The Daly College, Indore
Class VII (SA 2 Syllabus 2014-15)
Subject / SyllabusEnglish / Unseen comprehension and poem.
Writing Skills: Notice writing.Poster making.Advertisement (For Sale).Précis writing.Letter to the Editor.Diary Entry.
Grammar: Prepositions. Conjunctions. Word formation. Editing & omission. Rearranging.
Gap filling. Direct Indirect Speech. Active Passive Voice. Relative Pronouns.
Literature Reader. Ch. 7. Loveliest of trees.Ch. 8. The seven cream jugs.Ch. 9. The bet.Ch. 10. Bangle sellers.Ch. 11. Price of freedom. Ch. 12. O captain! My Captain!Ch. 13. William and the early Romans.
Oliver Twist: Chapters: 14-33.
Hindi / olar ,d frudk] Hkksj vkSj cj[kk]fpfM+;k dh cPph] uhydaB] [kkuiku dh cnyrh rlohj]
la?k’kZ ds dkj.k eSa rquqdfet+kt gks x;k % /kujkt] ohj dq¡ojflagA
e/kqcu cnyrs jax] fudh jkst+h] pk¡nh dk twrk] gkFkksa dk ewY;] fu’Bqj vuqdaikA
O;kdj.kfdz;k] eqgkojs ¼1 ls 20½] Ik;kZ;okph “kCn ¼1ls 20½] milxZ ¼1 ls 25½] v”kqf)&”kks/ku
¼fyax] opu] dkjd] loZuke] fØ;k laca/kh½] vkSipkfjd&i=] vuqPNsn&ys[ku] fp=&o.kZu
Sanskrit / lqHkkf’krkfu] HkkxhjFkh] fe=e~ izfr fuea=.ke~] Hkkstud{k%] x`/kz&ektkZj dFkk
O;kdj.k & “kCn:Ik ¼rr~ iqfYyax½] /kkrq:Ik yksV~ ydkj] dkjd cks/k% ¼viknku] laca/k] vf/kdj.k½] izR;;cks/k% ¼Rok izR;;½] “kCnkFkZ % HkkxhjFkh
French /
1) leçon -3 Pronominal verbs 2) leçon - 4 Répondez avec si ,oui ,non.3) leçon - 5 Trouvez la question 4) leçon -6 Yer ending verbs ,Contraire pg -48 . 5) leçon -8 Adjectif démonstratif
Les fêtes ,6) leçon -9 Impératif 7) leçon -10Adjectif interrogatif ,Adjectif possessif ,Pluriel
Trouvez la question
8) Conjuguez les verbes :-
Chercher , jeter , commencer , choisir , promettre , retenir , voir , aller , prendre , prier , recevoir , connaître , all er ending Pronominal verbs .
German / Grammatik :- Modal verben, Trennbar verb . Akkusativ pronouns und possessive pronomen. Artikel .
Tagesablauf,Verker schild,. Conjugation.
Sport treiben, freizeit activaeten, wfragen , satz fragen.
Mathematics / Chapter-7 Congruence of Triangles; Chapter-8 Comparing Quantities; Chapter-9 Rational Numbers; Chapter-10 Practical Geometry; Chapter-12 Algebraic Expressions; Chapter-13 Exponents and Powers.
Physics / Chapter 13: Motion and Time, Chapter 15: Light, Chapter 18: Waste Water Story
Chemistry / Chapter - 9 Soil, i.) Soil Profile, ii.)Soil Types and its Properties
Chapter - 16 Water: A Precious Resource
C 6 Physical and Chemical Changes
Biology / Respiration in organisms.
Transportation in animals and plants.
Reproduction in plants.
Forest: our lifeline.
History & Civics / History
5. Rulers and buildings
8. Devotional Paths to Devine
10. 18th Century Political Formations
4. Growing up Boys and Girls
5. Women change the World
10. Struggle for Equality
Geography / Chapter-7. Human Environment: Settlements, Transport and Communication.
Chapter-8. Human Environment Interactions: The Tropical and Subtropical Region.
Chapter-9. Life In Temperate Grasslands.
Chapter-10. Life in the Deserts.
Computer Science / Chapter-3. Using Formulas and functions.
Chapter-4. Data Manipulations.
Chapter-5. Charts in Ms-Excel.