Newport Community School Primary Academy

Main Themes in Each Subject by Year Group

Year Four
Host Country: South Africa / Autumn Term / Spring Term / Summer Term /
Topic / ·  Seeing Different Places, Showing Similar Lives / ·  Space Explorers / ·  Go With the Flow: Ancient Civilisations
(Ongoing through the year) / Number Sense
·  Counting in multiples of 6,9,25 and 1000
·  Counting backwards through zero to include negative numbers
·  Ordering and comparing numbers beyond 1000
·  Rounding any number to the nearest whole number, 10, 100 or 1000
·  Recognising and counting up and down in hundredths
·  Converting between units of measure, e.g. km to m / Additive Reasoning
·  Solving addition and subtraction two-step problems, deciding which operations and methods to use and why
·  Solving simple money problems involving fractions and decimals to two decimal places
·  Solving problems using information presented in bar charts, pictograms, tables and other graphs / Multiplicative Reasoning
·  Recalling multiplication and division facts for multiplication tables up to 12 x 12 / Geometric Reasoning
·  Comparing and classifying shapes based on their properties and sizes
·  Identifying lines of symmetry in 2D shapes presented in different orientations
·  Plotting points and drawing sides to complete straight sided shapes
English / See Literacy Curriculum Overview documents.
Communications and Oracy
(Ongoing through the year) / ·  Listening to and identifying the main points of each speaker
·  Responding appropriately to the contributions of others in light of alternative viewpoints / ·  Developing an enquiring mind, asking questions to develop thinking
·  Composing and rehearsing sentences orally to build up a rich and varied language / ·  Coherently conveying information for all listeners
·  Researching, discussing and debating topical issues and problems, taking into account others’ views
Science and Technology
(including Design Technology) / ·  Using classification keys to identify and group living things
·  Explaining feeding relationships between living things by using food chains and webs
·  Identifying and naming the parts of the digestive system and their basic functions
·  Knowing the different types of teeth and their functions
·  Understanding that climate and seasons affect food production
·  Following a recipe that uses techniques such as peeling, chopping, slicing, grating, kneading and baking / ·  Investigating shadows
·  Understanding the places and roles of the Sun, Earth and Moon in our Solar System, day and night and seasons
·  Investigating pneumatic systems to design and make a device / ·  Understanding solids, liquids and gases and how they change
·  Knowing about the water cycle and water power
·  Investigating how levers and gears can be used to transfer power
·  Designing and making a mechanical system that creates movement
(Ongoing through the year) / ·  Using scientific vocabulary
·  Observing, explaining and recording
·  Asking and answering questions
·  Modelling / ·  Recognising variables
·  Fair testing
·  Measuring
·  Drawing conclusions / ·  Investigating
·  Planning
·  Evaluating
·  Gathering data and identifying patterns
IT and Computing / Text and Graphics
·  Typing words quickly and using error prompts
·  Changing border style and applying shadow and other effects
·  Changing the layering of text boxes, photos and other images / Computing
·  Designing and using databases to answer questions
·  Writing, testing, debugging and modifying procedures
Research and Communication
·  Understanding computer networks and their opportunities for communication and collaboration
·  Sending messages online
·  Exploring and using virtual maps
·  Knowing about sensible profile settings, including passwords / Multimedia authoring
·  Creating an e-book
·  Editing layout and sounds in presentations or animations to create a consistent design
(Ongoing through the year) / E-safety
·  Understanding why some websites are safe for children to access / ·  Describing some risks of online activity / ·  Setting appropriate settings to guard against online hazards
Global Learning
(Citizenship) / ·  Knowing about important global events
·  Understanding how people in different countries affect each others’ lives
·  Knowing about the worth and contribution of different cultures, values and beliefs to our lives
·  Identifying and valuing cultures different from their own
·  Identifying and explaining different view, bias, opinion and stereotypes
·  Empathising with others and instigating positive action
·  Combating prejudice
·  Respecting difference and diversity
·  Understanding tact and diplomacy / ·  Knowing about important global events
·  Understanding different ways that people work together
