The European Venture Philanthropy Association
Membership Application
Structure of this document
Application: General instructions and fees
Part I: General information
Part II: Detail information for networks and partner organisations
Part III: Code of Conduct
Part IV: Applicant endorsement and additional information
Application: General instructions and fees
Prospective members are required to complete the appropriate application and to email the form along with the supporting documents .Please send us a Word document, not a pdf
Membership shall be granted once the following terms and conditions have been fulfilled:
- Receipt of this signed application and your logo
- Review of the application by the Board (or the membership committee by delegation from the Board) under these terms and conditions of admission as a Member of the Association.
- Payment of an annual membership fee
Membership Fees
Once your application has been approved, you will be invoiced for your membership fees. Membership will be finalised upon receipt of the membership fee. Please do not send the fee prior to the application approval. Annual membership fee for Associate members are:
Associate Membership / FeeAnnual Expenditure
Band 1: Up to €200,000 / €1,400
Band 2: Over €200,000 or undisclosed / €2,800
Other rates
Academic institutions / €1,400
Supporting member / €10,000
* Annual expenditure refers to operational expenditures incurred each year such as salary, rent, marketing/communications etc.
Data Protection Statement
Part I: General information
Headquarters location
Year of establishment / Organisation + VP organisations or Venture division if created later
Main EVPA contact & email / Name, Position Title and Email
CEO (and if applicable, PA) / Name, Position Title and Email
Communication contact / Name, Position Title and Email
Billing contact / Name, Position Title and Email
Policy contact / Name, Position Title and Email
Billing Company and Address (if different from above)
VAT Number
Mission & Vision / Official mission and vision statements
Main activities
Why are you interested in VP/SI? How do you hope to contribute to the development of the sector?
Is there anything you specifically wish to gainfrom EVPA Membership?
Useful knowledge or experience of venture philanthropy
Reference 1 / Please provide contact details for two referees who can confirm your/your organisation’s good standing and active involvement or serious interest in venture philanthropy. EVPA will only contact them with your prior written consent.
Reference 2
Part II: Detail information for networks and partner organisations
INFORMATION ON YOUR NETWORKWho is your target audience/community? / Please tick all that apply (to tick double click on the box)
VP/SI Fund
VP/SI Foundation
Foundations not doing VP/SI
VC/PE Fund
VP/SI service providers
Service providers
Incubators/angel investors
Social purpose organisations/social entrepreneurs
Government, government related org/multilateral org.
Family office & high net worth individual
Others: please specify.
How many members are in your network? / < 100
Between 100-500
> 500
What support do you provide to your members? / Please tick all that apply (to tick double click on the box)
Opportunities to connect and learn (events, training, webinars, community platform)
Knowledge support (research, surveys, expert opinion, advisory services)
Resource centre (library, publications, guidelines)
Media relations support (logo recognition, secure interview opportunities)
Public affairs support (EU policies)
Others: please specify
Sector focus / Please tick all that apply (to tick double click on the box)
Business & prof. associations
Children, youth
Culture and recreation (Arts, sports and social clubs)
Economic and social development (community dev., fair trade, social entrepreneurs)
Education (primary, secondary, Higher, vocational training)
Employment and training
Environment (organic, animal protection)
Financial inclusion & access to finance (microfinance, micro insurance, fin. Inclusion,, banking)
Health (hospitals, rehabilitation, Nursing homes, mental health, crisis intervention, disease prevention etc.)
Law, advocacy and politics (civic/advocacy org., legal services, human rights, anti-bribery, gender)
Renewable energy (energy efficiency, cleantech)
Social services (Emergency, relief, income support/maintenance)
Voluntarism funding and promotion
Others: please specify
Which is the legal status of your organisation? / Foundation
Registered charity/ Not-for profit
Not-for-profit cooperative
Not-for-profit individual enterprise
Public institution
Social enterprise
Individual enterprise
Geographical focus / Europe
Australia & Oceania
Latin America
Central America and Caribbean
North America
Middle East
No specific focus
Country and regional focus / List all countries you are engaged with.
Part III: Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct
By signing below, I acknowledge that
I apply to be an Associate Member of the EVPA
I have read and agree to abide by the EVPA Code of Conduct
I have read and understood the EVPA data protection policy
Part IV: Applicant endorsement and additional information
To be filled in by EVPA staff only