The Great Falling Away and The Great Deception
Matthew 24:3-4, 15, 21-25: “And He sat on the Mount of Olives, and taught ones came to Him separately asking, `Say to us…what is the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?’ And Yahushua answering, said to them, `Take heed that no one deceives you…when you see the abomination that lays waste, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, set up in the set-apart place he who reads, let him understand…For then there shall be great tribulation such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no nor ever shall be. And if those days were not shortened, no flesh would be saved, but for the sake of the elect those days shall be shortened…For false messiahs and false prophets shall arise and they shall show great signs and wonders, so as to deceive,if possible, the very elect. See, I have forewarned you.’ ”
Who are “the elect”? They are the elected, selected ones, also called “the chosen ones”—whom Yahuweh and Yahushua knew before the foundation of the world, by His foreknowledge (I Peter 1:2; Revelation 13:8; 17:8)--those who would embrace belief in Messiah Yahushua, and would be ones who would bring forth fruit, “some thirty, some sixty, some one hundredfold”. (Mark 4:1-20)
These are the ones who have heard the Good News of Messiah’s redemption and have guarded it for their own eternal salvation, producing the fruit of a transformed character, proclaiming His Word to the world around them, by word and by lifestyle. These are those that He died to redeem back to the Covenant of Yahuweh. Because the “elect” are redeemed out of the kingdom of darkness, escaping the eternal fate of Lucifer and his fallen ones, and are transferred by the power of Yahuweh’s Spirit into the Kingdom of Messiah Yahushua, Lucifer and his hosts seek to bring them back under his control, for their destruction and eternal damnation. Therefore, he sends deceptions to bring them down.
The root of deception is found in Genesis 3—the evil one’s tactics have not changed. Lucifer promised Adam and Eve (Hawaah) that they would be as gods, and know what Elohim knows. This is the lie being given to our modern world as well. As he did in the Garden of Eden, he appeals to the soul—the mind, the emotions, the five senses, lusts of the flesh, the desire for money and power, popularity, sexual pleasure, and all that the world can give. His tree was called “the tree of the knowledge of good and evil”. The lust for “gnosis”, knowledge, is the passion of our whole society. In 2008, world knowledge will double every three months. In 2010, world knowledge will double every two months. The lust for knowledge is a gigantic trap to pull people away from the “tree of life”—the knowledge of Elohim.
II Thessalonians 2:1-3: “As to the coming of our Master Yahushua Messiah and our gathering unto Him, do not become easily unsettled in mind or troubled, either by spirit, or by word, or by letter, as if from us, as if the day of Yahuweh
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has come. Let no man deceive you in any way, because the falling away is to come first, and the man of lawlessness is to be revealed—the son of destruction…”
II Thessalonians 2:9-12: “The coming of the Torah-less one is by the working
of Satan with all power, signs and lying wonders and with all the deceptions of Torah-less-ness,that is in the “destroyed ones” (those perishing) because they
did notreceivethelove of the truth in order for them to be saved. And for this reason, Elohim sends them a working of delusion for them to believe the lie, in order that all should be judged who did not believe the truth, but have delighted in unrighteousness”. (From the Hebrew Roots Version Scriptures)
Revelation 13:13-14a: “…and he(the false prophet)doesgreat signs, so that he even makes fire come down from heaven before men, and he leads astray those dwelling on the earthbecause of those signs.” From the Hebrew Scriptures Version “he will seduce…by the signs”.
The word for “falling away” in II Thessalonians 2:3 in the Greek language is “apostpao”, from which we get “apostasy”. It implies a separation, a departure or a cessation from revealed truth.
John 17:17: Messiah said to His Father: “YOUR WORD IS TRUTH”. Once Father spoke His eternal Word into the earth, HE DOES NOT CHANGE IT! (Malachi 3:6)
Ecclesiastes 3:14: “I KNOW THAT WHATEVER ELOYIM DOES IS FOREVER. There is no adding to it, and there is no taking from it. Elohim does it that men might fear before Him”.
Psalm 119:89 “Forever O Yahuweh, Your Word is settled in heaven”. (For a complete understanding of His Covenant requirements for right ruling as citizens in His Kingdom read the article “Forever Settled in Heaven”.)
In I John 3:4 (from the KJV): “Whoever commits sin transgresses the law: for sin is the transgression of the law”. From The Scriptures: “…sin is torah-less-ness.” “Sin” is revolt against the teachings and instructions of Yahuweh. The King James Version says, “…sin is the transgression of the law”. The word “transgression” means: “revolt, rebellion, to break away from, and apostasy”. Those that depart from His set-apart Torah revolt, rebel, break away and are apostate (fallen away) from the Elohim of the Scriptures.
The word for “Torah” in Greek (“nomia) carries the same meaning as it does in Hebrew—teachings and instructions. These are the teachings and instructions of Yahuweh for right standing in His Kingdom. It was Jerome, in translating the Latin Vulgate, who substituted the word “teaching” for a word meaning judicial law, like Roman law. Yahuweh’s good Torah is to teach and instruct us in the right-rulings of the Kingdom of heaven for our good, now and forever.
