The Editor-In-Chief
BMC Malaria Journal
05th January 2011
Dear Prof. Marcel Hommel,
Re: Re-SUBMISSION OF A REVISED MANUSCRIPT TITLED:Supply related drivers of staff motivation for providing intermittent preventive treatment of malaria during pregnancyin Tanzania: evidence from two rural districts
(Godfrey M. Mubyazi et al.)
On my own behalf and my co-authors, I am resubmitting the manuscript entitled as above in the heading toMalaria Journal in response to the reviewer’s comments sent to me around the third quarter of last year 2011.
I apologise for delaying to send this paper due to the reasons I explained to you before Mr. Editor In Chief (i.e. family problems) in addition to the problem I had not explained to you but really happened to me on the evening (around 7.30 pm) of the 31.01.2012 when I got a car accident that took me to the national hospital for surgical serious procedures and body rehabilitation after major/serious injuries. I, therefore, could not concentrate finishing the paper before at least becomingsmart again to think more constructively. You can imagine in that accident I lost 4 teeth on the spot due to a car crash on my face and unbeliavable people thought I was dead!I still felt indebted to keep working on the comments after getting relief from hospital, also using the inputsmade by my co-authors and am now convinced that the commentsfrom the reviewrrs have been adequately utilized to address the querries/concerns reaised by the reviewers. The comments, were very constructive and as we saw them some were not too binding for us to address, although we thought well about them and other sections of the paper in attempt to make the necessary clarification.
For the time being and as the time for closing the file has approached, kindly receive this revised version of the manuscript with track changes shown, as well as a point-by-point file attachment indicating how we have gone through the reviewers’ comments.
Looking forward to hearing positively from you and thanking you for your kindness to give us more time, your tolerance, and it is our expectations that you will finally pprove the paper for publication.
I remain faithfully,
Godfrey Martin Mubyazi, PhD
BA (Econ.) (1996); M.A (Health Management, Planning Policy) (1998); Dip. (Research Methodology) (2005); PhD in Health Sciences (2010)., MBA (Finance and Accounting (2012).
Principal Research Scientist I (Health Economics and Policy Systems Analysis):
National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR),
Centre for Enhancement of Effective Malaria Interventions (CEEMI) in Collaboration with-
National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP) under the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare
P.O Box 9653 Dar es Salaam
Dar es Salaam, United Republic of Tanzania
Mobile: +255-0689-493922