nowadays because many false prophets preaching and promising salvation are out of this world.

The main objective of this book is to impart everyone the Law and Doctrine of Christ. The law of Christ nowadays is different from the Mosaic law, ( Judaism), because the law of Christ is not only ten but more than ten and there are laws in the Ten Commandments that had been amended during the time of Jesus. If the Ten Commandments were strictly observed and obeyed during that time much more during the Christian dispensation . The law and doctrine of Christ are discussed and explained as you read them.

Chapter 1

C1.A The Holy Bible- The Foundation of Salvation and Truth

The Holy Bible is a book that contains the Word of God which was written by His chosen people particularly the prophets and disciples in the Old and New Testaments . The Holy bible constitutes two parts: The Old Testament and The New Testament. The Old Testament which is the first part contains 39 books while the New Testament contains 27 books. This makes a total of 66 books in the bible and written by more than 40 people of God.Where must we derive the basis for our salvation but the holy bible and not from men’s own idea and concept. Never say that we have become bookies when we base our assertions from the bible because it is the only source of assertions and no other book. But if we say that when a church leader is no bookies in his preaching, then begin asking yourselves where he got his assertions and pronouncements.

Remember, salvation is no joke and that truth must never be distorted, otherwise, the bible instructs us to curse those who distort, change and add anything in the word (thus, the bible says) So, watch out those professing- sent teaching about the Word, when in fact, they have hidden motives. Don’t be deceived and watch your soul. You can be bookies when the source and foundation of your pronouncements are derived from man’s intellectual creations and not the bible.

C1-B .Origin of the Holy Bible.

Who wrote the Holy Bible?

How did the bible become the basis for man’s salvation? Is this written by ordinary men?

Many people who do not believe in the bible would skeptically say it was just written and conceived by ordinary men. We can say that everything on earth was created by God while He gave us the power to produce things out of our own effort to survive and live according to what we can afford.

Men manufacture many things for our own benefit in order that life may continue and progress. You can just imagine that everything we eat, wear, and read is made by the hands of men, and conclusively, the bible was written by men.

Speaking of the bible as the focal point of the issue, we may think how it came to being. How was it assembled and made into an organized book ? How does it differ from all other books?

All we know is that it is a compilation of the Word of God containing the books of Genesis which tells about the beginning and creation of everything up to Revelation which tells us about the end of the whole story.

Let us refer one of the verses which tells us who wrote this book. In II Peter 1:20-24, reads,” Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the Scripture is of any private interpretation”.

In other words the verse tells us that it cannot be written by just an ordinary man. This proves that the bible did not come from men’s conceived story or imagination because according to the verse it cannot emanate from man’s private interpretation nor from his own will, but from the holy men of God who spoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. The Word came from God who spoke to men.

Where else do you think the bible would originate ? Who do you think would write it? Definitely, it is not the animals who would write it because if chicken, would write it, it cannot be read by humans. If you believe God gave it to men to write, definitely He would give it to men to write in order to be read and understood by human beings. Otherwise, if the bible was not written by men what would be the basis of our salvation and our future

If we shall read everything from the bible, this will contain words that man could never think nor conceive in their minds. This consists of words of prophecy , words of exhortations and as a whole the laws of God. If men could think of his own ideas to write and say, certain verse in Proverbs 16:9 proves that men think of his own course.

We can notice from the bible that ordinary men could not think such phrases and wisdom that are written in the bible. It is said that men by nature are sinners, therefore, men would not dare to write about holiness nor heavenly ideas, except the holy men of God.

Just think that these were given by God to the chosen people, to be taught and spoken of, and finally to serve as basis of our salvation.

What do you think would be the basis of men’s source of knowledge about salvation? Will you just believe and entrust your soul to some few men whom you do not know where they got their teachings about salvation?

The book of II Peter 3:15 reads, “And account that the long suffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you.”

The verse tells us that the Word of instructions is only given to the chosen ones who have the Holy Ghost, and not to just an ordinary men

The chosen men were moved by the Holy Spirit of God to write the bible. As it is written in I Chronicles 28:9. which reads, “ And thou Solomon, my son, know thou the God of the father, and serve him with a perfect heart and with a willing mind for the Lord searcheth all hearts, and understandeth all the imaginations of the thoughts ; if thou forsake him he will cast thee off forever.”

This verse proves that men who wrote the bible were chosen by God because they could not write and prophesy without the leading of the Holy Spirit. The holy men of God would not be able to write the bible if they were not tested, while their hearts were searched by the Holy Spirit sent by God. It doesn’t mean they did not commit sin. They did, but God chose them and had plans for them even before they were conceived in the mothers’ wombs. They feared God as they obeyed His commandments. In the same manner that Scriptures provide us wisdom and knowledge toward righteousness. II Timothy 3:16 reads, “ All Scriptures is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.”

The verse mentioned will attest to the truth that the written Word will provide us knowledge about salvation and make men wise. Let us read another basis to make the testimony concrete, which tells that our knowledge of salvation through Jesus Christ will save us.II Timothy 3:15 reads” and that from a child thou hast known the Holy Scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.”So if anyone wants wisdom and knowledge, he or she may ask God for it by means of prayers. This is attested in the book of James 1:5 which reads,” If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God. That giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him

C1.CGuarantee That The Bible Is The Authentic Word Of God

Let us read Proverbs 8:8, “ All the words of my mouth are in righteousness, there is nothing forward or perverse in them”. God Himself is the one confirming that His Word is Righteousness. There is nothing forward and perverse in them. There is no doubt that everything written in the bible is authentic as attested by the said verse that is clearly written and answered the question.What are some knowledge that man never knew until revealed by the bible?

Another proof that the bible is the original and authentic Word of God is the mystery of men’s innocence about the facts that have happened or are happening on earth which the bible reveals and let it be known to men.Like for example, in the past people believed that the earth was flat, however, as astronomer named Galileo Galeli found out that it was round. Galileo revealed this findings and made him one of the controversial figures in the Italian history.