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* The present circular will be in effect until further notice.

Information circular*

To: Members of the staff

From: The Assistant Secretary-General for Human Resources Management

Subject: Membership of the Central Review Board, Committee and Panel at Headquarters

1. The purpose of the present circular is to inform the staff of the composition of the central review bodies at Headquarters whose two-year term takes effect from
1 January 2015 through 31 December 2016.

2. The current membership has been formed on the basis of requests for nominations made to departments and offices as well as to the staff representative body at Headquarters.

3. In view of the above, the formation of the central review bodies at Headquarters for the 2015-2016 term comprises members approved by the Secretary-General on the basis of departmental nominations as well as members nominated by the staff representative body.

I. Central Review Board


Mr. Nabil Abdel-Al Metwali / Department for General Assembly and Conference Management
Ms. Zehra Aydin / United Nations Environment Programme New York Office
Mr. David Bongi / Department of Safety and Security
Ms. Anne Fassotte / Department for General Assembly and Conference Management
Mr. Andrei Kovalenko / Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate
Ms. Gabriele Kraatz-Wadsack / Office for Disarmament Affairs
Mr. Rick Martin / Department of Field Support
Mr. Luke Mhlaba / Office of Legal Affairs
Mr. Ahamed Mohammed / Department of Peacekeeping Operations
Ms. Hiroko Morita-Lou / Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Ms. Margaret Novicki / Department of Public Information
Ms. Kazumi Ogawa / Department of Peacekeeping Operations
Mr. David Scharia / Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate
Mr. Janos Tisovszky / Department of Public Information
Mr. Stephane Vazelle / Department of Political Affairs
Mr. Anthony Wilson / Department of Management

II. Central Review Committee


Mr. Luc Andriamampianina / Department of Safety and Security
Ms. Jessica Bowers / Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Mr. David Brazier / Department of Field Support
Ms. Ping Cheng / Department for General Assembly and Conference Management
Ms. Maria Angeles Hinojal Oyarbide / Office of Legal Affairs
Ms. Muna Khoury / Department of Field Support
Mr. Branko Krstulovic / Department of Management
Mr. Ariel Lifshitz / Department of Management
Ms. Sunaina Lowe / Department of Peacekeeping Operations
Mr. Marcelo Quellet / Department of Field Support
Mr. Curtis Raynold / Office for Disarmament Affairs
Mr. Stefan Schwarz / Department of Peacekeeping Operations
Ms. Anne-Christine Visser / Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate
Mr. Guozhong Zhang / Department of Economic and Social Affairs

III. Central Review Panel


Ms. Maria Aida Emilia Arkoncel / Office of Legal Affairs
Ms. Teresa Benedict / Department of Field Support
Ms. Marie-Luce Bernier / Department for General Assembly and Conference Management
Mr. Jason Charles / Department of Safety and Security
Ms. Karen Duncan / Department of Safety and Security
Ms. Mary Ferreira / Department of Public Information
Ms. Chantal Ghorayeb / Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Ms. Marie Agnese Giordano / Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Mr. Angel Gerardo Guzman Cordova / Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Mr. Amilcar Herbert / Department of Safety and Security
Mr. David McCreery / Department of Public Information
Mr. Renzo Penaloza / Department of Management
Ms. Kavita Ramnarine / Department of Management
Mr. David Sigurdsson / Department of Peacekeeping Operations
Ms. Cristina Silveiro / Department of Public Information
Ms. Li Zhou / Department of Management

4. The Assistant Secretary-General for Human Resources Management or her representatives will serve as ex officio members of the Board, Committee and Panel.

5. The Special Adviser on Gender Issues and the Advancement of Women or her representatives will also participate in the Board, Committee and Panel as required, in an advisory capacity.

6. Mr. Mthokozisi Ncube will serve as Secretary of the Central Review Board and Ms. Karla Bonnet will serve as Secretary of the Central Review Committee and Panel.

7. The present circular supersedes information circular ST/IC/2013/4 and Amend.1 and 2.

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