·  Knowing the importance of individual worth / ·  Knowing about important global events
·  Understanding how the behaviour of individuals can affect the lives of others
·  Understanding potential to change the future
Faith and Belief (RE) / Thinking about the questions:
·  How special is the relationship Jews have with God?
·  Is forgiveness always possible? / Thinking about the questions:
·  How important is it for Jewish people to do what God asks them to do? / Thinking about the questions:
·  Do people need to go to church to show they are Christians?
Creative Arts
(Art and Design) / ·  Drawing
·  Clay / ·  Monochromatic or colour limited painting / ·  Textiles
(Ongoing through the year) / ·  Using appropriate language to describe the arts, giving reasons for opinions
·  Describing in detail how a range of artists are influenced by their environment / ·  Describing how artists select and use materials and processes to suit their purpose
·  Presenting and displaying work for a range of audiences and purposes / ·  Selecting appropriate materials and techniques, using them with control
·  Use art as a means of self-expression
·  Visiting an art gallery or working with an artist
(Geography and History) / ·  Knowing about the links, similarities and differences between the UK and South Africa, including the geography and history of the two countries
·  Using maps, globes and atlases to find and plot information using 2-figure grid references and ask and answer questions
·  Knowing the location of a range of UK counties and cities with key rivers and mountains
·  Expressing views on the features of an environment and the way it is being harmed or improved
·  Understanding that the past is recorded and interpreted in different ways / ·  Knowing about latitude, longitude, the Equator, the hemispheres, the Tropics and the Arctic and Antarctic circles in relation to weather
·  Describing and giving reasons for changes in periods in history / ·  Gathering information from a range of sources to answer questions and make links between events
·  Considering the effects of exploration on the world
·  Knowing about some main events, dates and characteristics of periods studied
·  Describing and understanding key human and physical aspects of places e.g. settlements, energy and water supplies
·  Understanding how rivers shapes the landscape and lives of people around
Physical Health and Wellbeing / ·  Researching, discussing and debating topical issues, taking into account the views of different types of people, religions and cultures
·  Understanding that people in all countries have the same basic rights and needs, although their lives, outlooks, characteristics and relationships may be different
·  Managing emotions, including loss / ·  Knowing about the variety of factors that affect health and safety and their responsibilities in this area
·  Understanding choices around spending and saving / ·  Developing appropriate strategies to manage emotions, fears and worries
·  Knowing the stages of human development and how this varies from person to person and by age and stage
·  Understanding persuasion
·  Knowing the issues and laws surrounding smoking
Primary Languages
(French) / ·  Exploring nouns to name things, including masculine and feminine, and plural nouns
·  Asking and answering questions and responding to commands
·  Knowing the months of the year
·  Understanding how traditions and children’s lives are similar and different in France / ·  Knowing the names of some French artists, places in France and some other European countries
·  Recognising and using the French alphabet / ·  Naming a range of animals
·  Asking and answering questions
·  Building sentences using nouns, adjectives and a verb
·  Memorising and presenting a short text
(Taught across the year) / ·  Singing songs and creating different vocal effects
·  Identifying, exploring and selecting melodic phrases and playing them by ear
·  Beginning to compose pieces in pairs and make improvements to work / ·  Creating accompaniments to well-known songs
·  Using instruments learnt to participate in an ensemble or small group / ·  Recording their own ideas
·  Performing with awareness of other parts
·  Considering the meaning, mood structure, place and time of a piece of music
(Taught across the year) / ·  Devising routines of warming up, cooling down and stretching
·  Experimenting with a wide range of actions when working individually and in pairs or groups / ·  Remembering and performing complex dance and gymnastic phrases
·  Communicating ideas or feelings through dance and gymnastics
·  Performing movements with fluency and control / ·  Swimming fluently and with control of breathing and movement using front crawl, back crawl and breaststroke
·  Understanding and using skills, rules and tactics in games

July 2017