The word “lawlessness”, or “torah-less-ness”, is “anomia”—or “without the Torah”. It also used in Matthew 7:23, where Messiah tells the ministers, “Depart from Me, I never knew you, you who work anomia—you who are without the Torah”. “Anomia” means: “illegal violation of Yahuweh’s teachings--iniquity and unrighteousness”.
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In II Thessalonians 2:3, we see that this man of Torah-less-ness is called “the son of destruction”. The meaning of the name of the ruler of the pit, in
Revelation 9:11 is “Destruction”. This man of lawlessness will be the personification of Lucifer himself, taking a body for the sake of ruling.
We know that in a short time, the man of Torah-less-ness will appear, for now we are seeing “first” the great falling away—the great apostasy—the great departure from Yahuweh’s Truth.
Here, I will reveal to you what our Father has shown me regarding the basis of what has and is deceiving the elect, that is so strong that they may buy into the great deception, which is the ultimate extension of what is now fooling the chosen ones. This “mystery of iniquity” has been at work since the first century, as II Thessalonians 2:7 tells us.
In the mid-first century, the Greeks broke from the teachings of the Apostles to form their new religion around Greek philosophy, Greek culture, and Greek gods—the beginnings of “Christianity”. (For a complete understanding of the roots of this counterfeit religion, refer to my mini-book/study: “The Foundation of Deception”.) Christianity was created by Torah-less, Hellenised Jews and Greeks. The Apostles fought this heresy from the beginning—it was built on a basic form of Gnosticism. The Hellenised Jews and Greeks are the ones in II Peter 3:115-16 that twisted the Apostle Paul’s words, so that he appeared to be Torah-less.
By the second century, the Roman Emperor Hadrian, reported that they were calling themselves Gnostic Christians, and that the name “Christ” came from the worshippers of Serapis in Alexandria, Egypt. So it was a pagan deviation from the teachings of the Apostles from the beginning. When Rome institutionalized the religion under the Emperor Constantine, doing so to unify his empire, they carried forth the paganism of Greece, and added the paganism of Mithra—the god of the Persians, whom his army worshipped. Thus the Roman Catholic (universal) Church is thus a type of a world religion under one head. Today the Vatican is gathering leaders from all religions under its umbrella.
The Jewish Messiah came to establish the house of Israel on the Torah, through the blood of the Lamb of Elohim. Thus we have the meaning of Matthew 15:24 and 10:5-6. The Apostles indeed, from historical record, went only to the “lost sheep of the house of Israel”. The Covenant in His blood was a renewed Covenant—not a new one as opposed to an old one. The word in Jeremiah 31:31 in the Hebrew and in Matthew 26:28 in the Greek, both mean “renewed” as the moon is renewed each month.
From the beginning of Constantine’s Roman universal church, they took the sword to kill both Jews and Torah-observant believers. To this day, the Catholic Church has murdered more Jews and true believers that any other group in history. They funded Hitler, as did the U.S. and England. Today, the Jesuit Order is the head of the one world government and religion—their determined goal is to put one of their own on the Temple Mount to rule the
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world as “the god that sits in St. Peter’s Chair”.
The great deception that will “fool even the elect” began with Christianity, and continues to be the foundation of all deception for the house of Israel. The “House of Israel” or the “House of Joseph” or the “House of Ephraim”—same group—are the ten northern tribes, scattered between 1,000 and 722 BCE, into all nations, who ultimately settled in areas that we now call the “Christian nations”. The counterfeit by and large did not fool the pagans, nor
the barbarians, the heathen, the foreigner, stranger or the alien—for this is the meaning of the word “gentile”. He made NO Covenant with gentiles—He never calls His people “gentiles” in the Word. In fact, He says that if you are in Messiah, you are NOT a gentile. He says He will destroy all gentiles in His coming wrath. So never refer to yourself as such! (For more information, please study with the article “Are You A Gentile?”) The house of Israel, for the most part, thinks they are gentiles, and so have an identify crisis, and many wanta-be Jews. This has caused great deception. “Jew” refers to one tribe—Judah—no more, no less! Jacob had twelve sons… (To study this subject, please refer to the study/article: “Who Are The Ten?”)
There is a direct tie-in between Matthew 24:24, speaking of the deception that may fool the elect, and the great deception sent by Yahuweh in II Thessalonians 2:8-12.
As I just reported, the greatest of all deceptions began in the first century, when Hellenised Jews and Greeks broke from the teachings of the Apostles, for form a torah-less religion that offered free salvation with any responsibility to obey the Covenant with Yahuweh that is part of citizenship in the Kingdom of heaven. Today that religion has over two billion members, one billion being
Roman Catholic, in over 5,000 denominations, with at least 350 different translations of the Bible in English, and yet, except for a few, the rules of
right-standing in the Kingdom are not only ignored, but rejected, and mocked.
