Job Title: / PNC Bureau Manager / Department: / Operational Support – HQ
Reports To: / Chief Inspector - CJU / Location: / Penrith HQ
This job profile has been written primarily for evaluation purposes and may not detail some less major duties allocated to the post holder, nor cover duties of a similar nature, commensurate with the grade, which may from time to time be reasonably required by the relevant manager.
It is the responsibility of the individual employee to comply with the Cumbria Constabulary Health & Safety Policy and all other relevant Health & Safety legislation.
1.1To Manage and supervise the PNC Bureau and PNC function to ensure that the Force utilises the systems and complies with the Data Protection Act and national policy. Act as the Force PNC Liaison Officer and carryout the duties required for this role.
- Manage the operation of PNC in updating, enquiring and audit to ensure that accurate and timely information owned by the Force is available nationally to all police forces for operational use.
2.2Management of PNC and staff in accordance with relevant Constabulary policies and procedures e.g. attendance support policy.
2.3As PNC Manager –
-Produce and maintain robust Force Policy and Procedures for PNC ensuring that the force complies with National PNC Rules and the Data Protection Act and other related legislation.
-Ensure that the force achieves and maintains compliance with nationally agreed PNC standards and targets.
- Manage Access levels for the Force PNC system.
As PNC Liaison Officer -
- Represent the Force at external meetings concerning PNC matters (e.g. quarterly PNC Regional User Group) to discuss changes, improvements to policy etc;
-Collate all correspondence received relating to PNC matters e.g. regarding system changes, enhancements, problems solving, and information requests from the National Liaison Officer. Directly responsible to the Assistant Chief Constablefor such operational rules and procedures and PNC security.
-formulate Force policy on PNC procedures in line with national changes;
-advisory role to Special Branch on covert operations and appropriate staffing & protocols;
-ensure compliance with Data Protection requirements in the use of PNC in the Force;
-member of National Working parties and Steering Groups;
-liaise with PNC national help desk to resolve problems and queries;
-authorising signatory for requesting off –line searches to be carried out at PNC Hendon Data Centre.
-present evidence in court, providing continuity and integrity of PNC.
-authorising signatory for PNC broadcast system;
-nominated Force Officer to update covert markers on PNC.
-nominated Force Officer to obtain ‘on line’ statistical information from PNC.
2.4 As Senior DVLA Officer:
-one of five persons authorised to contact DVLA (others are PNC operators) via telephone to
make urgent enquiries.
-deal with correspondence to and from DVLA, e.g. requests to seize driving licences, changes in procedures and law, enquiries re stolen log books, drivers suffering from medical conditions;
-Ensure that the Force is updated on changes relating to DVLA, e.g. changes in traffic regulations and law;
-attend meetings as necessary to give advice and guidance on DVLA matters;
-authorised signatory for off-line searchers at DVLA
2.5Market PNC to the Force nationally as a tool for criminal investigation.
2.6Act as the Constabulary Single Point of Contact for ViSOR
2.7Design and deliver training courses on PNC/DVLA procedures.
2.8Assist police training staff with implementation of enhancements to the PNC network.
2.9The management and development of systems that will assist in achieving the performance targetsfor PNC
2.10Ensure the quality assurance of the use of PNC through appropriately designed measurement andmonitoring systems.
2.11Liaison with the national bodies concerned with the development and use of PNC.
2.12To be an active member of the Force PNC Steering Group and to take on responsibilities and roles as directed by that group. (Exception meetings).
2.13To measure the performance of the management of PNC data on a Force and Area basis and to use these measurements as part of the Performance Review Process.
2.14The PNC Manager must be capable of determining strategies for the introduction and development of new and existing PNC facilities with the Force and to take a leading role in those tasks.
2.15Review the existing use of the PNC within Force, to identify improvements that can be madeand to introduce those improvements as required.
2.16Undertake such other duties consistent with the grade of the post as may be directed by the appropriate senior officer.
Direct staff:
PNCRB Supervisor / 0.54PNC Names Researcher & Analyst / 6.74
PNC Operator / 3.5
Users: Monitoring Access and use 500 + with authorised part access. Cumbria carried out 972,936 from April 2017 to March 2018
4.1Framework and Boundaries
National PNC operating rules
Data Protection Act
Computer Misuse Act
Road Traffic Act 1991
Relevant sections of Criminal Justice Act and other statues of law relating to police nation computer
Force policy on PNC procedures
Human Rights Act
Management of PNC and staff
4.2Important Working Relationships
Chief Inspector CJU
All CJU staff
CCR Supervisors
Magistrates and Crown court staff
PNC Hendon Customer support
External agencies who have access to PNC
All Police forces England, Wales and Scotland
4.3Major Challenges
Successful implementation of National Law Enforcement Data Service (NLEDS).
Maintain improvement of PNC data quality and timeliness to meet HMIC requirements.
Agreed by Post Holder:Date:
Line Manager:Date:
Head of Department:Date:
JOB:PNC Bureau Manager
Essential / DesirableExperience & Knowledge
Skills & competencies required.E.g. Geographical knowledge of the area, familiarity with certain legislation. / Demonstrable experience of working with PNC system.
Computer literate.
Working knowledge of appropriate legislation, and Force policy.
Ability to pass on PNC expertise as a trainer. / Experience of A.N.P.R. Camera Systems desirable.
Education & Training
General educationSpecialist training / Good level of written and oral communication skills.
Full PNC Enquiry trained: Names, Vehicles, Property, Broadcast and Audit. / Full PNC update trained – Names, Vehicles, Property, Broadcast and Audit.
/ Level 2 – Supervisor / Middle ManagerCircumstances
E.g. Driving licence/mobilityShift working
Unusual/irregular working hours
Standby/callout / Driving licence or ability to travel around the Constabulary to other locations during working hours as required
Ability to work unusual working hours as and when required.
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