The Journal of Scottish Name Studies

Deadlines for submission

The Journal works to a publication-date of mid-December.

Allmain articles to be considered for publication in a given issue should be sent to the editors (one, other or both) by 31 July at the latest, although of course, the earlier the better. The contributor should also consider their own time-table as, following receipt of the readers' reports, as well as other editorial comments, there may well be some re-writing and re-drafting to do before submission of the final product. This final product should be in our hands for typesetting by 1 November at the latest.

Articles to be submitted by authors by / 31 July or earlier
Varia pieces to be submitted by authors by / 31 August or earlier
Reviews to be submitted by authors by / 1st October or earlier

Style sheet

Please submit articles, varia pieces and reviews in Word files (.doc or .docx).

Please follow the Harvard or Author-Year system of referencing; see under Referencing.

Authors are encouraged to aim for consistency in usage.

Abbreviations / (For early sources, please refer to Scottish Historical Review 42: ‘List of Abbreviated Titles of the Printed Sources of Scottish History to 1560, Supplement to the Scottish Historical Review October 1963’, 1963, pp. i-xxxii.)
1 : 10,000; 1 inch : 1 mile
1st pub. [first published]
5ft 6in
6m [metres/miles – spell in full if unclear, e.g. 10km (six miles)]
App. [Appendix]
ch., chs [chapter(s)]
col., cols [column(s)]
d. [died]
ed. [edited by]
ed., eds [editor(s)]
edn [edition]
exx. [examples]
Fig., Figs [Figure(s)]
fl., floruit
fo, fos [folio(s)]
gen. ed., gen. eds [general editor(s)]
i.e., e.g., cf., viz.
impr. [impression]
loc. cit.
m., f., nt./masc., fem., neut. [masculine, feminine, neuter]
No., Nos. [e.g. of a journal, Nos. 2–3]]
no., nos. [e.g. RMS viii, no. 3]
nom., acc., gen., dat., voc.
pers. comm. [personal communication]
PhD, MLitt, MA, BA etc.
pl./plur. [plural]
Pt, Pts [Part, e.g. of a journal: Pt 2]
repr. [reprint/reprinted]
rev. [revised]
s.a., s.aa.
s.n., s.nn.
s.v., s.vv.
sg./sing. [singular]
transl. [translator; translated by]
vol., vols [e.g. 7 vols]
Vol., Vols [e.g. Vol. 2]
Bret. [Breton]
Brit. [British]
Corn. [Cornish]
ECelt. [Early Celtic]
Eng. [English]
G [Gaelic]
Gaul. [Gaulish]
Ir. [Irish]
ME [Middle English]
MG, MIr. [Middle Gaelic, Middle Irish]
MidW [Middle Welsh]
ModIr. [Modern Irish]
ModW [Modern Welsh]
Mx [Manx]
OE, OG, OIr. [Old English, Old Gaelic, Old Irish]
PrIE [Primitive Indo-European]
Scand. [Scandinavian]
ScG [Scottish Gaelic]
Scots (i.e. unabbreviated)
W [Welsh]
Apostrophe / the boy’s parents; Jones’s article
the boys’ parents
Comma / Do not use the Oxford or serial comma except where clarity recommends it:
the serial comma is redundant where it reduplicates the function of a present conjunction: take knives, forks, and spoons > take knives, forks and spoons; including the abbreviation etc. as this contains a conjunction: take knives, forks, etc. > take knives, forks etc.
The serial comma may be useful in the case of multi-word items, e.g. yellow and red, blue and red, blue and yellow. Semi-colons are more distinctseparators than commas in the case of lists of more complex phrases or sentences, e.g. as thin as a rake; as quiet as a mouse; as red as an India rubber ball.
Do not use commas when supplying meanings, e.g. ScG allt ‘stream’ [not ScG allt, ‘stream’]; Comar nan Allt ‘the confluence of the streams’.
(See also Numerals) / first century ... ninth century
tenth century etc.
eighteenth-century focus
early nineteenth century
mid-nineteenth century
late nineteenth century
late nineteenth-century focus
12 March 1213
1530 × 1535
Formatting / Justify left-hand margin only.
Use extra spacing between paragraphs to show new paragraphs, rather than indentation.
No punctuation is necessary after bullet points.
Use the format (a), (b), (c),rather than a), b), c).
In titles, use a capital letter after a colon only if one is used in the original.
In general, do not use bold type.
(See also under italicisation.)
Hyphens, rules, dashes / Please use a hyphen (-) in the following:
name-form, head-word, head-name, loan-name, loan-word, transfer-name, by-name, baile-names etc., place-name (but not in settlement name etc.).
mid-nineteenth century
the North-East, North-East Scotland, the North-East of Scotland