The sign of our identification with the Elohim of the Bible includes belief in Messiah Yahushua, but also the guarding of Yahuweh’s Covenant Torah (His instructions and teachings of the Kingdom of heaven, given to us for our good—always. (For more information on this, study the articles “The Sign of Identification” and “Shabbat is Eternal”.)
Matthew 24:23-25: “If anyone says to you `Look, here is the Messiah’ or `there’, do not believe them. For false messiahs and false prophets shall arise, and they shall show great signs and wonders, so as to led astray, if possible, even the chosen ones [the elect]. See, I have forewarned you.”
Then Messiah goes on to tell about His second coming in power and great esteem, AFTER THE TRIBULATION OF THOSE DAYS … verse 29.
These things stand out:
1)First of all, if a person is not guarding His set-apart instructions and teachings, which include the Shabbat and the Festivals, then they have no idea that the Messiah actually fulfills each Festival. The fifth festival is the Feast of Trumpets, and all the details of that festival point to His
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return in power during that festival. Therefore, hoaxes like the pre-
seven year tribulation rapture make his people easy prey for the
deceivers, because of western culture’s desire for ease, comfort, and
escapism. Yet, as we’ll see later there is no Scriptural foundation for
this doctrine, which began in the 1500s with the Catholic Jesuit Order,
and it is totally against the nature of the Elohim of Israel and His Word!
2)False messiahs and prophets are identified by the counterfeit signs and wonders they perform. These are false miracles that so many of His people are following, looking to the one doing the miracles as saviors, healers, and deliverers.
3)His people are running here and there to conventions and seminars and other gathers to hear “big name” teachers and preachers, or healers—to try to get something from “God”. They are flocking to man for help. In our western culture, the gods of humanism and materialism form the chief religion. They do not know the Elohim of Israel, or His Messiah.
4)The religions of man do not teach the guarding of a Scriptural Torah as taught by the Spirit of Yahuweh. Man adds to the Bible, or takes things out, to fit his religious belief-systems. Thus he can create any belief he wants, depending on how he manipulates the Word.
Elaborating on #2: A friend told me yesterday that when he worked in a shop in America, he told his Baptist boss about guarding the Torah. The boss said that when his wife couldn’t have babies, people prayed for them, and now they have three children. He said they have a nice house, and life is good. He said, “God answers my prayers, so I don’t need to obey the Torah”.
My friend asked me about these people who have told him that they don’t need to obey the Torah because God answers their prayers. He said, is the answer to their prayers from Yahuweh or from the deceiver—the evil one?
According to Revelation 13 and II Thessalonians 2, Lucifer/Satan deceives by lying signs and wonders, deceptive falsehood, and all sorts of miracles.
It is not easy to answer this question, but I know that if a person has no desire to follow Him in obedience—not even to investigate the Word regarding obligations to His Kingdom—then they have not “received a love of the truth”—but have a belief-system that allows them to feel secure that they won’t go to hell, but at the same time, free to do as they please. My friend said that his boss told him that he was not “under the law” but under freedom. Free to do what? Disobey the whole of the Covenant of Yahuweh—that’s what Christianity teaches. Would Lucifer heal someone’s body if he could deceive them into believing in a false god—even letting go of their eternal life? – Oh yes!
So, I strongly believe that for those who will go no further than their church, the thing that traps them is the signs and wonders, miracles, healings, and supernatural manifestations—and these things are not from Yahuweh, but from Lucifer. Because of the signs, wonders, and miracles my friend’s boss received, he rejected the Torah. He received a false spirit that turned him
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from the truth. Yet, many who are “passing through” the church system, foreknown from the foundation of the world by Yahuweh, often have healings and miracles (like me) in the name of Jesus. Yahuweh guards whom He knows will come out of the pagan system, and embrace His Torah and go forward in the Truth because they love truth. Messiah said: “…IF YOU CONTINUE IN MY WORD YOU SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH AND THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE”.
Will Yahuweh bless those who are going forward towards Him? Oh yes!
Yahuweh knows those that are His! But, most do not go any further in the Word than the Sunday School lesson or sermon by their church pastor. Therefore, because they do not LOVE THE TRUTH—the whole Word of Yahuweh—nor do they obey it—they are caught in a web of deception, based on signs and wonders, miracles, and illusions. He answers our prayers based on foreknowledge. Yet, the church has made Him a Santa Claus, who is at our beck and call—our servant.
I really doubt the salvation of those who have no passion to study His Word as taught by HIM, and to obey it. A baby’s first desire is for food, and if a baby is born without a desire for food, it is a dead baby. Yet, many say they are “born again” or “saved”, and they have no desire for His Word—our spiritual food by which we mature and “grow up into Him”. The Greeks said that whatever you believe is truth for you—whatever you experience is truth for you. People who hang onto experiences, and yet have no passion for His Word, do not know Him.