The Heritage Association of San Marcos

2018 Member Information Form

Thank you for considering membership in the Heritage Association. Since 1975, the Association has supported the preservation of buildings and the perpetuation of traditions that beautify and enrich the cultural and community life of this city. We welcome you to join us and support our efforts to "preserve the past . . . for the present and future" with the level of participation that is comfortable for you! Annual dues are only $35.00 for Individuals or Families and the time commitment can be as much as you have time to offer.

New members will receive a Heritage Yearbook which contains our history, calendar, member directory, and information regarding a number of our projects.

Name: ______
We send occasional updates by email and encourage you to provide an email address for our database. We do not share email addresses with other organizations and only print your email in our directory with your permission. Please indicate your preferences:
Please  DO  DO NOT list my email address in any Heritage membership directory.
Send my newsletters by  email (includes color, saves postage) OR by postal mail  (black and white).
E-mail: ______Phone: ______
Address: ______
City State, Zip: ______
Check Membership Category desired. /  Individual or Family...... $ 35
 Life Member (Individual or Family) ...... $ 500
 Association or Business ...... $ 100
 Non-Profit Organization, Service Club ...... $50
 Patron Member……………………………………………………$1,000

How did you hear about the Heritage Association?  Referral by a member  Annual Home Tour

 Local Publicity  Cottage Kitchen Luncheon  Other: (please specify) ______

Volunteer and Committee Interest

Optional: please indicate your volunteer interest for the upcoming year. You may choose more than one.

On-going Committees
 Benevolence
 Communications/Publicity
 Preservation Advocacy
 Guild (coordinates Cottage Kitchen)
 Heritage Home Tour
 Membership & Recruiting
 Merriman Cabin Museum
 Oral History
 Structure, Function, & Bylaws / Short Term Committees
 Annual Meeting
 Budget & Finance
 Fundraising
 Landmark Awards
 Historical Research
 Museum and Local History Tour Guides
 Parade Coordinator
 Yearbook / More Volunteer Opportunities
Tour Docent
 Cemetery Walk
 Heritage Home Tour
 Merriman Cabin Museum
Cottage Kitchen
 Cooking/Serving luncheons for
the following organization(s):

Return this form, with your check to The Heritage Association of San Marcos,

P.O. Box 1806, San Marcos, TX 78667.

If you prefer to pay by credit card, you may visit our online store at this link:

(please also return this form by mail or email if you pay online).