Posted: August 16, 2012 at 12:00 noon


Regular Meeting

Washington Parish Courthouse

Washington Parish Council Chamber

6:00 PM – Tuesday

August 21, 2012

Item No. 1 - Call to Order – Chairman Levi Lewis called the meeting to order.

Item No. 2 - Invocation – Rev. Jerome Warren gave the innovation.

Item No. 3 - Pledge of Allegiance – Commissioner Chat Jones called for the Pledge

Of Allegiance.

Item No. 4. - Roll Call – Clerk Sharon Lyons called the roll and present were Bradley Cooper, Vance Rogers, Scott Brumfield, Levi Lewis, Chat Jones, Rev. Jerome Warren, and Claude Bloom.

Item No. 5 - Approval of Minutes – Commissioner Jones, seconded by Commissioner Warren to adopt the minutes of the July 17, 2012. All in favor and the

motion carried.

Item No. 6 - Magee Family Cemetery – Mr. Alex Magee came before the board and

submitted documents on the Magee Family Cemetery. Attorney Kuhn having examined the papers stated all was in order. Mr. Magee requested a letter be sent from the Parish concerning no zoning in that area that the State of Louisiana requires.

Commissioner Brumfield offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Warren that a letter is sent by the Public Works Director stating all was in order and no zoning in that area concerning the Magee Cemetery request to have a family cemetery at the mailing address of Alexandra Magee located at 47064 Dorothy Magee Rd., Franklinton, Louisiana 70438. All in favor and the motion carried.

Item No.7 - Variances - None

Item No. 8 - Old Business – Public Works Director Leo Lucchesi gave a report

as follows:

Acadiana Compost Business – Up to date on timeline – No problems when


Leo read a letter of Mr. William Barrs who came before the planning Commission

previously to address the issue of a Dog Training Facility which is Doggone Express on Highway 38 located between Mt. Hermon and Clifton, Louisiana. Report as follows:

·  Perk test – being completed with health department

·  Contacting – residential home – information packages – results Sept. meeting

·  Considering – building a dorm type facility

·  Train - cats & dogs

Item No. 9 - New Business – Commissioner Cooper brought up the date of the mobile home year that a mobile home can be brought into the parish and after much discussion about the issue it was decided that a committee would be formed.

A committee was form to look into the situation where not only stick structures where you have to have 250 ft. away from property line to place a mobile home.

Councilman Fussell stated must have a spec rate, wind rating, wiring rating, subject to 1976.

Chairman Lewis appointed the committee to research the need to lower the date to bring mobile homes into the Parish for 1988 as follows:

·  Rev. Jerome Warren - Chairman

·  Bradley Cooper

·  Scott Brumfield

·  Chat Jones

Item No.10 - Public Participation - Ms. Gail Willie resident of 23141 McCain Road

came before the Board on behalf of her mother, Mrs. Ojean Burris, a resident of 48436 Jim McCain Road. She stated recently there was a new mobile home installed next her mothers and stated she had concerns and questions as follows:

Points as follows:

·  Location of mobile home in the complaint is at 23151 McCain Rd. - West.(23141 McCain Rd.- West us landowner where mobile home is placed)

·  Mrs. Burris home address is 48436 Jim McCain Road, Franklinton, Louisiana.

·  No clay foundation was put down before installing

·  Violation of article 3 – property line requirements

·  Only have 2 acre lot – has travel trailer(residence in it) house and now mobile home

·  10 or 15 feet from property line

·  Talk to permit office stated as long as people are not living in it nothing can be done – can sit forever

·  No permits

·  No base foundation required under the Comprehensive Land Plan

·  Health Dept in process of giving a permit to install septic tank, but not enough room for regular line – so treatment type septic tank – drain into front ditch go down and turn onto private property into pond – from ditch

·  Told no enforcement can be enforced

·  Registered complaint – 2 times

Ø  Permit office – twice – told to contact Mr. Karl Bickham (enforcer)

Ø  Talk to Mr. Bickham – First gave 90 days move home – May 31, 2012 (deadline)

Ø  Talk again Mr. Bickham – (Still working within 90 days)

Ø  One acre lot requirements for a mobile home

Ø  Water Well requirements what are they

Ø  Told this law of property line requirements only applies to stick homes ( ask Attorney Kuhn) – Her mother has built a carport and storage and porch attached and built on the property.

Commissioner Brumfield asked if the mobile home moved in to remain there or just to remodel for something else.

Ms. Willie stated she believes it is to for someone to live their and remain because it is strap down and no clay foundation and health department is going to issue a septic tank and in violation of State law by lot size – minimum lot size.

Attorney Kuhn stated it does only apply to stick homes built constructed on property.

Mrs. Willie stated this needs to be change gave points as follows:

·  Mobile Homes are people residents – should not be discriminated against because not a stick home

·  Need to change and amend law

·  Will have mobile homes right up on one another if law is not changed

·  What defines for minor subdivision – Houses or mobile homes – how many on a lots – RVs, stick houses, mobile homes

Mr. Lewis stated they will be required to comply with the regulations of the law.

Commissioners Jones stated you can go with the sewage in ditch from treatment system as long as it stays only in a public ditch.

Mr. Lucchesi was ask if he was aware of the problem

·  Waiting 90 days

·  Give chance to get permit

It was decided to that Mr. Leo would give his contact card to Mrs. Willie and would address the issue.

Attorney Kuhn stated it is clearly you can not install a mobile home on any site without getting a building permit first.

Mrs. Willie stated that they did not obtain a permit first from the permit department.

Item No.11 - Adjourn – No further business to come before the commission the chairman adjourned the meeting.

Next regular WPPC meeting will be held on September18, 2012


Levi Lewis, Chairman



Sharon Lyons, Secretary

WPPC and Clerk to Council