CADETTES – Grade 6, 7, 8
Year 1 –Journey,Only for Older Girls event(s), Holiday Boutique, Cookies, PAT training to be Caddie at Twilight Camp, Twilight Camp and some fun badges. Possibly help with Cadette Experience as journey take action project.
Year 2 – Launch Silver Award , Only for Older Girl event(s), Holiday Boutique, Cookies, Twilight Camp and some fun badges. Possibly help with Cadette Experience.
Year 3 – Complete Silver Award, Only for Older Girls event(s), Holiday Boutique, Cookies, Twilight Camp and some badges.Possibly help with Cadette Experience. Bridge to Seniors.
Requirements for Silver Award
1. Complete a Journey
2. Submit proposal toCOUNCIL PRIOR to launching project for Approval.
3. Project must be done in small group (generally no more than 4) or as a solo. It must take a minimum of 50 hours to plan and do and it must be sustainable.
4. After completion, booklet must be completed and submitted to council. Also cc SUM.
Council’s program essentials are pretty extensive….a good jumping off point for ideas.
Ditto with council’s programming. Often they are a good way to get started.
Practical NOTES
First: Need Girls to decide which Journey they want to do before ordering the “Basics in a bag” I’m having my girls do it this month (see Cadette Journey options next page and these and leader guides are available from the SU Resource Center)
Second: Girls going forward need to order the Basics in a Bag:
My suggestion is vest because this covers Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors. This includes all the starter patches, the uniform, a journey book and the combined handbook/badgebook.
Cadette Journey Options
Amaze.All about RELATIONSHIPS . You get the Interact Award, the Diplomat Award and the Peacemaker Award. Some things it covers: stereotypes, bullying, cliques, friendships, cyber world,.At the end, you do a “take action” project related to relationships.
Ideas for that:
As part of the Cadette Experience, you could present a get ready for middle school session to the 5th grade GS about getting ready for Middle School.
You could present at a leaders meeting a play about bullying behavior and how to help their girls deal with it.
Ask the library, would we be able to do something on a Saturday for younger kids through the Library?
Host a loosely structured World Thinking Day event (somewhere near Feb. 21) for Girls. You decide what you want to do based on council’s World Thinking Day patch.
Breathe.All about AIR.You get the Aware, Alert and Affirm awards. Some things it covers: media manners, multitasking, getting out in the air, women who made differences about air, making éclairs and meringue (I’m not joking), inside air pollution, smoking, wind energy. At the end, you do a “take action”project related to air.
Ideas for projects:
*A no smoking campaign
*Planting trees.
*Participating in the local earth day activities.
*Recycling used sport shoes to make material to resurface playgrounds. (Nike reuse a shoe program)
This is basically any green activity you want.
Media.All about the MEDIA.Cadette–Media. Girls look for the ME in media and learn how they can shape media—for themselves, their community and the world.Leadership Awards: Monitor Award. - Cadettes have taken stock of media in their world and the influence it has; Influence Award - Cadettes understand the importance of having media reflect the realities of their world ; Cultivate Award - Cadettes have made a personal commitment to cultivate a new perspective on media At the end, you do a “take action project related to media and them.
Ideas for projects:
*Create a PSA.
*Create a newsletter on bullying and distribute it among the troops.
*Create a newsletter on any topic you want and distribute it to folks, troops, whatever audience would be interested.
CADETTES Grade 6, 7, 8 Year 1 Journey,Only for Older Girls Event(S), Holiday Boutique