17 JULY 2003
To report on the Best Value Review of Personnel and Training Services that resulted in the service being assessed as a good two star service that has promising prospects for improvement and to consider action to support future service improvement.
That the Committee considers the Audit Commission Best Value Review Inspection report relating to Personnel and Training Services and the actions proposed in the enclosed schedule attached at Appendix 2.
A report on the inspection of the Personnel and Training Services was published in December 2002. The Summary and Recommendations from the Audit Commission are attached at Appendix 1. The full report has been placed in Group Rooms.
It was pleasing to receive positive feedback on the People Strategy and the service which was considered well organised, with effective leadership and high calibre staff who were knowledgeable, effective and enthusiastic in their professional areas, along with other positive elements.
The Inspectors commented that the review was a well managed, high quality piece of work and it focused on the service’s perceived weaknesses and set about improving them. This outcome drew on the support of Members, Member participation, experiences from previous reviews and much hard work by Personnel and Training Services and other Council employees.
Set out at Appendix 2 are areas requiring further attention and the action proposed. Members are invited to consider the report and the action proposed.
Appendix 2 complements the very detailed Improvement Action Plan and People Strategy that emerged from the Best Value Review of Personnel & Training Services. A copy of these documents including comments on progress in implementing the Improvement Action Plan have been placed in Group Rooms.
Colin Hague
Head of Personnel and Training Services
Background papers - People Strategy
Personnel and Training Services Improvement Action Plan
Name and contact telephone number for Officers to contact:
Colin Hague 01202 633452
Appendix 1 is not available electronically
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Audit Commission suggestions for further attention / Action proposed or taken /In some areas targets are not set and aspects of the service’s performance are not regularly monitored or reported for consistency and quality (para 7). Local performance indicators and challenging targets are not in place for some areas (para 9).
Developing targets for recruitment retention, training, employee relations, employee satisfaction and people management (para 11). / The Personnel and Training Services Unit has seven statutory performance indicators and two local performance indicators. Further local performance indicators relating to Personnel and Training Services are being arranged for April 2004 that support development of the organisation and People Strategy.
The Proposed new Performance Indicators are:
· Time taken to fill vacant posts
· Time taken to complete occupational health referrals
· Percentage of employees who have had EDI within last 12 months
· Number of managers who have completed the core element of the Management Development Programme
· Level of employee satisfaction with Borough of Poole as an employer
The evaluation of the quality, cost, satisfaction and impact of training needs to improve (para 7). The review did not fully address the cost effectiveness of training.
The service’s business plan does not fully cover the cost of training and does not set targets for income generation from training (para 7). Setting targets for income generation for training, producing a plan for the financial aspects of the training service, and reviewing the current rates that are charged (para 11). / Costing of training has been reviewed. The quality and satisfaction of training is evaluated and was at the time of inspection. Development of local performance indicators and review of EDI process will assist with assessing the impact of training. Re-assessment of Investor in People Status will support this. An exercise to benchmark and review costs of Corporate Training Planner / Programme 2003 with current market rates/other local authorities has been carried out.
This has been reviewed for the 2004 update of the Personnel & Training Services business plan and income generation targets have been set as part of the 2003/04 budget formulation.
Routinely evaluating all training for quality of delivery, satisfaction and impact on job performance (para 11). / Undertaken at this time.
The People Strategy is very new and still needs to be communicated and understood by employees (para 7). / The Head of Personnel and Training Services and Personnel and Training Services employees are visiting service units to communicate the People Strategy. Presentation on this also took place at the Chief Executive events at the Lighthouse. The Chief Executive introduces the People Strategy at induction. The Organisation Development Training Manager puts the People Strategy into context in the corporate initiative slot in the induction process. The People Strategy also underpins the Management Development Programme.
Raising awareness of policies and procedures and informing staff when they are updated (para 11). / Awareness raised through corporate induction, modular half to one day courses in Corporate Training Planner, Employee Induction Checklist, Intranet Pages (Loop 2). Incorporated as a half day module on Manager’s Handbook in Management Development Programme.
There is little planning to cover the succession of posts and anticipate future recruitment needs (para 7).
Planning to cover the succession of posts and skills by anticipating future recruitment and training needs (para 11). / Succession planning arrangements have been introduced as a pilot in Transportation Services.
Greater emphasis on workforce planning in 2004 production or a new Workforce Development Plan is being progressed.
Modern Apprenticeships proposed.
The computerised personnel record system is slow and inefficient (para 7.) / This was identified as part of the Best Value Review. Improvement and investment in the system is proposed as part of the Improvement Action Plan - funding is an issue.
The Improvement Plan lacks clear priorities and targets for some actions (para 9). / This will be reviewed when the Improvement Action Plan is next assessed.
There is a concern over resources both financial and human in implementing some aspects of the plan (para 9). / It is correct that the Improvement Action Plan and People Strategy relies on positive commitment by Personnel and Training Services employees. Interestingly some aspect of the Audit Commission review also had resource implications (largely human) which have and will add additional pressures on employees. The inspectors described the service as “stretched” in it’s workload and aspirations. Consideration will need to be given to financing of job evaluation and computerisation of the personnel record system as consideration in these areas develops. Job evaluation costs will need to be considered as part of the 2004/05 budget.
Monitor service units to ensure that all employees’ essential training needs are met (para 11). / Monitored through strategic aims of Investor in People National Standard. Monitored through People Strategy Group.
Improving consistency of the induction process (para 11). / Monitored through strategic aims of Investor in People National Standard. Monitored and reviewed by People Strategy Group.
Improving monitoring procedures, self assessment and reporting of performance by service units (para 12). / Development of Local Performance Indicators. Management Team now receiving staffing information reports.
Ensuring that access to benefits for example, flexitime and training including e-learning is available to the maximum possible number of employees including non office and non 9 - 5 staff (para 11). / Provision has included training delivery to non-office based staff and non 9-5 staff. This includes for example, customised induction delivery to School Crossing Patrols in Transportation Services. E Learning is a part of Best Value Improvement Action Plan. E Learning to be a designated responsibility of Organisation Development Training Advisor (IT) and is being considered as part of the IT Best Value Review.
Ensuring that the Council has a full picture of all training taking place (para 11). / IT development on recording of individual training records will assist this.
Ensuring that more information from exit interviews is collected and reported (para 11). / Being reviewed as part of a student project.
Setting up better arrangements to regularly gather feedback from employees (para 11). / Regular repeat Investors in People Questionnaire planned for 2003 to support the IiP reassessment process. People Strategy Group have designed a new questionnaire.
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