Coal City Community Unit School District #1
Board of Education Meeting Minutes
September 15, 2008
President Hamilton called the meeting of the Board of Education of Coal City Community Unit School District #1 to order at 6:30 p.m. at the Coal City Middle School Community Room. Members answering roll call were Armand Bianchi, Mary Gill, Curtis Grove, Mark Jiskra, Ken Miller, Robert Pogliano and Shawn Hamilton. Superintendent Kent Bugg, Director of Business Services Jason Smith and Karen Vota were also in attendance. Other members of the audience included principals with new staff members, students and parents from Ms. Tinucci’s Spanish class, several community members and members of the press Ann Gill, Josette Twait and Peter Krowiak.
President Hamilton led the Board of Education and others present in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mr. Grove moved and Ms. Gill seconded to go to closed session at 6:31 p.m. for the purpose of considering information regarding the review of closed session minutes; the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees; collective negotiating matters, potential sale of property and imminent litigation.
Ayes: Armand Bianchi, Mary Gill, Curtis Grove, Mark Jiskra, Ken Miller, Robert Pogliano, Shawn Hamilton
Motion Carried.
President Hamilton stated: The Board of Education approved a Tentative Budget on Monday, July 21, 2008. A notice was published in the Coal City Courant newspaper on Wednesday, July 23, 2008. The tentative budget has been on display for public inspection. As of this writing, no one has requested to review or copy the budget on display. If any guests wish to make a comment on the proposed 2008-2009 budget, this would be the appropriate time to do so.
President Hamilton asked: Are there any further questions? Since there are none, considers the public hearing on the 2008-2009 Budget closed.
President Hamilton called the regular meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. with the board members answering roll call present: Armand Bianchi, Mary Gill, Curtis Grove, Mark Jiskra, Ken Miller, Robert Pogliano, Shawn Hamilton.
1. Mr. Pogliano moved and Mr. Grove seconded to employ Sandra Davis as 3 hour per day reading aide at the Intermediate School, pending satisfactory completion of all state requirements.
Roll Call.
Ayes: Robert Pogliano, Curtis Grove, Armand Bianchi, Mary Gill, Mark Jiskra, Ken Miller, Shawn Hamilton
Motion Carried.
2. Ms. Gill moved and Mr. Miller seconded to employ Khristii Ragain as 2 hour per day lunchroom/recess aide at the Intermediate School and 1 hour per day lunchroom/recess aide at the Early Childhood Center, pending satisfactory completion of all state requirements.
Roll Call.
Ayes: Mary Gill, Ken Miller, Armand Bianchi, Curtis Grove, Mark Jiskra, Robert Pogliano, Shawn Hamilton
Motion Carried.
3. Mr. Jiskra moved and Ms. Gill seconded to employ Angela Krumpoch as 2 hour per day lunchroom/recess aide at the Intermediate School, pending satisfactory completion of all state requirements.
Roll Call.
Ayes: Mark Jiskra, Mary Gill, Armand Bianchi, Curtis Grove, Ken Miller, Robert Pogliano, Shawn Hamilton
Motion Carried.
4. Mr. Grove moved and Mr. Miller seconded to approve the transfer of Rich Monbrum from custodian at the Early Childhood Center and Intermediate School to custodian at the Early Childhood Center.
Roll Call.
Ayes: Curtis Grove, Ken Miller, Armand Bianchi, Mary Gill, Mark Jiskra, Robert Pogliano, Shawn Hamilton
Motion Carried.
5. Mr. Jiskra moved and Mr. Miller seconded to approve the resignation of Jan Frese as 3 hour per day reading aide at the Intermediate School and to thank her for her years of service to the district.
Roll Call.
Ayes: Mark Jiskra, Ken Miller, Armand Bianchi, Mary Gill, Curtis Grove, Robert Pogliano, Shawn Hamilton
Motion Carried.
6. Mr. Pogliano moved and Mr. Bianchi seconded to approve the resignation of Jennifer Leach as 2 hour per day lunchroom/recess aide at the Intermediate School and to thank her for her year of service to the district.
Roll Call.
Ayes: Robert Pogliano, Armand Bianchi, Mary Gill, Curtis Grove, Mark Jiskra, Ken Miller, Shawn Hamilton
Motion Carried.
7. Mr. Miller moved and Mr. Jiskra seconded to approve the resignation of Carole Miller as 2 hour per day lunchroom/recess aide at the Early Childhood Center and to thank her for her years of service to the district.
Roll Call.
Ayes: Ken Miller, Mark Jiskra, Armand Bianchi, Mary Gill, Curtis Grove, Robert Pogliano, Shawn Hamilton
Motion Carried.
