to thePublic GovernmentalOfficials and Courts:

THE CLAIM:The living Individual’s Rebuttal and Claimof the required Forfeited ENTITY:

The STATE OF IOWA has under False pretenses recorded a False Registryfor their Benefit.

Incorrect Recording: (Done under a recording offalse name characters and false presumptionsto create a STATE Governmental beneficial Corporate ENTITY, a FALSE REGISTRY.)

Individual / First name –is always to be the Family or Surname / Middle name / Last name –was to be the Given or Permanent name
Child – line 1 / Patrick / ----- / Devine
Father – line 7 / Francis / Paul / Devine
Mother – line 12 / Eileen / Maye / Culhane

CorrectionsRequiredby the LAW:(In order to properly identify the true Living Individuals; as the only ones that could make valid Inheritance Claims; the Family Name always has to come First.)

Individual / First name - Family or Surname / Next name - Given or Permanent name / Additional name
Child – line 1 / Devine / Patrick / -----
Father – line 7 / Devine / Francis / Paul
Mother – line 12 / Culhane / Eileen / Maye

Put a copy of your “Certificate of Live Birth” here:

This Document is a FALSE REGISTRY per the LAW.

The above notedSTATE OF IOWA“CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH”isHerebyAcknowledged as a Violation of the Living LAWS.The STATE OF IOWA and its employees were parties to the initial crime of false registration and false document pretenses in order that a US/IA- STATECorporate ENTITY could be created for their Benefit.With the Documented False Registration, as a Mistake in understanding of three individual NAMES in LAW;setting up the false presumptionsand deceptive requirementsof the governmental approveddocument:the“STATE OF IOWA –CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH”Form.As the Living Individual is the ONLY ONE that can be a valid witness of one’strue self; this recorded document Stands as a FACT in LAW and a Lawful Claim against thisUNITED STATES and STATE OF IOWAFALSE REGISTRY.

The District Court of the United Statesby EXECUTOR ORDERis to have this document recorded and the records corrected to reflect to Correct Living Individual Names of the Child, Father and Mother for the above identified STATE OF IOWARegistry Document and this is Required to be completed within 3 days or it will stand as a charge of Obstructing Justice.{32 Am J1st Obst J § 1.}

Therefore all property and cargoheld under the US/IA governmental FALSE REGISTRYand fraudulent registrations of the US/IACorporate ENTITY “Patrick Devine”contracts is now CLAIMED by the one and only lawful United States of AmericaExecutor“one of We the People”standing over thisUS/IA corporate ENTITY “falsely registered Patrick Devine”;by the livingAmerican native Individual “Devine, ----,Patrick”, with the authority per the American Laws.{48 Am J1st Ship § 23.} This AmericanExecutor, now CLAIMS allof his protected America Rights and Libertiesas hisinheritAmerican property and assets which are now to be Reposedto him in an inalienable condition, Upon this American Demand of Justice.

Also refer to the attached: AFFIDAVIT of the American Living Individual: Devine, ----, Patrick.

Signed and Sealed on June 12, 2013.

By the Lawful United States of America - Executor: ______

Devine: Patrick; native American

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