Preparing for the
BiologyHigh School Assessment
Dear Parents and Students:
All biology students who have not yet taken and passed the Maryland High School Assessment Test in Biology will be required to take the test on the morning of MAY222012. The test is two and one half hours long and is composed of Selected Response (multiple choice) questions. The test stresses key content in the areas of Cell Chemistry, Organism Structure and Function, Genetics, Evolution and Ecology. In addition to content, students are required to apply important skills and processes that demonstrate critical thinking and experimental design.
All of our students have been working very hard to master the content and processing skills required by the test. All students starting high school after 2004 must pass the Biology High School Assessment for graduation. Scores earned by our students are very important to them individually andare used to evaluate our school.
Over the last three years our biology students have out performed most of the other high schools in our county. We are extremely proud of our combined efforts and are counting on our students to prove themselves again this year. We ask for your help in the following areas:
- Talk with your son or daughter about the importance of doing their best.
- Encourage good attendance from now until the test.
- Complete all review packets provided
- Frequent the review websites identified on the reverse of this letter
- Encourage participation in all after school reviews.
Starting in March all biology teachers will conduct focused reviews every Thursday afternoon (from 2:15 until 3:15) in Room288. During each session instruction will focus on key content and skills. The review session will conclude by having participants demonstrate their knowledge and skills by using mini tests provided by the state. A schedule of the review sessions is attached. All students that participated in the review last year showed significant gains in test scores. Students are encouraged to attend as many of the review sessions as needed. Participating students will be provided a snack.
HSA Biology
Review Session Schedule
Session 1: Biological Molecules (March 1st)
Water’s Important Properties
Organic Molecules
Session 2: Cell Transport (March 8th)
Session 3: Metabolism (March 15th)
Cellular Respiration
Session 4: Cells and Organisms (March 22nd)
Cell Structure
Organ Systems and Functions
Session 5: Reproduction (March 29th)
Asexual Reproduction
Sexual reproduction
Session 6: Inheritance of Traits (April 19th)
Session 7: Expression of Traits (April 26th)
DNA Replication
Protein Synthesis
Session 8: Evolutionary Change (May 3rd)
Session 9: Skills and Processes (May 10th)
Experimental Design and Analysis
Session 10: Big Picture (May 17th)
Comprehensive Review
Important HSA Websites
Biology Review
Information and Resources for: Parents and Students
Student Practice: HSA Biology Tests and Answers:
Northeast Biology Teacher HSA Review Materials
On-line Biology Course (In-depth Biology Review)