8. Mr. Grove moved and Mr. Miller seconded to approve the following extra-curricular resignation:
Freshman Girls Basketball Coach – Andrew Leve
5th Grade Basketball Intramural Coach – Gina Horrie
Roll Call.
Ayes: Curtis Grove, Ken Miller, Armand Bianchi, Mary Gill, Mark Jiskra, Robert Pogliano, Shawn Hamilton
Motion Carried.
9. Ms. Gill moved Mr. Jiskra seconded to approve the following extra-curricular assignments:
MS Band Stipend – Jen Morris (10%), Jamie Dooley (1%)
Supervisor of Library Services – Cindy Tira
Supervisor of Pupil Personnel – Michelle Painter
Assistant HS Play Director – Patti Sikkema
Assistant Boys Soccer Coach (Due to #’s) – Sebastian Parker
Roll Call.
Ayes: Mary Gill, Mark Jiskra, Armand Bianchi, Curtis Grove, Ken Miller, Robert Pogliano, Shawn Hamilton
Motion Carried.
Mr. Grove moved and Ms. Gill seconded to approve the consent agenda including the minutes and closed session minutes from the regular meeting of August 18, 2008, the Board Study Session of the Whole of September 2, 2008, the July Activity Fund Reports; July Treasurer’s Report, the August Monthly Manual Checks report; the August Payrolls, the September Accounts Payable and the following building usage request:
Group Building Ins. Date
Coal City Soccer Club ES Yes 9/7/2008
PSO/Market Day Pickup IS Yes Sept. 2008-May 2009
Community Cares Initiative HS October 29, 2008
Roll call.
Ayes: Curtis Grove, Mary Gill, Armand Bianchi, Mark Jiskra, Ken Miller, Robert Pogliano, Shawn Hamilton
Motion Carried.
1. Introduction/acknowledgement of guests. President Hamilton welcomed those in attendance.
2. Building Principals were present to introduce the following new teachers in their buildings:
Early Childhood Center Middle School
Amy Aichele – Kindergarten Tricia Bailey – 8th Grade LA/SS
Amy Gernenz - .8 SS/Science Jennifer Morris - Band
Jennifer Johnson – 1st Grade Giana Trotter – PE/Health (HS also)
Ann Kodat - .8 Music
Anna Fiday – Kindergarten
Todd Painter – PE High School
Rachel Prendergast - .8 Art Tyler Castle - Spanish
Josh Quigley – Kindergarten Jamie Dooley - Band
Jacqueline Guzman – Physics/Chemistry
Elementary School Marcella Martinez - Spanish
Jenny Doster – 3rd Grade Patricia Sikkema - English
Intermediate School
Jason Finkelstein - .8 Art
Carrie Tinucci - Spanish
3. Principal Brovont organized the Board Presentation for the month of September. Ms. Carrie Tinucci, Intermediate School Spanish teacher and students Ross Williams, Kenady Clayburn, Tori Sztapka and Destiny Horvaky highlighted the K-5 Spanish program.
4. Thank you notes were received from the Early Childhood Center Staff. Both notes thanked the Board for the luncheon that was provided for the staff in appreciation for their hard work in getting the Early Childhood ready for the Grand Opening events prior to the start of school.
A thank you for use of the Middle School facilities was received from the Cavaliers Drum and Bugle Corps.
Calender of Events
September 15 Progress Reports due
September 19 Progress Reports sent home
September 16 Picture Day
We are all getting along in our new neighborhood.
Pupil Personnel
Our numbers have remained constant for the 8 kindergarten and 8 first grade staff members.
Guidance Curriculum
This year, Erin Billie, will be teaching a research based program known as “Second Steps—A Violence Prevention Program”. This comes to us from the Committee for Children Foundation located in Seattle, Washington. Daily lessons include a poster and questions about the situation displayed in the poster. Students do role playing and talking about the best choices to make in order to problem solve. Students, teachers, and families are given common language to talk about problem situations.
Student Achievement
The entire K-1 student body has been given the universal assessment called DIBELS. This gives teachers a baseline for each student. The results will show teachers which students to pull out during the extra 30 minutes we have established in our schedule ( due to our Social Studies/Science teacher.) This is the first step in tracking Response to Intervention, (RTI).
Staff Recognition
Staff is working on creating an effective Progress Report. Each grade level will be reporting different information, but the format will represent the Early Childhood Center. We will all be on a quarterly reporting calendar.