on-line resource
Please do not hyphenate:
grid reference
Use an en-rule (–) between numbers, e.g. 1939–45; 54–57; 243–50.
Use an en-rule surrounded by spaces as a punctuation mark to indicate an insertion or interruption in the main sentence, e.g. ‘old forms – none are older than the fifteenth century – sometimes have an additional d.’
(The en-rule is half the length of the em-rule (—) and can be found in MS Word under INSERT/SYMBOL, or use Ctrl + minus on the numeric keypad.)
Illustrations / The resolution of pictures, maps, figures etc. should be 72dpi, should have an appropriate heading or caption and an attribution where relevant. It is the author’s responsibility to obtain any permissions necessary.
Italicisation / Please italicise the following:
(a) words and phrases under discussion, e.g. ‘with the element hill’.
(b) words and phrases not of the medium language (and which are not quotes, for which see under Quotes), e.g.
(c) recte, sic, fl., floruit, vel. sim., et passim
(d) early forms of place-names
Do not italicise:
loc. cit.
c. [circa]
Do not use italicisation (or bold) for emphasis; allow writing style and sentence structure to convey emphasis.
Justification / Use left-hand justification only, please.
Language / Although JSNS is an English publication, it welcomes articles written in Scottish Gaelic or in Scots, in which case articles should be accompanied by an English summary.
Notes / These should normally be supplied as footnotes.
(See also Dates) / one, two ... nine
first, second ... ninth
ten, eleven ... nineteen
tenth, eleventh etc.
In references:
1st edn
2nd reprint
5ft 6in
6 inch : 1 mile
1 : 10,000
2 vols
Vol. 7, No. 3, Pt 2
note 9 [also n 9]
Quotes and translations / Use ‘...’ for primary quotation marks.
Use “...” for secondary quotation marks.
Use quotation marks for quotes (even in languages other the one being written in, unless otherwise marked (e.g. by indentation or italicisation).
Use quotation marks for any translation given.
Where both quote and its translation are given, it is preferrable to give the original first and the translation following in brackets.
Page numbers / Insert these, please.
Paragraphs / Please use extra line spacing, rather than indentation, to mark new paragraphs.
References / Use the Harvard system, e.g.
Watson 1906, 33; Joyce 1893 II, 285–96
Bibliographical references:
Other, A.N. and A.N. Other, with A.N. Other (eds), 2007,
‘title of article’, Title of Publication, 2nd series, Vol. 2, No. 3, Pt 1, 2 vols,
ed. A.N. Other and A.N. Other, transl. A.N. Other
(Edinburgh: publisher; 2nd edn), 111–25.
(Edinburgh: publisher;2nd edn with minor changes; 1st pub. 1902), 111–25.
Written according to original [see also under Upper/lower case initials]
Web sites:
– accessed 1/1/07
Theses etc:
Other, A.N., 2007,
‘Title of thesis’, unpublished PhD thesis, University of Edinburgh.
Short references:
(p. 30)
[otherwise page numbers are usually introduced by a comma, as follows:]
Watson 1930, 178–79
Watson 1930, 178, 185; Watson 1930, 178 and 185
Watson 1930, 178 note
Marwick 1929, 1, under A
RMS viii no. 7
RMS viii no. 7, 78
Loc. cit./ loc. cit.
Ibid../ ibid.
Ibid., 35/ ibid., 35
[Do not use op. cit.]
Taylor, forthcoming
Spaces / Please use spaces (shown by underscore ‘_’) in the following:
_ –_
loc. _cit.
Vol. _3, No. _3, Pt_3, App. 1. Fig. 1
No space in:
Spelling / realise, minimise, recognise etc.
index, indexes; appendix, appendixes
Submission / Intending contributors should forward an electronic copy in MS Word as an email attachment to and/or to either or both of the editors:

Upper/lower case initials / Points of the compass in names of recognised geographical areas, e.g. the North-East, North-East Scotland, the North-East of Scotland; but west Fife etc.
General Scots
(High) Middle Ages
Q-Celtic, P-Celtic
Verbs derived from the names of languages and their derivations do not have initial capitals: gaelicisation, latinisation etc.
Titles of book and journals:
Titles should be cited as per original; if the original title is shown entirely in upper case, then use lower case except for initial capitals for nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs only.
After colons in titles: in titles, use a capital letter after a colon only if one is used in the original.
Vol. 3, No. 3, Pt 3
note 7

(If in doubt, please contact )