Instructor Name:Janice Frates______

Course Number and Title: HCA 530 Healthcare Strategic Planning & Marketing______

Semester: Spring 2007______

Check / Item / Comment
X / Instructor information / Include phone # and email address; specify hours students may call if desired; use HCA Program office E-TEC 101 for office number
X / Office hours / At least 1 hour per week per course
X / Course description / Should match catalog copy for HCA Program, including prereqs:
X / Prerequisites / State policy on course prerequisites, if applicable
X / Course goals, objectives or expected learning outcomes / Should be stated in terms of measurable or at least observable behaviors. Use active verbs, based on Bloom’s taxonomy; see: The levels of abstraction (and accompanying verbs) are related to the level of difficulty of the course; for an introductory lower division class one would use words like “recognize,” while for more advanced classes objective verbs from the application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation levels are more appropriate.
x / Text(s) / Give complete information: Author, title, edition, year, publisher, city. Note if text is required or optional.
N/A / Other course materials / The CSULB Library can purchase a copy of your textbook for short-term student use in the Library. They can also scan other materials and place them on electronic reserve; see:
X / Assignments and grades / At least 3, preferably 4 or more demonstrations of competence. No single assignment can count for more than 1/3 of final course grade. At least one assignment by midpoint of course term. Explain basis of grading for each assignment. Clearly indicate weekly sequence of topics, assignments and due dates; specify any penalties for late submissions. Specify how to submit assignments (hard copy, email, etc.) Note: If you use BeachBoard, you need to use a point system rather than a percentage system for grades.
N/A / General Education Courses (HCA 202, 422I, 470I) / GE courses have very specific course content and assignment criteria and undergo a rigorous review process. For example, HCA 202 is a Human Diversity course, so requires comparative treatment of no fewer than 2 of the 4 “nationally significant ethnic cultures” (African American, Asian American, Latino American and Native American) and gender. Please consult with Dr. Sinay before making changes in GE course assignments. See
N/A / Dual numbered courses (402/502, 439/539, 450/550, 452/552, 480/580) / Combined undergraduate and graduate courses should have some differentiation of assignments for undergraduate and graduate students (could be an additional assignment for graduates or assigning them a leadership role in group project)
X / Skill development / Bibliographic/Internet research
X / Writing
X / Oral presentation
X / Critical thinking, analysis, use of data
Computer applications
X / Withdrawal policy / Withdrawal after 2nd week and before final 3 weeks “permissible for serious and compelling reasons;” include statement of how you will interpret university policy.
X / Attendance policy / Statement of your rules (if you penalize for absences) or reference to university policy; provision for makeup of work missed for excused absence
X / Disabled students / Reminder to notify instructor of need for accommodations
X / Cheating and plagiarism / Statement referencing University policy—you may also state what you will do in case of cheating/plagiarism
X / Bibliography / Minimum 10 references for BS courses, 15 for MS courses, published within past 3 years unless classic material
Peer review / Professional colleague or a faculty member from another department or university review and comment; see page 3, HCA Course Development Guidelines, for instrument.
Other comments