September 1 NO School Labor Day
September 2 PSO Meeting – 6:30pm – CCES
September 3 11:45am EARLY DISMISSAL
Staff Development Day
September 4 CCES Open House – 6:00-7:30pm
September 10 CCES Picture Day
September 12 PSO Fundraiser Kickoff Assembly – 1:00pm
September 15 1st Quarter Midterm
September 16 RTI Day at CCES
September 17 NED Show Assembly – 2:00pm
September 19 1st Quarter Midterms Sent Home
Grade / Males / Females / Total2nd / 75 / 82 / 157
3rd / 79 / 80 / 159
SN - 2nd/3rd / 5 / 5 / 10
Grand Total / 159 / 167 / 326
*Jenny Doster has joined the staff at CCES as a third grade teacher. Jenny completed her student teaching in the spring of 2008 in the Channahon School District as well as her Master’s Degree in Elementary Education from St. Francis University in Joliet. This is Jenny’s first year of teaching and she will be a great addition to our 3rd grade staff.
*On August 18 and 19, CCES teachers participated in staff development activities to start the school year. On the 18th, teachers participated in the district staff development day where Dr. Bugg gave his keynote address to the entire district in the morning. In the afternoon, staff members attended a variety of staff development activities on Pearson Benchmark, our new student management system and grade book and test data analysis.
*On the 19th, the teachers were involved in building level staff development activities such as a full faculty meeting, test data analysis and the new Writing Workshop program. Ann Zafran conducted the Writing Workshop presentation for the CCES teachers and did a fantastic job of getting the teachers enthused about our new writing program.
*ISBE has sent CCES our revised ISAT scores from the spring 2008 testing period. I would like to recognize the great effort by our 3rd grade students and all of the time and work they put into getting ready to take these achievement tests. I also wanted to recognize the 3rd grade teachers and the entire K – 3rd staff for their work in preparing our students for these tests. It was nice to see all of our hard work was validated with scores that we knew our students were capable of achieving.
I recently saw a report that stated ISBE will have the reading and math ISAT tests rescored by the Pearson Company. The report stated that we should be getting the new scores in fall to determine if there were any mistakes during the grading process. I am looking forward to seeing what the new data will tell us about how our students performed on the ISAT. Below you will see the revised scores and they show a dramatic improvement in our original reading scores. The math scores did not change significantly.
3rd Grade
/ Below Standards / Meets Standards / Exceeds Standards / Meets/Exceeds
School Year
07-08 / 13.6% / 55.3% / 31.1% / 86.4%
/ Below Standards / Meets Standards / Exceeds Standards / Meets/Exceeds
School Year
07-08 / 5.3% / 52.3% / 42.4% / 94.7%
*District Registration was held on August 5 and 6 at Coal City Middle School. Our final count for new students at CCES is 13 new 2nd grade students and 9 new 3rd grade students for a total of 22 new students. For students transferring out of the district, we had 9 2nd grade students and 9 3rd grade students for a total of 18 students leaving the district. Erin Billie held the new student luncheon on Tuesday, September 2 for all of our new students at CCES.
*On August 15, CCES held a Building Orientation for our new students to the district and to some of our returning families. We had approximately 40 people attend the orientation. New families were given an individualized tour of the building to help get better acquainted to their new building.
*We have gotten off to great start to the school year here at CCES. The building atmosphere has changed dramatically with the kindergarten and first grade students leaving and the new office configuration. We have a much quieter building throughout the day that leads to a much improved learning environment for our teachers and students. I would like to invite the Board of Education members to visit us anytime and see how things are operating at CCES this school year. I am looking forward to great year of learning for our students and staff members and hope to see you around the building.
Calendar of Events
Mon. Sept. 1 No School in lieu of Labor Day!
Tue. Sept. 2… PSO Mtg. @ CCES Café ~ 6:30 PM!
Wed. Sept. 3 Early Dismissal @ 11:35 AM.
Thur. Sept. 4 5th – Band Sign-Up @ CCMS 5-8 PM.
Fri. Sept. 5 Coffee w/Principal; 8:30 – 9:00 AM
Mon. Sept. 8 Unit #1 Foundation Fundraiser (Morris)
Wed. Sept. 10 Market Day @ CCIS; 4-5:00 PM
Thur. Sept. 11 CCIS Picture Day; N. Gym (AM)
Fri. Sept. 12 Patriot Day @ CCIS; Flagpole Pledge!
PSO Fundraier “Kickoff Assembly”
Mon. Sept. 15 1st Quarter Progress Reports Due!
Unit #1 School Board Mtg. @ CCMS!
Fri. Sept. 19 The CCIS School Store is OPEN!
Administration Bus Slips: 0 (Great Start @ CCIS!)
School Rules: Super Student Body!
Pupil Personnel (September is “Courtesy” Month at CCIS)