Offer procedure

Written offers for the lease are invited. All offers are to be made in the official envelope. Any markings on the envelope, which identify the sender, will exclude that person from the offer process. The Council reserves the right not to accept the highest offer or indeed any offer made.

The Council will inform the successful applicant following approval being granted.

Offers are to be submitted in an envelope addressed to:

Assets & Property

Doncaster Council

The Civic Office




The closing date for the receipt of offers is noon Friday 6th November

The Council does however reserve the right to accept any offer it may receive, prior to that date, if the Council so desires.

If you require this information translating please call Doncaster Council on 01302 736000


Land to the rear of Bentley Church, Bentley High Street

I/WE (name of offeror)

Trading as

Of (address of offeror)

hereby, subject to contract, offer to lease from Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council, being the lessor, the above property

for the rental sum of £ p.a

and I/we agree that in the event of this offer being accepted, the Council can withdraw its acceptance, should the lease not be completed within 3 months of the approving Board date.



Your home address (if different from above)


If you have lived at your current home address for less than 5 years, please give details below of your previous address(es)


Particulars of Tenderer

Please state intended use for premises

Please state the length of licence you require

Please state any conditions, which your offer is subject to


Please provide completed references:

Trade Reference


Telephone No

Existing Landlords Reference (if applicable)


Telephone No

Bank and Credit Authorisation –

Your Details

To(insert full name and address of bank)





Account No Sort Code

I, (full name) ______

Date of Birth ______

Of (address*) ______


hereby authorise you to issue a financial reference to Doncaster Council and to debit my account for any charges you may make in issuing the information.

I also confirm my agreement to Doncaster Council undertaking a credit enquiry, governed by the Data Protection Act 1988.

Signed Dated

NB: If you have not resided at the above address for the last 3 years please supply details of your previous address(es) and relevant dates.